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Theorem List for New Foundations Explorer - 5801-5900   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremimageexg 5801 The image function of a set is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theoremimageex 5802 The image function of a set is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
   =>    Image
Theoremdmtxp 5803 The domain of a tail cross product is the intersection of the domains of its arguments. (Contributed by SF, 18-Feb-2015.)
Theoremtxpcofun 5804 Composition distributes over tail cross product in the case of a function. (Contributed by SF, 18-Feb-2015.)
Theoremfntxp 5805 If and are functions, then their tail cross product is a function over the intersection of their domains. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremotsnelsi3 5806 Ordered triple membership in triple singleton image. (Contributed by SF, 12-Feb-2015.)
   &       &       =>    SI3
Theoremsi3ex 5807 SI3 preserves sethood. (Contributed by SF, 12-Feb-2015.)
   =>    SI3
Theoremreleqel 5808* Lemma to turn a membership condition into an equality condition. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
   &       =>    Ins3 S Ins2 1c
Theoremreleqmpt 5809* Equality condition for a mapping. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
   =>    Ins3 S Ins2 1c
Theoremreleqmpt2 5810* Equality condition for a mapping operation. (Contributed by SF, 13-Feb-2015.)
   =>    Ins2 S Ins3 1c
Theoremmptexlem 5811 Lemma for the existence of a mapping. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
   &       =>    Ins3 S Ins2 1c
Theoremmpt2exlem 5812 Lemma for the existence of a double mapping. (Contributed by SF, 13-Feb-2015.)
   &       &       =>    Ins2 S Ins3 1c
Theoremcupvalg 5813 The value of the little cup function. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theoremfncup 5814 The cup function is a function over the universe. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.) (Revised by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Theorembrcupg 5815 Binary relationship form of the cup function. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theorembrcup 5816 Binary relationship form of the cup function. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
   &       =>    Cup
Theoremcupex 5817 The little cup function is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theoremcomposevalg 5818 The value of the composition function. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Theoremcomposefn 5819 The compose function is a function over the universe. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Theorembrcomposeg 5820 Binary relationship form of the compose function. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Theoremcomposeex 5821 The compose function is a set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Theorembrdisjg 5822 The binary relationship form of the Disj relationship. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theorembrdisj 5823 The binary relationship form of the Disj relationship. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
   &       =>    Disj
Theoremdisjex 5824 The disjointedness relationship is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theoremaddcfnex 5825 The cardinal addition function exists. (Contributed by SF, 12-Feb-2015.)
Theoremaddcfn 5826 AddC is a function over the universe. (Contributed by SF, 2-Mar-2015.) (Revised by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Theorembraddcfn 5827 Binary relationship form of the AddC function. (Contributed by SF, 2-Mar-2015.)
   &       =>    AddC
Theoremepprc 5828 The membership relationship is a proper class. This theorem together with vvex 4110 demonstrates the basic idea behind New Foundations: since is not a stratified relationship, then it does not have a realization as a set of ordered pairs, but since is stratified, then it does have a realization as a set. (Contributed by SF, 20-Feb-2015.)
Theoremfunsex 5829 The class of all functions forms a set. (Contributed by SF, 18-Feb-2015.)
Theoremelfuns 5830 Membership in the set of all functions. (Contributed by SF, 23-Feb-2015.)
   =>    Funs
Theoremelfunsg 5831 Membership in the set of all functions. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
Theoremelfunsi 5832 Membership in the set of all functions implies functionhood. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
Theoremfnsex 5833 The function with domain relationship exists. (Contributed by SF, 23-Feb-2015.)
Theorembrfns 5834 Binary relationship form of Fns relationship. (Contributed by SF, 23-Feb-2015.)
   =>    Fns
Theorempprodeq1 5835 Equality theorem for parallel product. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
PProd PProd
Theorempprodeq2 5836 Equality theorem for parallel product. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
PProd PProd
Theoremqrpprod 5837 A quadratic relationship over a parallel product. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theorempprodexg 5838 The parallel product of two sets is a set. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theorempprodex 5839 The parallel product of two sets is a set. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
   &       =>    PProd
Theorembrpprod 5840* Binary relationship over a parallel product. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremdmpprod 5841 The domain of a parallel product. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremcnvpprod 5842 The converse of a parallel product. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
PProd PProd
Theoremrnpprod 5843 The range of a parallel product. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremfnpprod 5844 Functionhood law for parallel product. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremf1opprod 5845 The parallel product of two bijections is a bijection. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremovcross 5846 The value of the cross product function. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremfncross 5847 The cross product function is a function over (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theoremdmcross 5848 The domain of the cross product function. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theorembrcrossg 5849 Binary relationship over the cross product function. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
Theorembrcross 5850 Binary relationship over the cross product function. (Contributed by SF, 24-Feb-2015.)
   &       =>    Cross
Theoremcrossex 5851 The function mapping and to their cross product is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theorempw1fnval 5852 The value of the unit power class function. (Contributed by SF, 25-Feb-2015.)
   =>    Pw1Fn 1
Theorempw1fnex 5853 The unit power class function is a set. (Contributed by SF, 25-Feb-2015.)
Theoremfnpw1fn 5854 Functionhood statement for Pw1Fn. (Contributed by SF, 25-Feb-2015.)
Pw1Fn 1c
Theorembrpw1fn 5855 Binary relationship form of Pw1Fn. (Contributed by SF, 25-Feb-2015.)
   =>    Pw1Fn 1
Theorempw1fnf1o 5856 Pw1Fn is a one-to-one function with domain 1c and range 1c. (Contributed by SF, 26-Feb-2015.)
Pw1Fn 1c1c
Theoremfnfullfunlem1 5857* Lemma for fnfullfun 5859. Binary relationship over part one of the full function definition. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfnfullfunlem2 5858 Lemma for fnfullfun 5859. Part one of the full function operator yields a function. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfnfullfun 5859 The full function operator yields a function over . (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfullfunexg 5860 The full function of a set is a set. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfullfunex 5861 The full function of a set is a set. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
   =>    FullFun
Theoremfvfullfunlem1 5862* Lemma for fvfullfun 5865. Calculate the domain of part one of the full function definition. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfvfullfunlem2 5863 Lemma for fvfullfun 5865. Part one of the full function definition is a subset of the function. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfvfullfunlem3 5864 Lemma for fvfullfun 5865. Part one of the full function definition agrees with the set itself over its domain. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theoremfvfullfun 5865 The value of the full function definition agrees with the function value everywhere. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theorembrfullfung 5866 Binary relationship of the full function operation. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
Theorembrfullfun 5867 Binary relationship of the full function operation. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
   =>    FullFun
Theorembrfullfunop 5868 Binary relationship of the full function operation over an ordered pair. (Contributed by SF, 9-Mar-2015.)
   &       =>    FullFun
Theoremfvdomfn 5869 Calculate the value of the domain function. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 9-Aug-2019.)
Theoremfvranfn 5870 Calculate the value of the range function. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 9-Aug-2019.)
Theoremdomfnex 5871 The domain function is stratified. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 9-Aug-2019.)
Theoremranfnex 5872 The range function is stratified. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 9-Aug-2019.)
2.3.11  Closure operation
Syntaxcclos1 5873 Extend the definition of a class to include the closure operation.
Definitiondf-clos1 5874* Define the closure operation. A modified version of the definition from [Rosser] p. 245. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theoremclos1eq1 5875 Equality law for closure. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Clos1 Clos1
Theoremclos1eq2 5876 Equality law for closure. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Clos1 Clos1
Theoremclos1ex 5877 The closure of a set under a set is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
   &       =>    Clos1
Theoremclos1exg 5878 The closure of a set under a set is a set. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
Theoremclos1base 5879 The initial set of a closure is a subset of the closure. Theorem IX.5.13 of [Rosser] p. 246. (Contributed by SF, 13-Feb-2015.)
Clos1    =>   
Theoremclos1conn 5880 If a class is connected to an element of a closure via , then it is a member of the closure. Theorem IX.5.14 of [Rosser] p. 246. (Contributed by SF, 13-Feb-2015.)
Clos1    =>   
Theoremclos1induct 5881* Inductive law for closure. If the base set is a subset of , and is closed under , then the closure is a subset of . Theorem IX.5.15 of [Rosser] p. 247. (Contributed by SF, 11-Feb-2015.)
   &       &    Clos1    =>   
Theoremclos1is 5882* Induction scheme for closures. Hypotheses one through three set up existence properties, hypothesis four sets up stratification, hypotheses five through seven set up implicit substitution, and hypotheses eight and nine set up the base and induction steps. (Contributed by SF, 13-Feb-2015.)
   &       &    Clos1    &       &       &       &       &       &       =>   
Theoremclos1basesuc 5883* A member of a closure is either in the base set or connected to another member by . Theorem IX.5.16 of [Rosser] p. 248. (Contributed by SF, 13-Feb-2015.)
   &       &    Clos1    =>   
Theoremclos1baseima 5884 A closure is equal to the base set together with the image of the closure under . Theorem X.4.37 of [Rosser] p. 303. (Contributed by SF, 10-Mar-2015.)
   &       &    Clos1    =>   
Theoremclos1basesucg 5885* A member of a closure is either in the base set or connected to another member by . Theorem IX.5.16 of [Rosser] p. 248. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
Clos1    =>   
Theoremdfnnc3 5886 The finite cardinals as expressed via the closure operation. Theorem X.1.3 of [Rosser] p. 276. (Contributed by SF, 12-Feb-2015.)
Nn Clos1 0c 1c
Theoremclos1nrel 5887 The value of a closure when the base set is not related to anything in . (Contributed by SF, 13-Mar-2015.)
   &       &    Clos1    =>   
Theoremclos10 5888 The value of a closure over an empty base set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
   &    Clos1    =>   
2.4  Orderings
2.4.1  Basic ordering relationships
Syntaxctrans 5889 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all transitive relationships.
Syntaxcref 5890 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all reflexive relationships.
Syntaxcantisym 5891 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all antisymmetric relationships.
Syntaxcpartial 5892 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all partial orderings.
Syntaxcconnex 5893 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all connected relationships.
Syntaxcstrict 5894 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all strict linear orderings.
Syntaxcfound 5895 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all founded relationships.
Syntaxcwe 5896 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all well-ordered relationships.
Syntaxcext 5897 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of all extensional relationships.
Syntaxcsym 5898 Extend the definition of a class to include the symmetric relationships.
Syntaxcer 5899 Extend the definition of a class to include the equivalence relationships.
Definitiondf-trans 5900* Define the set of all transitive relationships over a base set. (Contributed by SF, 19-Feb-2015.)
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