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Theorem cauappcvgpr 7561
Description: A Cauchy approximation has a limit. A Cauchy approximation, here 𝐹, is similar to a Cauchy sequence but is indexed by the desired tolerance (that is, how close together terms needs to be) rather than by natural numbers. This is basically Theorem 11.2.12 of [HoTT], p. (varies) with a few differences such as that we are proving the existence of a limit without anything about how fast it converges (that is, mere existence instead of existence, in HoTT terms), and that the codomain of 𝐹 is Q rather than P. We also specify that every term needs to be larger than a fraction 𝐴, to avoid the case where we have positive terms which "converge" to zero (which is not a positive real).

This proof (including its lemmas) is similar to the proofs of caucvgpr 7581 and caucvgprpr 7611 but is somewhat simpler, so reading this one first may help understanding the other two.

(Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Jun-2020.)

Ref Expression
cauappcvgpr.f (𝜑𝐹:QQ) (𝜑 → ∀𝑝Q𝑞Q ((𝐹𝑝) <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑝 +Q 𝑞)) ∧ (𝐹𝑞) <Q ((𝐹𝑝) +Q (𝑝 +Q 𝑞))))
cauappcvgpr.bnd (𝜑 → ∀𝑝Q 𝐴 <Q (𝐹𝑝))
Ref Expression
cauappcvgpr (𝜑 → ∃𝑦P𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ 𝑦<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩))
Distinct variable groups:   𝐴,𝑝   𝐹,𝑞,𝑦,𝑟,𝑢   𝐹,𝑝,𝑙,𝑞   𝑦,𝑙,𝑟   𝑢,𝑞,𝑦,𝑟   𝑢,𝑝,𝑟,𝑞,𝑙   𝜑,𝑞,𝑝
Allowed substitution hints:   𝜑(𝑦,𝑢,𝑟,𝑙)   𝐴(𝑦,𝑢,𝑟,𝑞,𝑙)

Proof of Theorem cauappcvgpr
Dummy variable 𝑧 is distinct from all other variables.
StepHypRef Expression
1 cauappcvgpr.f . . 3 (𝜑𝐹:QQ)
2 . . 3 (𝜑 → ∀𝑝Q𝑞Q ((𝐹𝑝) <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑝 +Q 𝑞)) ∧ (𝐹𝑞) <Q ((𝐹𝑝) +Q (𝑝 +Q 𝑞))))
3 cauappcvgpr.bnd . . 3 (𝜑 → ∀𝑝Q 𝐴 <Q (𝐹𝑝))
4 oveq2 5822 . . . . . . . 8 (𝑧 = 𝑞 → (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) = (𝑙 +Q 𝑞))
5 fveq2 5461 . . . . . . . 8 (𝑧 = 𝑞 → (𝐹𝑧) = (𝐹𝑞))
64, 5breq12d 3974 . . . . . . 7 (𝑧 = 𝑞 → ((𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧) ↔ (𝑙 +Q 𝑞) <Q (𝐹𝑞)))
76cbvrexv 2678 . . . . . 6 (∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧) ↔ ∃𝑞Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑞) <Q (𝐹𝑞))
87a1i 9 . . . . 5 (𝑙Q → (∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧) ↔ ∃𝑞Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑞) <Q (𝐹𝑞)))
98rabbiia 2694 . . . 4 {𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)} = {𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑞Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑞) <Q (𝐹𝑞)}
10 id 19 . . . . . . . . 9 (𝑧 = 𝑞𝑧 = 𝑞)
115, 10oveq12d 5832 . . . . . . . 8 (𝑧 = 𝑞 → ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) = ((𝐹𝑞) +Q 𝑞))
1211breq1d 3971 . . . . . . 7 (𝑧 = 𝑞 → (((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢 ↔ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q 𝑞) <Q 𝑢))
1312cbvrexv 2678 . . . . . 6 (∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢 ↔ ∃𝑞Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q 𝑞) <Q 𝑢)
1413a1i 9 . . . . 5 (𝑢Q → (∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢 ↔ ∃𝑞Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q 𝑞) <Q 𝑢))
1514rabbiia 2694 . . . 4 {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢} = {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑞Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q 𝑞) <Q 𝑢}
169, 15opeq12i 3742 . . 3 ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ = ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑞Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑞) <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑞Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q 𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩
171, 2, 3, 16cauappcvgprlemcl 7552 . 2 (𝜑 → ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ ∈ P)
181, 2, 3, 16cauappcvgprlemlim 7560 . 2 (𝜑 → ∀𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩))
19 oveq1 5821 . . . . . 6 (𝑦 = ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ → (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) = (⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩))
2019breq2d 3973 . . . . 5 (𝑦 = ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ → (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ↔ ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩)))
21 breq1 3964 . . . . 5 (𝑦 = ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ → (𝑦<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩ ↔ ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩))
2220, 21anbi12d 465 . . . 4 (𝑦 = ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ → ((⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ 𝑦<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ↔ (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩)))
23222ralbidv 2478 . . 3 (𝑦 = ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ → (∀𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ 𝑦<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ↔ ∀𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩)))
2423rspcev 2813 . 2 ((⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ ∈ P ∧ ∀𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩ +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ ⟨{𝑙Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q (𝑙 +Q 𝑧) <Q (𝐹𝑧)}, {𝑢Q ∣ ∃𝑧Q ((𝐹𝑧) +Q 𝑧) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩)) → ∃𝑦P𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ 𝑦<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩))
2517, 18, 24syl2anc 409 1 (𝜑 → ∃𝑦P𝑞Q𝑟Q (⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝐹𝑞)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝐹𝑞) <Q 𝑢}⟩<P (𝑦 +P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)}, {𝑢 ∣ (𝑞 +Q 𝑟) <Q 𝑢}⟩) ∧ 𝑦<P ⟨{𝑙𝑙 <Q ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟))}, {𝑢 ∣ ((𝐹𝑞) +Q (𝑞 +Q 𝑟)) <Q 𝑢}⟩))
Colors of variables: wff set class
Syntax hints:  wi 4  wa 103  wb 104   = wceq 1332  wcel 2125  {cab 2140  wral 2432  wrex 2433  {crab 2436  cop 3559   class class class wbr 3961  wf 5159  cfv 5163  (class class class)co 5814  Qcnq 7179   +Q cplq 7181   <Q cltq 7184  Pcnp 7190   +P cpp 7192  <P cltp 7194
This theorem was proved from axioms:  ax-mp 5  ax-1 6  ax-2 7  ax-ia1 105  ax-ia2 106  ax-ia3 107  ax-in1 604  ax-in2 605  ax-io 699  ax-5 1424  ax-7 1425  ax-gen 1426  ax-ie1 1470  ax-ie2 1471  ax-8 1481  ax-10 1482  ax-11 1483  ax-i12 1484  ax-bndl 1486  ax-4 1487  ax-17 1503  ax-i9 1507  ax-ial 1511  ax-i5r 1512  ax-13 2127  ax-14 2128  ax-ext 2136  ax-coll 4075  ax-sep 4078  ax-nul 4086  ax-pow 4130  ax-pr 4164  ax-un 4388  ax-setind 4490  ax-iinf 4541
This theorem depends on definitions:  df-bi 116  df-dc 821  df-3or 964  df-3an 965  df-tru 1335  df-fal 1338  df-nf 1438  df-sb 1740  df-eu 2006  df-mo 2007  df-clab 2141  df-cleq 2147  df-clel 2150  df-nfc 2285  df-ne 2325  df-ral 2437  df-rex 2438  df-reu 2439  df-rab 2441  df-v 2711  df-sbc 2934  df-csb 3028  df-dif 3100  df-un 3102  df-in 3104  df-ss 3111  df-nul 3391  df-pw 3541  df-sn 3562  df-pr 3563  df-op 3565  df-uni 3769  df-int 3804  df-iun 3847  df-br 3962  df-opab 4022  df-mpt 4023  df-tr 4059  df-eprel 4244  df-id 4248  df-po 4251  df-iso 4252  df-iord 4321  df-on 4323  df-suc 4326  df-iom 4544  df-xp 4585  df-rel 4586  df-cnv 4587  df-co 4588  df-dm 4589  df-rn 4590  df-res 4591  df-ima 4592  df-iota 5128  df-fun 5165  df-fn 5166  df-f 5167  df-f1 5168  df-fo 5169  df-f1o 5170  df-fv 5171  df-ov 5817  df-oprab 5818  df-mpo 5819  df-1st 6078  df-2nd 6079  df-recs 6242  df-irdg 6307  df-1o 6353  df-2o 6354  df-oadd 6357  df-omul 6358  df-er 6469  df-ec 6471  df-qs 6475  df-ni 7203  df-pli 7204  df-mi 7205  df-lti 7206  df-plpq 7243  df-mpq 7244  df-enq 7246  df-nqqs 7247  df-plqqs 7248  df-mqqs 7249  df-1nqqs 7250  df-rq 7251  df-ltnqqs 7252  df-enq0 7323  df-nq0 7324  df-0nq0 7325  df-plq0 7326  df-mq0 7327  df-inp 7365  df-iplp 7367  df-iltp 7369
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