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Theorem aomclem3 40366
Description: Lemma for dfac11 40372. Successor case 3, our required well-ordering. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 19-Jan-2015.)
Ref Expression
aomclem3.b 𝐵 = {⟨𝑎, 𝑏⟩ ∣ ∃𝑐 ∈ (𝑅1 dom 𝑧)((𝑐𝑏 ∧ ¬ 𝑐𝑎) ∧ ∀𝑑 ∈ (𝑅1 dom 𝑧)(𝑑(𝑧 dom 𝑧)𝑐 → (𝑑𝑎𝑑𝑏)))}
aomclem3.c 𝐶 = (𝑎 ∈ V ↦ sup((𝑦𝑎), (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧), 𝐵))
aomclem3.d 𝐷 = recs((𝑎 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎))))
aomclem3.e 𝐸 = {⟨𝑎, 𝑏⟩ ∣ (𝐷 “ {𝑎}) ∈ (𝐷 “ {𝑏})}
aomclem3.on (𝜑 → dom 𝑧 ∈ On) (𝜑 → dom 𝑧 = suc dom 𝑧)
aomclem3.we (𝜑 → ∀𝑎 ∈ dom 𝑧(𝑧𝑎) We (𝑅1𝑎))
aomclem3.a (𝜑𝐴 ∈ On) (𝜑 → dom 𝑧𝐴)
aomclem3.y (𝜑 → ∀𝑎 ∈ 𝒫 (𝑅1𝐴)(𝑎 ≠ ∅ → (𝑦𝑎) ∈ ((𝒫 𝑎 ∩ Fin) ∖ {∅})))
Ref Expression
aomclem3 (𝜑𝐸 We (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧))
Distinct variable groups:   𝑦,𝑧,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,𝑑   𝜑,𝑎,𝑏   𝐶,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,𝑑   𝐷,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,𝑑
Allowed substitution hints:   𝜑(𝑦,𝑧,𝑐,𝑑)   𝐴(𝑦,𝑧,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,𝑑)   𝐵(𝑦,𝑧,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,𝑑)   𝐶(𝑦,𝑧)   𝐷(𝑦,𝑧)   𝐸(𝑦,𝑧,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,𝑑)

Proof of Theorem aomclem3
StepHypRef Expression
1 aomclem3.d . . 3 𝐷 = recs((𝑎 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎))))
2 rneq 5778 . . . . . . 7 (𝑎 = 𝑐 → ran 𝑎 = ran 𝑐)
32difeq2d 4029 . . . . . 6 (𝑎 = 𝑐 → ((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎) = ((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐))
43fveq2d 6663 . . . . 5 (𝑎 = 𝑐 → (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎)) = (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐)))
54cbvmptv 5136 . . . 4 (𝑎 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎))) = (𝑐 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐)))
6 recseq 8021 . . . 4 ((𝑎 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎))) = (𝑐 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐))) → recs((𝑎 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎)))) = recs((𝑐 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐)))))
75, 6ax-mp 5 . . 3 recs((𝑎 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑎)))) = recs((𝑐 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐))))
81, 7eqtri 2782 . 2 𝐷 = recs((𝑐 ∈ V ↦ (𝐶‘((𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∖ ran 𝑐))))
9 fvexd 6674 . 2 (𝜑 → (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧) ∈ V)
10 aomclem3.b . . . 4 𝐵 = {⟨𝑎, 𝑏⟩ ∣ ∃𝑐 ∈ (𝑅1 dom 𝑧)((𝑐𝑏 ∧ ¬ 𝑐𝑎) ∧ ∀𝑑 ∈ (𝑅1 dom 𝑧)(𝑑(𝑧 dom 𝑧)𝑐 → (𝑑𝑎𝑑𝑏)))}
11 aomclem3.c . . . 4 𝐶 = (𝑎 ∈ V ↦ sup((𝑦𝑎), (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧), 𝐵))
12 aomclem3.on . . . 4 (𝜑 → dom 𝑧 ∈ On)
13 . . . 4 (𝜑 → dom 𝑧 = suc dom 𝑧)
14 aomclem3.we . . . 4 (𝜑 → ∀𝑎 ∈ dom 𝑧(𝑧𝑎) We (𝑅1𝑎))
15 aomclem3.a . . . 4 (𝜑𝐴 ∈ On)
16 . . . 4 (𝜑 → dom 𝑧𝐴)
17 aomclem3.y . . . 4 (𝜑 → ∀𝑎 ∈ 𝒫 (𝑅1𝐴)(𝑎 ≠ ∅ → (𝑦𝑎) ∈ ((𝒫 𝑎 ∩ Fin) ∖ {∅})))
1810, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17aomclem2 40365 . . 3 (𝜑 → ∀𝑎 ∈ 𝒫 (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧)(𝑎 ≠ ∅ → (𝐶𝑎) ∈ 𝑎))
19 neeq1 3014 . . . . 5 (𝑎 = 𝑑 → (𝑎 ≠ ∅ ↔ 𝑑 ≠ ∅))
20 fveq2 6659 . . . . . 6 (𝑎 = 𝑑 → (𝐶𝑎) = (𝐶𝑑))
21 id 22 . . . . . 6 (𝑎 = 𝑑𝑎 = 𝑑)
2220, 21eleq12d 2847 . . . . 5 (𝑎 = 𝑑 → ((𝐶𝑎) ∈ 𝑎 ↔ (𝐶𝑑) ∈ 𝑑))
2319, 22imbi12d 349 . . . 4 (𝑎 = 𝑑 → ((𝑎 ≠ ∅ → (𝐶𝑎) ∈ 𝑎) ↔ (𝑑 ≠ ∅ → (𝐶𝑑) ∈ 𝑑)))
2423cbvralvw 3362 . . 3 (∀𝑎 ∈ 𝒫 (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧)(𝑎 ≠ ∅ → (𝐶𝑎) ∈ 𝑎) ↔ ∀𝑑 ∈ 𝒫 (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧)(𝑑 ≠ ∅ → (𝐶𝑑) ∈ 𝑑))
2518, 24sylib 221 . 2 (𝜑 → ∀𝑑 ∈ 𝒫 (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧)(𝑑 ≠ ∅ → (𝐶𝑑) ∈ 𝑑))
26 aomclem3.e . 2 𝐸 = {⟨𝑎, 𝑏⟩ ∣ (𝐷 “ {𝑎}) ∈ (𝐷 “ {𝑏})}
278, 9, 25, 26dnwech 40358 1 (𝜑𝐸 We (𝑅1‘dom 𝑧))
Colors of variables: wff setvar class
Syntax hints:  ¬ wn 3  wi 4  wb 209  wa 400   = wceq 1539  wcel 2112  wne 2952  wral 3071  wrex 3072  Vcvv 3410  cdif 3856  cin 3858  wss 3859  c0 4226  𝒫 cpw 4495  {csn 4523   cuni 4799   cint 4839   class class class wbr 5033  {copab 5095  cmpt 5113   We wwe 5483  ccnv 5524  dom cdm 5525  ran crn 5526  cima 5528  Oncon0 6170  suc csuc 6172  cfv 6336  recscrecs 8018  Fincfn 8528  supcsup 8930  𝑅1cr1 9217
This theorem was proved from axioms:  ax-mp 5  ax-1 6  ax-2 7  ax-3 8  ax-gen 1798  ax-4 1812  ax-5 1912  ax-6 1971  ax-7 2016  ax-8 2114  ax-9 2122  ax-10 2143  ax-11 2159  ax-12 2176  ax-ext 2730  ax-rep 5157  ax-sep 5170  ax-nul 5177  ax-pow 5235  ax-pr 5299  ax-un 7460
This theorem depends on definitions:  df-bi 210  df-an 401  df-or 846  df-3or 1086  df-3an 1087  df-tru 1542  df-fal 1552  df-ex 1783  df-nf 1787  df-sb 2071  df-mo 2558  df-eu 2589  df-clab 2737  df-cleq 2751  df-clel 2831  df-nfc 2902  df-ne 2953  df-ral 3076  df-rex 3077  df-reu 3078  df-rmo 3079  df-rab 3080  df-v 3412  df-sbc 3698  df-csb 3807  df-dif 3862  df-un 3864  df-in 3866  df-ss 3876  df-pss 3878  df-nul 4227  df-if 4422  df-pw 4497  df-sn 4524  df-pr 4526  df-tp 4528  df-op 4530  df-uni 4800  df-int 4840  df-iun 4886  df-br 5034  df-opab 5096  df-mpt 5114  df-tr 5140  df-id 5431  df-eprel 5436  df-po 5444  df-so 5445  df-fr 5484  df-we 5486  df-xp 5531  df-rel 5532  df-cnv 5533  df-co 5534  df-dm 5535  df-rn 5536  df-res 5537  df-ima 5538  df-pred 6127  df-ord 6173  df-on 6174  df-lim 6175  df-suc 6176  df-iota 6295  df-fun 6338  df-fn 6339  df-f 6340  df-f1 6341  df-fo 6342  df-f1o 6343  df-fv 6344  df-isom 6345  df-riota 7109  df-ov 7154  df-oprab 7155  df-mpo 7156  df-om 7581  df-1st 7694  df-2nd 7695  df-wrecs 7958  df-recs 8019  df-rdg 8057  df-1o 8113  df-2o 8114  df-map 8419  df-en 8529  df-fin 8532  df-sup 8932  df-r1 9219
This theorem is referenced by:  aomclem5  40368
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