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Theorem List for New Foundations Explorer - 6301-6339   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremnchoicelem12 6301 Lemma for nchoice 6309. If the T-raising of a cardinal yields a finite special set, then so does the initial set. Theorem 7.1 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 18-Mar-2015.)
((M NC ( SpacTc M) Fin ) → ( SpacM) Fin )
Theoremnchoicelem13 6302 Lemma for nchoice 6309. The cardinality of a special set is at least one. (Contributed by SF, 18-Mar-2015.)
(M NC → 1cc Nc ( SpacM))
Theoremnchoicelem14 6303 Lemma for nchoice 6309. When the special set generator yields a singleton, then the cardinal is not raisable. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
((M NC Nc ( SpacM) = 1c) → ¬ (Mc 0c) NC )
Theoremnchoicelem15 6304 Lemma for nchoice 6309. When the special set generator does not yield a singleton, then the cardinal is raisable. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
((M NC 1c <c Nc ( SpacM)) → (Mc 0c) NC )
Theoremnchoicelem16 6305* Lemma for nchoice 6309. Set up stratification for nchoicelem17 6306. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
{t ( ≤c We NCm NC ( Nc ( Spacm) = (1c +c t) → (( SpacTc m) Fin ( Nc ( SpacTc m) = ( Tc Nc ( Spacm) +c 1c) Nc ( SpacTc m) = ( Tc Nc ( Spacm) +c 2c)))))} V
Theoremnchoicelem17 6306 Lemma for nchoice 6309. If the special set of a cardinal is finite, then so is the special set of its T-raising, and there is a calculable relationship between their sizes. Theorem 7.2 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
(( ≤c We NC M NC ( SpacM) Fin ) → (( SpacTc M) Fin ( Nc ( SpacTc M) = ( Tc Nc ( SpacM) +c 1c) Nc ( SpacTc M) = ( Tc Nc ( SpacM) +c 2c))))
Theoremnchoicelem18 6307 Lemma for nchoice 6309. Set up stratification for nchoicelem19 6308. (Contributed by SF, 20-Mar-2015.)
{x ( Spacx) Fin } V
Theoremnchoicelem19 6308 Lemma for nchoice 6309. Assuming well-ordering, there is a cardinal with a finite special set that is its own T-raising. Theorem 7.3 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 20-Mar-2015.)
( ≤c We NCm NC (( Spacm) Fin Tc m = m))
Theoremnchoice 6309 Cardinal less than or equal does not well-order the cardinals. This is equivalent to saying that the axiom of choice from ZFC is false in NF. Theorem 7.5 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 20-Mar-2015.)
¬ ≤c We NC
2.4.7  Finite recursion
Syntaxcfrec 6310 Extend the definition of a class to include the finite recursive function generator.
class FRec (F, I)
Definitiondf-frec 6311* Define the finite recursive function generator. This is a function over Nn that obeys the standard recursion relationship. Definition adapted from theorem XI.3.24 of [Rosser] p. 412. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
FRec (F, I) = Clos1 ({0c, I}, PProd ((x V (x +c 1c)), F))
Theoremfreceq12 6312 Equality theorem for finite recursive function generator. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
((F = G I = J) → FRec (F, I) = FRec (G, J))
Theoremfrecexg 6313 The finite recursive function generator preserves sethood. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)       (G VF V)
Theoremfrecex 6314 The finite recursive function generator preserves sethood. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   G V       F V
Theoremfrecxp 6315 Subset relationship for the finite recursive function generator. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   G V       F ( Nn × (ran G ∪ {I}))
Theoremfrecxpg 6316 Subset relationship for the finite recursive function generator. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)       (G VF ( Nn × (ran G ∪ {I})))
Theoremdmfrec 6317 The domain of the finite recursive function generator is the naturals. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG V)    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φ → dom F = Nn )
Theoremfnfreclem1 6318* Lemma for fnfrec 6321. Establish stratification for induction. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
(F V → {w yz((wFy wFz) → y = z)} V)
Theoremfnfreclem2 6319 Lemma for fnfrec 6321. Calculate the unique value of F at zero. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG V)    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φ → (0cFXX = I))
Theoremfnfreclem3 6320* Lemma for fnfrec 6321. The value of F at a successor is G related to a previous element. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG V)    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)    &   (φX Nn )    &   (φ → (X +c 1c)FY)       (φz(XFz zGY))
Theoremfnfrec 6321 The recursive function generator is a function over the finite cardinals. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG Funs )    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φF Fn Nn )
Theoremfrec0 6322 Calculate the value of the finite recursive function generator at zero. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG Funs )    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φ → (F ‘0c) = I)
Theoremfrecsuc 6323 Calculate the value of the finite recursive function generator at a successor. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG Funs )    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)    &   (φX Nn )       (φ → (F ‘(X +c 1c)) = (G ‘(FX)))
2.5  Cantorian and Strongly Cantorian Sets
Syntaxccan 6324 Extend the definition of class to include the class of all Cantorian sets.
class Can
Definitiondf-can 6325 Define the class of all Cantorian sets. These are so-called because Cantor's Theorem Nc A <c Nc A holds for these sets. Definition from [Rosser] p. 347 and [Holmes] p. 134. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Can = {x 1xx}
Syntaxcscan 6326 Extend the definition of class to include the class of all strongly Cantorian sets.
class SCan
Definitiondf-scan 6327* Define the class of strongly Cantorian sets. Unlike general Cantorian sets, this fixes a specific mapping between x and 1x. Definition from [Holmes] p. 134. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
SCan = {x (y x {y}) V}
Theoremdmsnfn 6328* The domain of the singleton function. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 20-Apr-2021.)
dom (x A {x}) = A
Theoremepelcres 6329 Version of epelc 4766 with a restriction in place. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 20-Apr-2021.)
Y V       (X A → (X( E A)YX Y))
Theoremelcan 6330 Membership in the class of Cantorian sets. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
(A Can1AA)
Theoremelscan 6331* Membership in the class of strongly Cantorian sets. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
(A SCan ↔ (x A {x}) V)
Theoremscancan 6332 Strongly Cantorian implies Cantorian. Observation from [Holmes], p. 134. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
(A SCanA Can )
Theoremcanncb 6333 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the cardinality of its unit power set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 23-Apr-2021.)
(A V → (A CanNc 1A = Nc A))
Theoremcannc 6334 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the cardinality of its unit power set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 21-Apr-2021.)
(A CanNc 1A = Nc A)
Theoremcanltpw 6335 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is strictly less than the cardinality of its power set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 21-Apr-2021.)
(A CanNc A <c Nc A)
Theoremcantcb 6336 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the Tc raising of that cardinal. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 23-Apr-2021.)
(A V → (A CanTc Nc A = Nc A))
Theoremcantc 6337 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the Tc raising of that cardinal. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 22-Apr-2021.)
(A CanTc Nc A = Nc A)
Theoremvncan 6338 The universe is not Cantorian. Theorem XI.1.8 of [Rosser] p. 348. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 22-Apr-2021.)
¬ V Can
3.1  Guides (conventions, explanations, and examples)
3.1.1  Conventions

This section describes the conventions we use. These conventions often refer to existing mathematical practices, which are discussed in more detail in other references.

Theoremconventions 6339 Unless there is a reason to diverge, we follow the conventions of the Metamath Proof Explorer (MPE, set.mm).

(Contributed by the Metamath team, 20-Jan-2024.) (New usage is discouraged.)

φ       φ
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