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Theorem List for Intuitionistic Logic Explorer - 14001-14100   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremsetindf 14001* Axiom of set-induction with a disjoint variable condition replaced with a nonfreeness hypothesis. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Nov-2019.)
 |-  F/ y ph   =>    |-  ( A. x (
 A. y  e.  x  [ y  /  x ] ph  ->  ph )  ->  A. x ph )
Theoremsetindis 14002* Axiom of set induction using implicit substitutions. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Nov-2019.)
 |-  F/ x ps   &    |-  F/ x ch   &    |-  F/ y ph   &    |-  F/ y ps   &    |-  ( x  =  z  ->  ( ph  ->  ps )
 )   &    |-  ( x  =  y 
 ->  ( ch  ->  ph )
 )   =>    |-  ( A. y (
 A. z  e.  y  ps  ->  ch )  ->  A. x ph )
Axiomax-bdsetind 14003* Axiom of bounded set induction. (Contributed by BJ, 28-Nov-2019.)
 |- BOUNDED  ph   =>    |-  ( A. a (
 A. y  e.  a  [ y  /  a ] ph  ->  ph )  ->  A. a ph )
Theorembdsetindis 14004* Axiom of bounded set induction using implicit substitutions. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Nov-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |- BOUNDED  ph   &    |-  F/ x ps   &    |-  F/ x ch   &    |-  F/ y ph   &    |-  F/ y ps   &    |-  ( x  =  z  ->  ( ph  ->  ps ) )   &    |-  ( x  =  y  ->  ( ch  ->  ph ) )   =>    |-  ( A. y ( A. z  e.  y  ps  ->  ch )  ->  A. x ph )
Theorembj-inf2vnlem1 14005* Lemma for bj-inf2vn 14009. Remark: unoptimized proof (have to use more deduction style). (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A. x ( x  e.  A  <->  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  A  x  =  suc  y ) )  -> Ind  A )
Theorembj-inf2vnlem2 14006* Lemma for bj-inf2vnlem3 14007 and bj-inf2vnlem4 14008. Remark: unoptimized proof (have to use more deduction style). (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  A  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  A  x  =  suc  y )  ->  (Ind  Z  ->  A. u (
 A. t  e.  u  ( t  e.  A  ->  t  e.  Z ) 
 ->  ( u  e.  A  ->  u  e.  Z ) ) ) )
Theorembj-inf2vnlem3 14007* Lemma for bj-inf2vn 14009. (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |- BOUNDED  A   &    |- BOUNDED  Z   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  A  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  A  x  =  suc  y )  ->  (Ind  Z  ->  A  C_  Z ) )
Theorembj-inf2vnlem4 14008* Lemma for bj-inf2vn2 14010. (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  A  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  A  x  =  suc  y )  ->  (Ind  Z  ->  A  C_  Z ) )
Theorembj-inf2vn 14009* A sufficient condition for  om to be a set. See bj-inf2vn2 14010 for the unbounded version from full set induction. (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |- BOUNDED  A   =>    |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A. x ( x  e.  A  <->  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  A  x  =  suc  y ) )  ->  A  =  om )
Theorembj-inf2vn2 14010* A sufficient condition for  om to be a set; unbounded version of bj-inf2vn 14009. (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  (
 A. x ( x  e.  A  <->  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  A  x  =  suc  y ) )  ->  A  =  om )
Axiomax-inf2 14011* Another axiom of infinity in a constructive setting (see ax-infvn 13976). (Contributed by BJ, 14-Nov-2019.) (New usage is discouraged.)
 |-  E. a A. x ( x  e.  a  <->  ( x  =  (/)  \/  E. y  e.  a  x  =  suc  y ) )
Theorembj-omex2 14012 Using bounded set induction and the strong axiom of infinity,  om is a set, that is, we recover ax-infvn 13976 (see bj-2inf 13973 for the equivalence of the latter with bj-omex 13977). (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.) (New usage is discouraged.)
 |-  om  e.  _V
Theorembj-nn0sucALT 14013* Alternate proof of bj-nn0suc 13999, also constructive but from ax-inf2 14011, hence requiring ax-bdsetind 14003. (Contributed by BJ, 8-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.) (New usage is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A  e.  om  <->  ( A  =  (/) 
 \/  E. x  e.  om  A  =  suc  x ) )  Full induction

In this section, using the axiom of set induction, we prove full induction on the set of natural numbers.

Theorembj-findis 14014* Principle of induction, using implicit substitutions (the biconditional versions of the hypotheses are implicit substitutions, and we have weakened them to implications). Constructive proof (from CZF). See bj-bdfindis 13982 for a bounded version not requiring ax-setind 4521. See finds 4584 for a proof in IZF. From this version, it is easy to prove of finds 4584, finds2 4585, finds1 4586. (Contributed by BJ, 22-Dec-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  F/ x ps   &    |-  F/ x ch   &    |-  F/ x th   &    |-  ( x  =  (/)  ->  ( ps  ->  ph ) )   &    |-  ( x  =  y  ->  ( ph  ->  ch ) )   &    |-  ( x  =  suc  y  ->  ( th  ->  ph ) )   =>    |-  ( ( ps  /\  A. y  e.  om  ( ch  ->  th ) )  ->  A. x  e.  om  ph )
Theorembj-findisg 14015* Version of bj-findis 14014 using a class term in the consequent. Constructive proof (from CZF). See the comment of bj-findis 14014 for explanations. (Contributed by BJ, 21-Nov-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  F/ x ps   &    |-  F/ x ch   &    |-  F/ x th   &    |-  ( x  =  (/)  ->  ( ps  ->  ph ) )   &    |-  ( x  =  y  ->  ( ph  ->  ch ) )   &    |-  ( x  =  suc  y  ->  ( th  ->  ph ) )   &    |-  F/_ x A   &    |-  F/ x ta   &    |-  ( x  =  A  ->  (
 ph  ->  ta ) )   =>    |-  ( ( ps 
 /\  A. y  e.  om  ( ch  ->  th )
 )  ->  ( A  e.  om  ->  ta )
Theorembj-findes 14016 Principle of induction, using explicit substitutions. Constructive proof (from CZF). See the comment of bj-findis 14014 for explanations. From this version, it is easy to prove findes 4587. (Contributed by BJ, 21-Nov-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  (
 ( [. (/)  /  x ]. ph 
 /\  A. x  e.  om  ( ph  ->  [. suc  x  /  x ]. ph )
 )  ->  A. x  e. 
 om  ph )
12.2.12  CZF: Strong collection

In this section, we state the axiom scheme of strong collection, which is part of CZF set theory.

Axiomax-strcoll 14017* Axiom scheme of strong collection. It is stated with all possible disjoint variable conditions, to show that this weak form is sufficient. The antecedent means that  ph represents a multivalued function on  a, or equivalently a collection of nonempty classes indexed by  a, and the axiom asserts the existence of a set  b which "collects" at least one element in the image of each  x  e.  a and which is made only of such elements. That second conjunct is what makes it "strong", compared to the axiom scheme of collection ax-coll 4104. (Contributed by BJ, 5-Oct-2019.)
 |-  A. a
 ( A. x  e.  a  E. y ph  ->  E. b
 ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph 
 /\  A. y  e.  b  E. x  e.  a  ph ) )
Theoremstrcoll2 14018* Version of ax-strcoll 14017 with one disjoint variable condition removed and without initial universal quantifier. (Contributed by BJ, 5-Oct-2019.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  a  E. y ph  ->  E. b
 ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph 
 /\  A. y  e.  b  E. x  e.  a  ph ) )
Theoremstrcollnft 14019* Closed form of strcollnf 14020. (Contributed by BJ, 21-Oct-2019.)
 |-  ( A. x A. y F/ b ph  ->  ( A. x  e.  a  E. y ph  ->  E. b
 ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph 
 /\  A. y  e.  b  E. x  e.  a  ph ) ) )
Theoremstrcollnf 14020* Version of ax-strcoll 14017 with one disjoint variable condition removed, the other disjoint variable condition replaced with a nonfreeness hypothesis, and without initial universal quantifier. Version of strcoll2 14018 with the disjoint variable condition on  b , 
ph replaced with a nonfreeness hypothesis.

This proof aims to demonstrate a standard technique, but strcoll2 14018 will generally suffice: since the theorem asserts the existence of a set  b, supposing that that setvar does not occur in the already defined  ph is not a big constraint. (Contributed by BJ, 21-Oct-2019.)

 |-  F/ b ph   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  a  E. y ph  ->  E. b ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph  /\ 
 A. y  e.  b  E. x  e.  a  ph ) )
TheoremstrcollnfALT 14021* Alternate proof of strcollnf 14020, not using strcollnft 14019. (Contributed by BJ, 5-Oct-2019.) (Proof modification is discouraged.) (New usage is discouraged.)
 |-  F/ b ph   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  a  E. y ph  ->  E. b ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph  /\ 
 A. y  e.  b  E. x  e.  a  ph ) )
12.2.13  CZF: Subset collection

In this section, we state the axiom scheme of subset collection, which is part of CZF set theory.

Axiomax-sscoll 14022* Axiom scheme of subset collection. It is stated with all possible disjoint variable conditions, to show that this weak form is sufficient. The antecedent means that  ph represents a multivalued function from  a to  b, or equivalently a collection of nonempty subsets of  b indexed by  a, and the consequent asserts the existence of a subset of  c which "collects" at least one element in the image of each  x  e.  a and which is made only of such elements. The axiom asserts the existence, for any sets  a ,  b, of a set  c such that that implication holds for any value of the parameter  z of  ph. (Contributed by BJ, 5-Oct-2019.)
 |-  A. a A. b E. c A. z ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph  ->  E. d  e.  c  ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  d  ph  /\ 
 A. y  e.  d  E. x  e.  a  ph ) )
Theoremsscoll2 14023* Version of ax-sscoll 14022 with two disjoint variable conditions removed and without initial universal quantifiers. (Contributed by BJ, 5-Oct-2019.)
 |-  E. c A. z ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  b  ph  ->  E. d  e.  c  ( A. x  e.  a  E. y  e.  d  ph  /\ 
 A. y  e.  d  E. x  e.  a  ph ) )
12.2.14  Real numbers
Axiomax-ddkcomp 14024 Axiom of Dedekind completeness for Dedekind real numbers: every inhabited upper-bounded located set of reals has a real upper bound. Ideally, this axiom should be "proved" as "axddkcomp" for the real numbers constructed from IZF, and then Axiom ax-ddkcomp 14024 should be used in place of construction specific results. In particular, axcaucvg 7862 should be proved from it. (Contributed by BJ, 24-Oct-2021.)
 |-  (
 ( ( A  C_  RR  /\  E. x  x  e.  A )  /\  E. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  A  y  <  x  /\  A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e. 
 RR  ( x  < 
 y  ->  ( E. z  e.  A  x  <  z  \/  A. z  e.  A  z  <  y
 ) ) )  ->  E. x  e.  RR  ( A. y  e.  A  y  <_  x  /\  (
 ( B  e.  R  /\  A. y  e.  A  y  <_  B )  ->  x  <_  B ) ) )
12.3  Mathbox for Jim Kingdon
12.3.1  Propositional and predicate logic
Theoremnnnotnotr 14025 Double negation of double negation elimination. Suggested by an online post by Martin Escardo. Although this statement resembles nnexmid 845, it can be proved with reference only to implication and negation (that is, without use of disjunction). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 21-Oct-2024.)
 |-  -.  -.  ( -.  -.  ph  -> 
 ph )
12.3.2  Natural numbers
Theoremss1oel2o 14026 Any subset of ordinal one being an element of ordinal two is equivalent to excluded middle. A variation of exmid01 4184 which more directly illustrates the contrast with el2oss1o 6422. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 8-Aug-2022.)
 |-  (EXMID  <->  A. x ( x 
 C_  1o  ->  x  e. 
 2o ) )
Theoremnnti 14027 Ordering on a natural number generates a tight apartness. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 7-Aug-2022.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  om )   =>    |-  ( ( ph  /\  ( u  e.  A  /\  v  e.  A )
 )  ->  ( u  =  v  <->  ( -.  u  _E  v  /\  -.  v  _E  u ) ) )
Theorem012of 14028 Mapping zero and one between  NN0 and  om style integers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 28-Jun-2024.)
 |-  G  = frec ( ( x  e. 
 ZZ  |->  ( x  +  1 ) ) ,  0 )   =>    |-  ( `' G  |`  { 0 ,  1 } ) : { 0 ,  1 } --> 2o
Theorem2o01f 14029 Mapping zero and one between  om and  NN0 style integers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 28-Jun-2024.)
 |-  G  = frec ( ( x  e. 
 ZZ  |->  ( x  +  1 ) ) ,  0 )   =>    |-  ( G  |`  2o ) : 2o --> { 0 ,  1 }
12.3.3  The power set of a singleton
Theorempwtrufal 14030 A subset of the singleton  { (/) } cannot be anything other than  (/) or  { (/) }. Removing the double negation would change the meaning, as seen at exmid01 4184. If we view a subset of a singleton as a truth value (as seen in theorems like exmidexmid 4182), then this theorem states there are no truth values other than true and false, as described in section 1.1 of [Bauer], p. 481. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro and Jim Kingdon, 11-Sep-2023.)
 |-  ( A  C_  { (/) }  ->  -. 
 -.  ( A  =  (/) 
 \/  A  =  { (/)
 } ) )
Theorempwle2 14031* An exercise related to  N copies of a singleton and the power set of a singleton (where the latter can also be thought of as representing truth values). Posed as an exercise by Martin Escardo online. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 3-Sep-2023.)
 |-  T  =  U_ x  e.  N  ( { x }  X.  1o )   =>    |-  ( ( N  e.  om 
 /\  G : T -1-1-> ~P 1o )  ->  N  C_ 
 2o )
Theorempwf1oexmid 14032* An exercise related to  N copies of a singleton and the power set of a singleton (where the latter can also be thought of as representing truth values). Posed as an exercise by Martin Escardo online. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 3-Sep-2023.)
 |-  T  =  U_ x  e.  N  ( { x }  X.  1o )   =>    |-  ( ( N  e.  om 
 /\  G : T -1-1-> ~P 1o )  ->  ( ran  G  =  ~P 1o  <->  ( N  =  2o  /\ EXMID ) ) )
Theoremexmid1stab 14033* If any proposition is stable, excluded middle follows. We are thinking of  x as a proposition and  x  =  { (/)
} as "x is true". (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 28-Nov-2023.)
 |-  (
 ( ph  /\  x  C_  { (/) } )  -> STAB  x  =  { (/)
 } )   =>    |-  ( ph  -> EXMID )
Theoremsubctctexmid 14034* If every subcountable set is countable and Markov's principle holds, excluded middle follows. Proposition 2.6 of [BauerSwan], p. 14:4. The proof is taken from that paper. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Nov-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A. x ( E. s ( s  C_  om 
 /\  E. f  f : s -onto-> x )  ->  E. g  g : om -onto-> ( x 1o ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  om  e. Markov )   =>    |-  ( ph  -> EXMID )
Theoremsssneq 14035* Any two elements of a subset of a singleton are equal. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 28-May-2024.)
 |-  ( A  C_  { B }  ->  A. y  e.  A  A. z  e.  A  y  =  z )
Theorempw1nct 14036* A condition which ensures that the powerset of a singleton is not countable. The antecedent here can be referred to as the uniformity principle. Based on Mastodon posts by Andrej Bauer and Rahul Chhabra. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-May-2024.)
 |-  ( A. r ( r  C_  ( ~P 1o  X.  om )  ->  ( A. p  e.  ~P  1o E. n  e.  om  p r n 
 ->  E. m  e.  om  A. q  e.  ~P  1o q r m ) )  ->  -.  E. f  f : om -onto-> ( ~P 1o 1o ) )
12.3.4  Omniscience of NN+oo
Theorem0nninf 14037 The zero element of ℕ (the constant sequence equal to  (/)). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 14-Jul-2022.)
 |-  ( om  X.  { (/) } )  e.
Theoremnnsf 14038* Domain and range of  S. Part of Definition 3.3 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 5. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Jul-2022.)
 |-  S  =  ( p  e. 
 |->  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  =  (/) ,  1o ,  ( p `
  U. i ) ) ) )   =>    |-  S : -->
Theorempeano4nninf 14039* The successor function on ℕ is one to one. Half of Lemma 3.4 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 5. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 31-Jul-2022.)
 |-  S  =  ( p  e. 
 |->  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  =  (/) ,  1o ,  ( p `
  U. i ) ) ) )   =>    |-  S : -1-1->
Theorempeano3nninf 14040* The successor function on ℕ is never zero. Half of Lemma 3.4 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 5. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 1-Aug-2022.)
 |-  S  =  ( p  e. 
 |->  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  =  (/) ,  1o ,  ( p `
  U. i ) ) ) )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  ->  ( S `  A )  =/=  ( x  e.  om  |->  (/) ) )
Theoremnninfalllem1 14041* Lemma for nninfall 14042. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 1-Aug-2022.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( x  e.  om  |->  1o )
 )  =  1o )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. n  e.  om  ( Q `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if (
 i  e.  n ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  P  e. )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  P )  =  (/) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A. n  e.  om  ( P `  n )  =  1o )
Theoremnninfall 14042* Given a decidable predicate on ℕ, showing it holds for natural numbers and the point at infinity suffices to show it holds everywhere. The sense in which  Q is a decidable predicate is that it assigns a value of either  (/) or  1o (which can be thought of as false and true) to every element of ℕ. Lemma 3.5 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 5. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 1-Aug-2022.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( x  e.  om  |->  1o )
 )  =  1o )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. n  e.  om  ( Q `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if (
 i  e.  n ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A. p  e.  ( Q `  p )  =  1o )
Theoremnninfsellemdc 14043* Lemma for nninfself 14046. Showing that the selection function is well defined. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 8-Aug-2022.)
 |-  (
 ( Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  /\  N  e.  om )  -> DECID  A. k  e.  suc  N ( Q `  (
 i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o )
Theoremnninfsellemcl 14044* Lemma for nninfself 14046. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 8-Aug-2022.)
 |-  (
 ( Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  /\  N  e.  om )  ->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  N ( Q `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if (
 i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) )  e.  2o )
Theoremnninfsellemsuc 14045* Lemma for nninfself 14046. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 6-Aug-2022.)
 |-  (
 ( Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  /\  J  e.  om )  ->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  suc  J ( Q `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if (
 i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) )  C_  if ( A. k  e.  suc  J ( Q `  (
 i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) )
Theoremnninfself 14046* Domain and range of the selection function for ℕ. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 6-Aug-2022.)
 |-  E  =  ( q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  |->  ( n  e. 
 om  |->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  n ( q `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )   =>    |-  E : ( 2o  ^m ) -->
Theoremnninfsellemeq 14047* Lemma for nninfsel 14050. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Aug-2022.)
 |-  E  =  ( q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  |->  ( n  e. 
 om  |->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  n ( q `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( E `
  Q ) )  =  1o )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  N  e.  om )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. k  e.  N  ( Q `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  e.  N ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  (/) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( E `  Q )  =  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  N ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )
Theoremnninfsellemqall 14048* Lemma for nninfsel 14050. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Aug-2022.)
 |-  E  =  ( q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  |->  ( n  e. 
 om  |->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  n ( q `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( E `
  Q ) )  =  1o )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  N  e.  om )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  N ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o )
Theoremnninfsellemeqinf 14049* Lemma for nninfsel 14050. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Aug-2022.)
 |-  E  =  ( q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  |->  ( n  e. 
 om  |->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  n ( q `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( E `
  Q ) )  =  1o )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( E `  Q )  =  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  1o ) )
Theoremnninfsel 14050*  E is a selection function for ℕ. Theorem 3.6 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 5. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Aug-2022.)
 |-  E  =  ( q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  |->  ( n  e. 
 om  |->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  n ( q `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  ( 2o  ^m ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Q `  ( E `
  Q ) )  =  1o )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A. p  e.  ( Q `  p )  =  1o )
Theoremnninfomnilem 14051* Lemma for nninfomni 14052. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Aug-2022.)
 |-  E  =  ( q  e.  ( 2o  ^m )  |->  ( n  e. 
 om  |->  if ( A. k  e.  suc  n ( q `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  k ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  1o ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )   =>    |-  e. Omni
Theoremnninfomni 14052 is omniscient. Corollary 3.7 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 5. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Aug-2022.)
 |-  e. Omni
Theoremnninffeq 14053* Equality of two functions on ℕ which agree at every integer and at the point at infinity. From an online post by Martin Escardo. Remark: the last two hypotheses can be grouped into one,  |-  ( ph  ->  A. n  e.  suc  om
... ). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 4-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : --> NN0 )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  G : --> NN0 )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( F `  ( x  e.  om  |->  1o )
 )  =  ( G `
  ( x  e. 
 om  |->  1o ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. n  e. 
 om  ( F `  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  e.  n ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) )  =  ( G `
  ( i  e. 
 om  |->  if ( i  e.  n ,  1o ,  (/) ) ) ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  F  =  G )
12.3.5  Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem
Theoremexmidsbthrlem 14054* Lemma for exmidsbthr 14055. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 11-Aug-2022.)
 |-  S  =  ( p  e. 
 |->  ( i  e.  om  |->  if ( i  =  (/) ,  1o ,  ( p `
  U. i ) ) ) )   =>    |-  ( A. x A. y ( ( x  ~<_  y  /\  y  ~<_  x )  ->  x  ~~  y )  -> EXMID )
Theoremexmidsbthr 14055* The Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem implies excluded middle. Theorem 1 of [PradicBrown2022], p. 1. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 11-Aug-2022.)
 |-  ( A. x A. y ( ( x  ~<_  y  /\  y 
 ~<_  x )  ->  x  ~~  y )  -> EXMID )
Theoremexmidsbth 14056* The Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem is equivalent to excluded middle. This is Metamath 100 proof #25. The forward direction (isbth 6944) is the proof of the Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem from the Metamath Proof Explorer database (in which excluded middle holds), but adapted to use EXMID as an antecedent rather than being unconditionally true, as in the non-intuitionistic proof at https://us.metamath.org/mpeuni/sbth.html 6944.

The reverse direction (exmidsbthr 14055) is the one which establishes that Schroeder-Bernstein implies excluded middle. This resolves the question of whether we will be able to prove Schroeder-Bernstein from our axioms in the negative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 13-Aug-2022.)

 |-  (EXMID  <->  A. x A. y
 ( ( x  ~<_  y 
 /\  y  ~<_  x ) 
 ->  x  ~~  y ) )
Theoremsbthomlem 14057 Lemma for sbthom 14058. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro and Jim Kingdon, 13-Jul-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  om  e. Omni )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Y  C_  { (/) } )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  F : om -1-1-onto-> ( Y om ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( Y  =  (/)  \/  Y  =  { (/) } ) )
Theoremsbthom 14058 Schroeder-Bernstein is not possible even for  om. We know by exmidsbth 14056 that full Schroeder-Bernstein will not be provable but what about the case where one of the sets is  om? That case plus the Limited Principle of Omniscience (LPO) implies excluded middle, so we will not be able to prove it. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro and Jim Kingdon, 10-Jul-2023.)
 |-  (
 ( A. x ( ( x  ~<_  om  /\  om  ~<_  x ) 
 ->  x  ~~  om )  /\  om  e. Omni )  -> EXMID )
12.3.6  Real and complex numbers
Theoremqdencn 14059* The set of complex numbers whose real and imaginary parts are rational is dense in the complex plane. This is a two dimensional analogue to qdenre 11166 (and also would hold for  RR  X.  RR with the usual metric; this is not about complex numbers in particular). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 18-Oct-2021.)
 |-  Q  =  { z  e.  CC  |  ( ( Re `  z )  e.  QQ  /\  ( Im `  z
 )  e.  QQ ) }   =>    |-  ( ( A  e.  CC  /\  B  e.  RR+ )  ->  E. x  e.  Q  ( abs `  ( x  -  A ) )  <  B )
Theoremrefeq 14060* Equality of two real functions which agree at negative numbers, positive numbers, and zero. This holds even without real trichotomy. From an online post by Martin Escardo. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Jul-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : RR --> RR )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  G : RR --> RR )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. x  e.  RR  ( x  <  0  ->  ( F `  x )  =  ( G `  x ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. x  e. 
 RR  ( 0  < 
 x  ->  ( F `  x )  =  ( G `  x ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( F `  0 )  =  ( G `  0 ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  F  =  G )
Theoremtriap 14061 Two ways of stating real number trichotomy. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)
 |-  (
 ( A  e.  RR  /\  B  e.  RR )  ->  ( ( A  <  B  \/  A  =  B  \/  B  <  A )  <-> DECID  A #  B ) )
Theoremisomninnlem 14062* Lemma for isomninn 14063. The result, with a hypothesis to provide a convenient notation. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Aug-2023.)
 |-  G  = frec ( ( x  e. 
 ZZ  |->  ( x  +  1 ) ) ,  0 )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. Omni  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A ) ( E. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  0  \/  A. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  1 )
 ) )
Theoremisomninn 14063* Omniscience stated in terms of natural numbers. Similar to isomnimap 7113 but it will sometimes be more convenient to use  0 and  1 rather than  (/) and  1o. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. Omni  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A ) ( E. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  0  \/  A. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  1 )
 ) )
Theoremcvgcmp2nlemabs 14064* Lemma for cvgcmp2n 14065. The partial sums get closer to each other as we go further out. The proof proceeds by rewriting  (  seq 1
(  +  ,  G
) `  N ) as the sum of  (  seq 1
(  +  ,  G
) `  M ) and a term which gets smaller as  M gets large. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Aug-2023.)
 |-  (
 ( ph  /\  k  e. 
 NN )  ->  ( G `  k )  e. 
 RR )   &    |-  ( ( ph  /\  k  e.  NN )  ->  0  <_  ( G `  k ) )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  k  e. 
 NN )  ->  ( G `  k )  <_  ( 1  /  (
 2 ^ k ) ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  M  e.  NN )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  N  e.  ( ZZ>=
 `  M ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( abs `  ( (  seq 1
 (  +  ,  G ) `  N )  -  (  seq 1 (  +  ,  G ) `  M ) ) )  < 
 ( 2  /  M ) )
Theoremcvgcmp2n 14065* A comparison test for convergence of a real infinite series. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Aug-2023.)
 |-  (
 ( ph  /\  k  e. 
 NN )  ->  ( G `  k )  e. 
 RR )   &    |-  ( ( ph  /\  k  e.  NN )  ->  0  <_  ( G `  k ) )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  k  e. 
 NN )  ->  ( G `  k )  <_  ( 1  /  (
 2 ^ k ) ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  seq 1
 (  +  ,  G )  e.  dom  ~~>  )
Theoremiooref1o 14066 A one-to-one mapping from the real numbers onto the open unit interval. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Jun-2024.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  RR  |->  ( 1  /  (
 1  +  ( exp `  x ) ) ) )   =>    |-  F : RR -1-1-onto-> ( 0 (,) 1
Theoremiooreen 14067 An open interval is equinumerous to the real numbers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Jun-2024.)
 |-  (
 0 (,) 1 )  ~~  RR
12.3.7  Analytic omniscience principles

Omniscience principles refer to several propositions, most of them weaker than full excluded middle, which do not follow from the axioms of IZF set theory.

They are: (0) the Principle of Omniscience (PO), which is another name for excluded middle (see exmidomni 7118), (1) the Limited Principle of Omniscience (LPO) is  om  e. Omni (see df-omni 7111), (2) the Weak Limited Principle of Omniscience (WLPO) is  om  e. WOmni (see df-womni 7140), (3) Markov's Principle (MP) is  om  e. Markov (see df-markov 7128), (4) the Lesser Limited Principle of Omniscience (LLPO) is not yet defined in iset.mm.

They also have analytic counterparts each of which follows from the corresponding omniscience principle: (1) Analytic LPO is real number trichotomy,  A. x  e.  RR A. y  e.  RR ( x  < 
y  \/  x  =  y  \/  y  < 
x ) (see trilpo 14075), (2) Analytic WLPO is decidability of real number equality,  A. x  e.  RR A. y  e.  RRDECID  x  =  y (see redcwlpo 14087), (3) Analytic MP is  A. x  e.  RR A. y  e.  RR ( x  =/=  y  ->  x #  y
) (see neapmkv 14099), (4) Analytic LLPO is real number dichotomy,  A. x  e.  RR A. y  e.  RR ( x  <_ 
y  \/  y  <_  x ) (most relevant current theorem is maxclpr 11186).

Theoremtrilpolemclim 14068* Lemma for trilpo 14075. Convergence of the series. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  G  =  ( n  e.  NN  |->  ( ( 1  /  (
 2 ^ n ) )  x.  ( F `
  n ) ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  seq 1
 (  +  ,  G )  e.  dom  ~~>  )
Theoremtrilpolemcl 14069* Lemma for trilpo 14075. The sum exists. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  RR )
Theoremtrilpolemisumle 14070* Lemma for trilpo 14075. An upper bound for the sum of the digits beyond a certain point. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 28-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   &    |-  Z  =  ( ZZ>= `  M )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  M  e.  NN )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  sum_ i  e.  Z  ( ( 1 
 /  ( 2 ^
 i ) )  x.  ( F `  i
 ) )  <_  sum_ i  e.  Z  ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i
 ) ) )
Theoremtrilpolemgt1 14071* Lemma for trilpo 14075. The  1  <  A case. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  1  <  A )
Theoremtrilpolemeq1 14072* Lemma for trilpo 14075. The  A  =  1 case. This is proved by noting that if any  ( F `  x
) is zero, then the infinite sum  A is less than one based on the term which is zero. We are using the fact that the  F sequence is decidable (in the sense that each element is either zero or one). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  1 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  1
Theoremtrilpolemlt1 14073* Lemma for trilpo 14075. The  A  <  1 case. We can use the distance between  A and one (that is,  1  -  A) to find a position in the sequence  n where terms after that point will not add up to as much as  1  -  A. By finomni 7116 we know the terms up to  n either contain a zero or are all one. But if they are all one that contradicts the way we constructed  n, so we know that the sequence contains a zero. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  <  1
 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  E. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  0
Theoremtrilpolemres 14074* Lemma for trilpo 14075. The result. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A  <  1  \/  A  =  1  \/  1  <  A ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( E. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  0  \/  A. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  1 ) )
Theoremtrilpo 14075* Real number trichotomy implies the Limited Principle of Omniscience (LPO). We expect that we'd need some form of countable choice to prove the converse.

Here's the outline of the proof. Given an infinite sequence F of zeroes and ones, we need to show the sequence contains a zero or it is all ones. Construct a real number A whose representation in base two consists of a zero, a decimal point, and then the numbers of the sequence. Compare it with one using trichotomy. The three cases from trichotomy are trilpolemlt1 14073 (which means the sequence contains a zero), trilpolemeq1 14072 (which means the sequence is all ones), and trilpolemgt1 14071 (which is not possible).

Equivalent ways to state real number trichotomy (sometimes called "analytic LPO") include decidability of real number apartness (see triap 14061) or that the real numbers are a discrete field (see trirec0 14076).

LPO is known to not be provable in IZF (and most constructive foundations), so this theorem establishes that we will be unable to prove an analogue to qtri3or 10199 for real numbers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Aug-2023.)

 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR  ( x  <  y  \/  x  =  y  \/  y  <  x )  ->  om  e. Omni )
Theoremtrirec0 14076* Every real number having a reciprocal or equaling zero is equivalent to real number trichotomy.

This is the key part of the definition of what is known as a discrete field, so "the real numbers are a discrete field" can be taken as an equivalent way to state real trichotomy (see further discussion at trilpo 14075). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Jun-2024.)

 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR  ( x  <  y  \/  x  =  y  \/  y  <  x )  <->  A. x  e.  RR  ( E. z  e.  RR  ( x  x.  z
 )  =  1  \/  x  =  0 ) )
Theoremtrirec0xor 14077* Version of trirec0 14076 with exclusive-or.

The definition of a discrete field is sometimes stated in terms of exclusive-or but as proved here, this is equivalent to inclusive-or because the two disjuncts cannot be simultaneously true. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Jun-2024.)

 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR  ( x  <  y  \/  x  =  y  \/  y  <  x )  <->  A. x  e.  RR  ( E. z  e.  RR  ( x  x.  z
 )  =  1  \/_  x  =  0 )
Theoremapdifflemf 14078 Lemma for apdiff 14080. Being apart from the point halfway between  Q and  R suffices for  A to be a different distance from  Q and from  R. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 18-May-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  RR )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Q  e.  QQ )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  R  e.  QQ )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  Q  <  R )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( Q  +  R )  /  2 ) #  A )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( abs `  ( A  -  Q ) ) #  ( abs `  ( A  -  R ) ) )
Theoremapdifflemr 14079 Lemma for apdiff 14080. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-May-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  RR )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  S  e.  QQ )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( abs `  ( A  -  -u 1 ) ) #  ( abs `  ( A  -  1 ) ) )   &    |-  ( ( ph  /\  S  =/=  0 ) 
 ->  ( abs `  ( A  -  0 ) ) #  ( abs `  ( A  -  ( 2  x.  S ) ) ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A #  S )
Theoremapdiff 14080* The irrationals (reals apart from any rational) are exactly those reals that are a different distance from every rational. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 17-May-2024.)
 |-  ( A  e.  RR  ->  (
 A. q  e.  QQ  A #  q  <->  A. q  e.  QQ  A. r  e.  QQ  (
 q  =/=  r  ->  ( abs `  ( A  -  q ) ) #  ( abs `  ( A  -  r ) ) ) ) )
Theoremiswomninnlem 14081* Lemma for iswomnimap 7142. The result, with a hypothesis for convenience. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Jun-2024.)
 |-  G  = frec ( ( x  e. 
 ZZ  |->  ( x  +  1 ) ) ,  0 )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. WOmni  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A )DECID  A. x  e.  A  (
 f `  x )  =  1 ) )
Theoremiswomninn 14082* Weak omniscience stated in terms of natural numbers. Similar to iswomnimap 7142 but it will sometimes be more convenient to use  0 and  1 rather than  (/) and  1o. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Jun-2024.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. WOmni  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A )DECID  A. x  e.  A  (
 f `  x )  =  1 ) )
Theoremiswomni0 14083* Weak omniscience stated in terms of equality with  0. Like iswomninn 14082 but with zero in place of one. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. WOmni  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A )DECID  A. x  e.  A  (
 f `  x )  =  0 ) )
Theoremismkvnnlem 14084* Lemma for ismkvnn 14085. The result, with a hypothesis to give a name to an expression for convenience. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Jun-2024.)
 |-  G  = frec ( ( x  e. 
 ZZ  |->  ( x  +  1 ) ) ,  0 )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. Markov  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A ) ( -.  A. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  1  ->  E. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  0 )
 ) )
Theoremismkvnn 14085* The predicate of being Markov stated in terms of set exponentiation. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Jun-2024.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( A  e. Markov  <->  A. f  e.  ( { 0 ,  1 }  ^m  A ) ( -.  A. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  1  ->  E. x  e.  A  ( f `  x )  =  0 )
 ) )
Theoremredcwlpolemeq1 14086* Lemma for redcwlpo 14087. A biconditionalized version of trilpolemeq1 14072. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 21-Jun-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A  =  1  <->  A. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  1 ) )
Theoremredcwlpo 14087* Decidability of real number equality implies the Weak Limited Principle of Omniscience (WLPO). We expect that we'd need some form of countable choice to prove the converse.

Here's the outline of the proof. Given an infinite sequence F of zeroes and ones, we need to show the sequence is all ones or it is not. Construct a real number A whose representation in base two consists of a zero, a decimal point, and then the numbers of the sequence. This real number will equal one if and only if the sequence is all ones (redcwlpolemeq1 14086). Therefore decidability of real number equality would imply decidability of whether the sequence is all ones.

Because of this theorem, decidability of real number equality is sometimes called "analytic WLPO".

WLPO is known to not be provable in IZF (and most constructive foundations), so this theorem establishes that we will be unable to prove an analogue to qdceq 10203 for real numbers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Jun-2024.)

 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR DECID  x  =  y  ->  om  e. WOmni )
Theoremtridceq 14088* Real trichotomy implies decidability of real number equality. Or in other words, analytic LPO implies analytic WLPO (see trilpo 14075 and redcwlpo 14087). Thus, this is an analytic analogue to lpowlpo 7144. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR  ( x  <  y  \/  x  =  y  \/  y  <  x )  ->  A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e. 
 RR DECID  x  =  y )
Theoremredc0 14089* Two ways to express decidability of real number equality. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR DECID  x  =  y 
 A. z  e.  RR DECID  z  =  0 )
Theoremreap0 14090* Real number trichotomy is equivalent to decidability of apartness from zero. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR  ( x  <  y  \/  x  =  y  \/  y  <  x )  <->  A. z  e.  RR DECID  z #  0 )
Theoremdceqnconst 14091* Decidability of real number equality implies the existence of a certain non-constant function from real numbers to integers. Variation of Exercise 11.6(i) of [HoTT], p. (varies). See redcwlpo 14087 for more discussion of decidability of real number equality. (Contributed by BJ and Jim Kingdon, 24-Jun-2024.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 23-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR DECID  x  =  0  ->  E. f
 ( f : RR --> ZZ  /\  ( f `  0 )  =  0  /\  A. x  e.  RR+  ( f `  x )  =/=  0 ) )
Theoremdcapnconst 14092* Decidability of real number apartness implies the existence of a certain non-constant function from real numbers to integers. Variation of Exercise 11.6(i) of [HoTT], p. (varies). See trilpo 14075 for more discussion of decidability of real number apartness.

This is a weaker form of dceqnconst 14091 and in fact this theorem can be proved using dceqnconst 14091 as shown at dcapnconstALT 14093. (Contributed by BJ and Jim Kingdon, 24-Jun-2024.)

 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR DECID  x #  0 
 ->  E. f ( f : RR --> ZZ  /\  ( f `  0
 )  =  0  /\  A. x  e.  RR+  ( f `
  x )  =/=  0 ) )
TheoremdcapnconstALT 14093* Decidability of real number apartness implies the existence of a certain non-constant function from real numbers to integers. A proof of dcapnconst 14092 by means of dceqnconst 14091. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Jul-2024.) (New usage is discouraged.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR DECID  x #  0 
 ->  E. f ( f : RR --> ZZ  /\  ( f `  0
 )  =  0  /\  A. x  e.  RR+  ( f `
  x )  =/=  0 ) )
Theoremnconstwlpolem0 14094* Lemma for nconstwlpo 14097. If all the terms of the series are zero, so is their sum. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 26-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  G : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( G `  i ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A. x  e.  NN  ( G `  x )  =  0 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  0 )
Theoremnconstwlpolemgt0 14095* Lemma for nconstwlpo 14097. If one of the terms of series is positive, so is the sum. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 26-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  G : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( G `  i ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  E. x  e.  NN  ( G `  x )  =  1 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  0  <  A )
Theoremnconstwlpolem 14096* Lemma for nconstwlpo 14097. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : RR --> ZZ )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( F `  0 )  =  0 )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  x  e.  RR+ )  ->  ( F `
  x )  =/=  0 )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  G : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i
 ) )  x.  ( G `  i ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A. y  e.  NN  ( G `  y )  =  0  \/  -.  A. y  e.  NN  ( G `  y )  =  0 ) )
Theoremnconstwlpo 14097* Existence of a certain non-constant function from reals to integers implies  om  e. WOmni (the Weak Limited Principle of Omniscience or WLPO). Based on Exercise 11.6(ii) of [HoTT], p. (varies). (Contributed by BJ and Jim Kingdon, 22-Jul-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : RR --> ZZ )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( F `  0 )  =  0 )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  x  e.  RR+ )  ->  ( F `
  x )  =/=  0 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  om  e. WOmni )
Theoremneapmkvlem 14098* Lemma for neapmkv 14099. The result, with a few hypotheses broken out for convenience. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Jun-2024.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F : NN --> { 0 ,  1 } )   &    |-  A  =  sum_ i  e.  NN  ( ( 1  /  ( 2 ^ i ) )  x.  ( F `  i ) )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  A  =/=  1 )  ->  A #  1
 )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( -.  A. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  1  ->  E. x  e.  NN  ( F `  x )  =  0
 ) )
Theoremneapmkv 14099* If negated equality for real numbers implies apartness, Markov's Principle follows. Exercise 11.10 of [HoTT], p. (varies). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Jun-2024.)
 |-  ( A. x  e.  RR  A. y  e.  RR  ( x  =/=  y  ->  x #  y )  ->  om  e. Markov )
12.3.8  Supremum and infimum
Theoremsupfz 14100 The supremum of a finite sequence of integers. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 8-Aug-2013.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 15-Oct-2022.)
 |-  ( N  e.  ( ZZ>= `  M )  ->  sup (
 ( M ... N ) ,  ZZ ,  <  )  =  N )
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