Description: Define power class.
Definition 5.10 of [TakeutiZaring] p. 17,
but we
also let it apply to proper classes, i.e. those that are not members of
. When
applied to a set, this produces its power set. A power
set of S is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S
itself. For example, if is { 3 , 5 , 7 }, then  is {
(/) , { 3 } , { 5 } , { 7 } , { 3 , 5 } , { 3 , 7 } , { 5 , 7 } , { 3 ,
5 , 7 } }. We will later introduce the Axiom of Power Sets. Still
later we will prove that the size of the power set of a finite set is 2
raised to the power of the size of the set. (Contributed by NM,
5-Aug-1993.) |