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Theorem List for Intuitionistic Logic Explorer - 7201-7300   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremaddpipqqslem 7201 Lemma for addpipqqs 7202. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 11-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  N.  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  N.  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  <. ( ( A  .N  D )  +N  ( B  .N  C ) ) ,  ( B  .N  D ) >.  e.  ( N.  X.  N. ) )
Theoremaddpipqqs 7202 Addition of positive fractions in terms of positive integers. (Contributed by NM, 28-Aug-1995.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  N.  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  N.  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( [ <. A ,  B >. ]  ~Q  +Q  [ <. C ,  D >. ] 
 ~Q  )  =  [ <. ( ( A  .N  D )  +N  ( B  .N  C ) ) ,  ( B  .N  D ) >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremmulpipq2 7203 Multiplication of positive fractions in terms of positive integers. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 8-May-2013.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  ( N.  X.  N. )  /\  B  e.  ( N. 
 X.  N. ) )  ->  ( A  .pQ  B )  =  <. ( ( 1st `  A )  .N  ( 1st `  B ) ) ,  ( ( 2nd `  A )  .N  ( 2nd `  B ) )
 >. )
Theoremmulpipq 7204 Multiplication of positive fractions in terms of positive integers. (Contributed by NM, 28-Aug-1995.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 8-May-2013.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  N.  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  N.  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( <. A ,  B >.  .pQ  <. C ,  D >. )  =  <. ( A  .N  C ) ,  ( B  .N  D ) >. )
Theoremmulpipqqs 7205 Multiplication of positive fractions in terms of positive integers. (Contributed by NM, 28-Aug-1995.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  N.  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  N.  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( [ <. A ,  B >. ]  ~Q  .Q  [ <. C ,  D >. ] 
 ~Q  )  =  [ <. ( A  .N  C ) ,  ( B  .N  D ) >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremordpipqqs 7206 Ordering of positive fractions in terms of positive integers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 14-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  N.  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  N.  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( [ <. A ,  B >. ]  ~Q  <Q  [ <. C ,  D >. ]  ~Q  <->  ( A  .N  D )  <N  ( B  .N  C ) ) )
Theoremaddclnq 7207 Closure of addition on positive fractions. (Contributed by NM, 29-Aug-1995.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  +Q  B )  e.  Q. )
Theoremmulclnq 7208 Closure of multiplication on positive fractions. (Contributed by NM, 29-Aug-1995.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  .Q  B )  e.  Q. )
Theoremdmaddpqlem 7209* Decomposition of a positive fraction into numerator and denominator. Lemma for dmaddpq 7211. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 15-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( x  e.  Q.  ->  E. w E. v  x  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremnqpi 7210* Decomposition of a positive fraction into numerator and denominator. Similar to dmaddpqlem 7209 but also shows that the numerator and denominator are positive integers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. w E. v
 ( ( w  e. 
 N.  /\  v  e.  N. )  /\  A  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ]  ~Q  ) )
Theoremdmaddpq 7211 Domain of addition on positive fractions. (Contributed by NM, 24-Aug-1995.)
 dom  +Q  =  ( Q.  X.  Q. )
Theoremdmmulpq 7212 Domain of multiplication on positive fractions. (Contributed by NM, 24-Aug-1995.)
 dom  .Q  =  ( Q.  X.  Q. )
Theoremaddcomnqg 7213 Addition of positive fractions is commutative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 15-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  +Q  B )  =  ( B  +Q  A ) )
Theoremaddassnqg 7214 Addition of positive fractions is associative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 16-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q.  /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( ( A  +Q  B )  +Q  C )  =  ( A  +Q  ( B  +Q  C ) ) )
Theoremmulcomnqg 7215 Multiplication of positive fractions is commutative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 17-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  .Q  B )  =  ( B  .Q  A ) )
Theoremmulassnqg 7216 Multiplication of positive fractions is associative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 17-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q.  /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( ( A  .Q  B )  .Q  C )  =  ( A  .Q  ( B  .Q  C ) ) )
Theoremmulcanenq 7217 Lemma for distributive law: cancellation of common factor. (Contributed by NM, 2-Sep-1995.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 8-May-2013.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  N. 
 /\  B  e.  N.  /\  C  e.  N. )  -> 
 <. ( A  .N  B ) ,  ( A  .N  C ) >.  ~Q  <. B ,  C >. )
Theoremmulcanenqec 7218 Lemma for distributive law: cancellation of common factor. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 17-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  N. 
 /\  B  e.  N.  /\  C  e.  N. )  ->  [ <. ( A  .N  B ) ,  ( A  .N  C ) >. ] 
 ~Q  =  [ <. B ,  C >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremdistrnqg 7219 Multiplication of positive fractions is distributive. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 17-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q.  /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  .Q  ( B  +Q  C ) )  =  ( ( A  .Q  B )  +Q  ( A  .Q  C ) ) )
Theorem1qec 7220 The equivalence class of ratio 1. (Contributed by NM, 4-Mar-1996.)
 |-  ( A  e.  N.  ->  1Q  =  [ <. A ,  A >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremmulidnq 7221 Multiplication identity element for positive fractions. (Contributed by NM, 3-Mar-1996.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  ( A  .Q  1Q )  =  A )
Theoremrecexnq 7222* Existence of positive fraction reciprocal. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. y ( y  e.  Q.  /\  ( A  .Q  y )  =  1Q ) )
Theoremrecmulnqg 7223 Relationship between reciprocal and multiplication on positive fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( ( *Q `  A )  =  B  <->  ( A  .Q  B )  =  1Q ) )
Theoremrecclnq 7224 Closure law for positive fraction reciprocal. (Contributed by NM, 6-Mar-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 8-May-2013.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  ( *Q `  A )  e.  Q. )
Theoremrecidnq 7225 A positive fraction times its reciprocal is 1. (Contributed by NM, 6-Mar-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 8-May-2013.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  ( A  .Q  ( *Q `  A ) )  =  1Q )
Theoremrecrecnq 7226 Reciprocal of reciprocal of positive fraction. (Contributed by NM, 26-Apr-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 29-Apr-2013.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  ( *Q `  ( *Q `  A ) )  =  A )
Theoremrec1nq 7227 Reciprocal of positive fraction one. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( *Q `  1Q )  =  1Q
Theoremnqtri3or 7228 Trichotomy for positive fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 21-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  <Q  B  \/  A  =  B  \/  B  <Q  A )
Theoremltdcnq 7229 Less-than for positive fractions is decidable. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 12-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  -> DECID  A  <Q  B )
Theoremltsonq 7230 'Less than' is a strict ordering on positive fractions. (Contributed by NM, 19-Feb-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 4-May-2013.)
 <Q  Or  Q.
Theoremnqtric 7231 Trichotomy for positive fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 21-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  <Q  B  <->  -.  ( A  =  B  \/  B  <Q  A )
 ) )
Theoremltanqg 7232 Ordering property of addition for positive fractions. Proposition 9-2.6(ii) of [Gleason] p. 120. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 22-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q.  /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  <Q  B  <->  ( C  +Q  A )  <Q  ( C  +Q  B ) ) )
Theoremltmnqg 7233 Ordering property of multiplication for positive fractions. Proposition 9-2.6(iii) of [Gleason] p. 120. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 22-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q.  /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  <Q  B  <->  ( C  .Q  A )  <Q  ( C  .Q  B ) ) )
Theoremltanqi 7234 Ordering property of addition for positive fractions. One direction of ltanqg 7232. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  <Q  B 
 /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( C  +Q  A )  <Q  ( C  +Q  B ) )
Theoremltmnqi 7235 Ordering property of multiplication for positive fractions. One direction of ltmnqg 7233. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 9-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  <Q  B 
 /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  ( C  .Q  A )  <Q  ( C  .Q  B ) )
Theoremlt2addnq 7236 Ordering property of addition for positive fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 7-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  Q.  /\  B  e.  Q. )  /\  ( C  e.  Q.  /\  D  e.  Q. ) )  ->  ( ( A  <Q  B 
 /\  C  <Q  D ) 
 ->  ( A  +Q  C )  <Q  ( B  +Q  D ) ) )
Theoremlt2mulnq 7237 Ordering property of multiplication for positive fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 18-Jul-2021.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  Q.  /\  B  e.  Q. )  /\  ( C  e.  Q.  /\  D  e.  Q. ) )  ->  ( ( A  <Q  B 
 /\  C  <Q  D ) 
 ->  ( A  .Q  C )  <Q  ( B  .Q  D ) ) )
Theorem1lt2nq 7238 One is less than two (one plus one). (Contributed by NM, 13-Mar-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 1Q  <Q  ( 1Q  +Q  1Q )
Theoremltaddnq 7239 The sum of two fractions is greater than one of them. (Contributed by NM, 14-Mar-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  A  <Q  ( A  +Q  B ) )
Theoremltexnqq 7240* Ordering on positive fractions in terms of existence of sum. Definition in Proposition 9-2.6 of [Gleason] p. 119. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  <Q  B  <->  E. x  e.  Q.  ( A  +Q  x )  =  B )
Theoremltexnqi 7241* Ordering on positive fractions in terms of existence of sum. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Apr-2020.)
 |-  ( A  <Q  B  ->  E. x  e.  Q.  ( A  +Q  x )  =  B )
Theoremhalfnqq 7242* One-half of any positive fraction is a fraction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. x  e.  Q.  ( x  +Q  x )  =  A )
Theoremhalfnq 7243* One-half of any positive fraction exists. Lemma for Proposition 9-2.6(i) of [Gleason] p. 120. (Contributed by NM, 16-Mar-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. x ( x  +Q  x )  =  A )
Theoremnsmallnqq 7244* There is no smallest positive fraction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. x  e.  Q.  x  <Q  A )
Theoremnsmallnq 7245* There is no smallest positive fraction. (Contributed by NM, 26-Apr-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. x  x  <Q  A )
Theoremsubhalfnqq 7246* There is a number which is less than half of any positive fraction. The case where  A is one is Lemma 11.4 of [BauerTaylor], p. 50, and they use the word "approximate half" for such a number (since there may be constructions, for some structures other than the rationals themselves, which rely on such an approximate half but do not require division by two as seen at halfnqq 7242). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. x  e.  Q.  ( x  +Q  x )  <Q  A )
Theoremltbtwnnqq 7247* There exists a number between any two positive fractions. Proposition 9-2.6(i) of [Gleason] p. 120. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( A  <Q  B  <->  E. x  e.  Q.  ( A  <Q  x  /\  x  <Q  B ) )
Theoremltbtwnnq 7248* There exists a number between any two positive fractions. Proposition 9-2.6(i) of [Gleason] p. 120. (Contributed by NM, 17-Mar-1996.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 10-May-2013.)
 |-  ( A  <Q  B  <->  E. x ( A 
 <Q  x  /\  x  <Q  B ) )
Theoremarchnqq 7249* For any fraction, there is an integer that is greater than it. This is also known as the "archimedean property". (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 1-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e.  Q.  ->  E. x  e.  N.  A  <Q  [ <. x ,  1o >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremprarloclemarch 7250* A version of the Archimedean property. This variation is "stronger" than archnqq 7249 in the sense that we provide an integer which is larger than a given rational  A even after being multiplied by a second rational  B. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  E. x  e.  N.  A  <Q  ( [ <. x ,  1o >. ]  ~Q  .Q  B ) )
Theoremprarloclemarch2 7251* Like prarloclemarch 7250 but the integer must be at least two, and there is also  B added to the right hand side. These details follow straightforwardly but are chosen to be helpful in the proof of prarloc 7335. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q.  /\  C  e.  Q. )  ->  E. x  e.  N.  ( 1o  <N  x  /\  A  <Q  ( B  +Q  ( [ <. x ,  1o >. ]  ~Q  .Q  C ) ) ) )
Theoremltrnqg 7252 Ordering property of reciprocal for positive fractions. For a simplified version of the forward implication, see ltrnqi 7253. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  <Q  B  <-> 
 ( *Q `  B )  <Q  ( *Q `  A ) ) )
Theoremltrnqi 7253 Ordering property of reciprocal for positive fractions. For the converse, see ltrnqg 7252. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( A  <Q  B  ->  ( *Q `  B ) 
 <Q  ( *Q `  A ) )
Theoremnnnq 7254 The canonical embedding of positive integers into positive fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 26-Apr-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  N.  ->  [ <. A ,  1o >. ]  ~Q  e.  Q. )
Theoremltnnnq 7255 Ordering of positive integers via 
<N or  <Q is equivalent. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 3-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  N. 
 /\  B  e.  N. )  ->  ( A  <N  B  <->  [ <. A ,  1o >. ]  ~Q  <Q  [ <. B ,  1o >. ]  ~Q  )
Definitiondf-enq0 7256* Define equivalence relation for nonnegative fractions. This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 2-Nov-2019.)
 |- ~Q0  =  { <. x ,  y >.  |  ( ( x  e.  ( om  X.  N. )  /\  y  e.  ( om  X.  N. ) )  /\  E. z E. w E. v E. u ( ( x  =  <. z ,  w >.  /\  y  =  <. v ,  u >. )  /\  ( z  .o  u )  =  ( w  .o  v ) ) ) }
Definitiondf-nq0 7257 Define class of nonnegative fractions. This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 2-Nov-2019.)
 |- Q0  =  ( ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  )
Definitiondf-0nq0 7258 Define nonnegative fraction constant 0. This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 5-Nov-2019.)
 |- 0Q0  =  [ <. (/) ,  1o >. ] ~Q0
Definitiondf-plq0 7259* Define addition on nonnegative fractions. This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 2-Nov-2019.)
 |- +Q0  =  { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  ( ( x  e. Q0  /\  y  e. Q0 )  /\  E. w E. v E. u E. f ( ( x  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  y  =  [ <. u ,  f >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ <. ( ( w  .o  f )  +o  (
 v  .o  u )
 ) ,  ( v  .o  f ) >. ] ~Q0  )
 ) }
Definitiondf-mq0 7260* Define multiplication on nonnegative fractions. This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 2-Nov-2019.)
 |- ·Q0  =  { <.
 <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  (
 ( x  e. Q0  /\  y  e. Q0 )  /\  E. w E. v E. u E. f ( ( x  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  y  =  [ <. u ,  f >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ <. ( w  .o  u ) ,  ( v  .o  f ) >. ] ~Q0  ) ) }
Theoremdfmq0qs 7261* Multiplication on nonnegative fractions. This definition is similar to df-mq0 7260 but expands Q0 (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 22-Nov-2019.)
 |- ·Q0  =  { <.
 <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  (
 ( x  e.  (
 ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) 
 /\  y  e.  (
 ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) )  /\  E. w E. v E. u E. f ( ( x  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  y  =  [ <. u ,  f >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ <. ( w  .o  u ) ,  ( v  .o  f ) >. ] ~Q0  ) ) }
Theoremdfplq0qs 7262* Addition on nonnegative fractions. This definition is similar to df-plq0 7259 but expands Q0 (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Nov-2019.)
 |- +Q0  =  { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  ( ( x  e.  (
 ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) 
 /\  y  e.  (
 ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) )  /\  E. w E. v E. u E. f ( ( x  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  y  =  [ <. u ,  f >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ <. ( ( w  .o  f )  +o  (
 v  .o  u )
 ) ,  ( v  .o  f ) >. ] ~Q0  )
 ) }
Theoremenq0enq 7263 Equivalence on positive fractions in terms of equivalence on nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 12-Nov-2019.)
 ~Q  =  ( ~Q0  i^i  ( ( N. 
 X.  N. )  X.  ( N.  X.  N. ) ) )
Theoremenq0sym 7264 The equivalence relation for nonnegative fractions is symmetric. Lemma for enq0er 7267. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 14-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( f ~Q0  g  ->  g ~Q0  f )
Theoremenq0ref 7265 The equivalence relation for nonnegative fractions is reflexive. Lemma for enq0er 7267. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 14-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( f  e.  ( om  X.  N. )  <->  f ~Q0  f )
Theoremenq0tr 7266 The equivalence relation for nonnegative fractions is transitive. Lemma for enq0er 7267. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 14-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( f ~Q0  g  /\  g ~Q0  h )  ->  f ~Q0  h )
Theoremenq0er 7267 The equivalence relation for nonnegative fractions is an equivalence relation. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 12-Nov-2019.)
 |- ~Q0  Er  ( om  X.  N. )
Theoremenq0breq 7268 Equivalence relation for nonnegative fractions in terms of natural numbers. (Contributed by NM, 27-Aug-1995.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  om  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  om  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( <. A ,  B >. ~Q0  <. C ,  D >.  <->  ( A  .o  D )  =  ( B  .o  C ) ) )
Theoremenq0eceq 7269 Equivalence class equality of nonnegative fractions in terms of natural numbers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  om  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  om  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( [ <. A ,  B >. ] ~Q0  =  [ <. C ,  D >. ] ~Q0  <->  ( A  .o  D )  =  ( B  .o  C ) ) )
Theoremnqnq0pi 7270 A nonnegative fraction is a positive fraction if its numerator and denominator are positive integers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  N. 
 /\  B  e.  N. )  ->  [ <. A ,  B >. ] ~Q0  =  [ <. A ,  B >. ]  ~Q  )
Theoremenq0ex 7271 The equivalence relation for positive fractions exists. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 18-Nov-2019.)
 |- ~Q0  e.  _V
Theoremnq0ex 7272 The class of positive fractions exists. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 18-Nov-2019.)
 |- Q0  e.  _V
Theoremnqnq0 7273 A positive fraction is a nonnegative fraction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 18-Nov-2019.)
 Q.  C_ Q0
Theoremnq0nn 7274* Decomposition of a nonnegative fraction into numerator and denominator. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 24-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e. Q0  ->  E. w E. v
 ( ( w  e. 
 om  /\  v  e.  N. )  /\  A  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  ) )
Theoremaddcmpblnq0 7275 Lemma showing compatibility of addition on nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( ( A  e.  om  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  om  /\  D  e.  N. )
 )  /\  ( ( F  e.  om  /\  G  e.  N. )  /\  ( R  e.  om  /\  S  e.  N. ) ) ) 
 ->  ( ( ( A  .o  D )  =  ( B  .o  C )  /\  ( F  .o  S )  =  ( G  .o  R ) ) 
 ->  <. ( ( A  .o  G )  +o  ( B  .o  F ) ) ,  ( B  .o  G ) >. ~Q0  <. ( ( C  .o  S )  +o  ( D  .o  R ) ) ,  ( D  .o  S ) >. ) )
Theoremmulcmpblnq0 7276 Lemma showing compatibility of multiplication on nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( ( A  e.  om  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  om  /\  D  e.  N. )
 )  /\  ( ( F  e.  om  /\  G  e.  N. )  /\  ( R  e.  om  /\  S  e.  N. ) ) ) 
 ->  ( ( ( A  .o  D )  =  ( B  .o  C )  /\  ( F  .o  S )  =  ( G  .o  R ) ) 
 ->  <. ( A  .o  F ) ,  ( B  .o  G ) >. ~Q0  <. ( C  .o  R ) ,  ( D  .o  S ) >. ) )
Theoremmulcanenq0ec 7277 Lemma for distributive law: cancellation of common factor. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  N. 
 /\  B  e.  om  /\  C  e.  N. )  ->  [ <. ( A  .o  B ) ,  ( A  .o  C ) >. ] ~Q0  =  [ <. B ,  C >. ] ~Q0  )
Theoremnnnq0lem1 7278* Decomposing nonnegative fractions into natural numbers. Lemma for addnnnq0 7281 and mulnnnq0 7282. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  ( ( om  X. 
 N. ) /. ~Q0  )  /\  B  e.  ( ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) )  /\  (
 ( ( A  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  B  =  [ <. u ,  t >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ C ] ~Q0  )  /\  ( ( A  =  [ <. s ,  f >. ] ~Q0  /\  B  =  [ <. g ,  h >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  q  =  [ D ] ~Q0  ) ) )  ->  ( ( ( ( w  e.  om  /\  v  e.  N. )  /\  ( s  e.  om  /\  f  e.  N. )
 )  /\  ( ( u  e.  om  /\  t  e.  N. )  /\  (
 g  e.  om  /\  h  e.  N. )
 ) )  /\  (
 ( w  .o  f
 )  =  ( v  .o  s )  /\  ( u  .o  h )  =  ( t  .o  g ) ) ) )
Theoremaddnq0mo 7279* There is at most one result from adding nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 23-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  ( ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  )  /\  B  e.  ( ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) )  ->  E* z E. w E. v E. u E. t ( ( A  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  B  =  [ <. u ,  t >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ <. ( ( w  .o  t )  +o  (
 v  .o  u )
 ) ,  ( v  .o  t ) >. ] ~Q0  )
Theoremmulnq0mo 7280* There is at most one result from multiplying nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 20-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  ( ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  )  /\  B  e.  ( ( om  X.  N. ) /. ~Q0  ) )  ->  E* z E. w E. v E. u E. t ( ( A  =  [ <. w ,  v >. ] ~Q0  /\  B  =  [ <. u ,  t >. ] ~Q0  )  /\  z  =  [ <. ( w  .o  u ) ,  ( v  .o  t ) >. ] ~Q0  ) )
Theoremaddnnnq0 7281 Addition of nonnegative fractions in terms of natural numbers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 22-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  om  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  om  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( [ <. A ,  B >. ] ~Q0 +Q0  [ <. C ,  D >. ] ~Q0  )  =  [ <. ( ( A  .o  D )  +o  ( B  .o  C ) ) ,  ( B  .o  D ) >. ] ~Q0  )
Theoremmulnnnq0 7282 Multiplication of nonnegative fractions in terms of natural numbers. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 19-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( A  e.  om  /\  B  e.  N. )  /\  ( C  e.  om  /\  D  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( [ <. A ,  B >. ] ~Q0 ·Q0  [ <. C ,  D >. ] ~Q0  )  =  [ <. ( A  .o  C ) ,  ( B  .o  D ) >. ] ~Q0  )
Theoremaddclnq0 7283 Closure of addition on nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e. Q0  /\  B  e. Q0 ) 
 ->  ( A +Q0  B )  e. Q0 )
Theoremmulclnq0 7284 Closure of multiplication on nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e. Q0  /\  B  e. Q0 ) 
 ->  ( A ·Q0  B )  e. Q0 )
Theoremnqpnq0nq 7285 A positive fraction plus a nonnegative fraction is a positive fraction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 30-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e. Q0 )  ->  ( A +Q0  B )  e.  Q. )
Theoremnqnq0a 7286 Addition of positive fractions is equal with  +Q or +Q0. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  +Q  B )  =  ( A +Q0  B ) )
Theoremnqnq0m 7287 Multiplication of positive fractions is equal with  .Q or ·Q0. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 10-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  Q. 
 /\  B  e.  Q. )  ->  ( A  .Q  B )  =  ( A ·Q0  B ) )
Theoremnq0m0r 7288 Multiplication with zero for nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 5-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e. Q0  ->  (0Q0 ·Q0  A )  = 0Q0 )
Theoremnq0a0 7289 Addition with zero for nonnegative fractions. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 5-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e. Q0  ->  ( A +Q0 0Q0 )  =  A )
Theoremnnanq0 7290 Addition of nonnegative fractions with a common denominator. You can add two fractions with the same denominator by adding their numerators and keeping the same denominator. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 1-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( N  e.  om 
 /\  M  e.  om  /\  A  e.  N. )  ->  [ <. ( N  +o  M ) ,  A >. ] ~Q0  =  ( [ <. N ,  A >. ] ~Q0 +Q0  [ <. M ,  A >. ] ~Q0  ) )
Theoremdistrnq0 7291 Multiplication of nonnegative fractions is distributive. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e. Q0  /\  B  e. Q0  /\  C  e. Q0 )  ->  ( A ·Q0  ( B +Q0  C ) )  =  ( ( A ·Q0  B ) +Q0  ( A ·Q0  C ) ) )
Theoremmulcomnq0 7292 Multiplication of nonnegative fractions is commutative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e. Q0  /\  B  e. Q0 ) 
 ->  ( A ·Q0  B )  =  ( B ·Q0  A ) )
Theoremaddassnq0lemcl 7293 A natural number closure law. Lemma for addassnq0 7294. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 3-Dec-2019.)
 |-  ( ( ( I  e.  om  /\  J  e.  N. )  /\  ( K  e.  om  /\  L  e.  N. ) )  ->  ( ( ( I  .o  L )  +o  ( J  .o  K ) )  e.  om  /\  ( J  .o  L )  e.  N. ) )
Theoremaddassnq0 7294 Addition of nonnegative fractions is associative. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e. Q0  /\  B  e. Q0  /\  C  e. Q0 )  ->  ( ( A +Q0  B ) +Q0  C )  =  ( A +Q0  ( B +Q0  C ) ) )
Theoremdistnq0r 7295 Multiplication of nonnegative fractions is distributive. Version of distrnq0 7291 with the multiplications commuted. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e. Q0  /\  B  e. Q0  /\  C  e. Q0 )  ->  ( ( B +Q0  C ) ·Q0  A )  =  ( ( B ·Q0  A ) +Q0  ( C ·Q0  A ) ) )
Theoremaddpinq1 7296 Addition of one to the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is one. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 26-Apr-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  N.  ->  [ <. ( A  +N  1o ) ,  1o >. ] 
 ~Q  =  ( [ <. A ,  1o >. ] 
 ~Q  +Q  1Q )
Theoremnq02m 7297 Multiply a nonnegative fraction by two. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 29-Nov-2019.)
 |-  ( A  e. Q0  ->  ( [ <. 2o ,  1o >. ] ~Q0 ·Q0  A )  =  ( A +Q0  A ) )
Definitiondf-inp 7298* Define the set of positive reals. A "Dedekind cut" is a partition of the positive rational numbers into two classes such that all the numbers of one class are less than all the numbers of the other.

Here we follow the definition of a Dedekind cut from Definition 11.2.1 of [HoTT], p. (varies) with the one exception that we define it over positive rational numbers rather than all rational numbers.

A Dedekind cut is an ordered pair of a lower set  l and an upper set  u which is inhabited ( E. q  e. 
Q. q  e.  l  /\  E. r  e. 
Q. r  e.  u), rounded ( A. q  e.  Q. ( q  e.  l  <->  E. r  e.  Q. ( q  <Q  r  /\  r  e.  l
) ) and likewise for  u), disjoint ( A. q  e. 
Q. -.  ( q  e.  l  /\  q  e.  u )) and located ( A. q  e. 
Q. A. r  e.  Q. ( q  <Q  r  ->  ( q  e.  l  \/  r  e.  u
) )). See HoTT for more discussion of those terms and different ways of defining Dedekind cuts.

(Note: This is a "temporary" definition used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction.) (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Sep-2019.)

 P.  =  { <. l ,  u >.  |  ( ( ( l  C_  Q. 
 /\  u  C_  Q. )  /\  ( E. q  e. 
 Q.  q  e.  l  /\  E. r  e.  Q.  r  e.  u )
 )  /\  ( ( A. q  e.  Q.  ( q  e.  l  <->  E. r  e.  Q.  (
 q  <Q  r  /\  r  e.  l ) )  /\  A. r  e.  Q.  (
 r  e.  u  <->  E. q  e.  Q.  ( q  <Q  r  /\  q  e.  u )
 ) )  /\  A. q  e.  Q.  -.  (
 q  e.  l  /\  q  e.  u )  /\  A. q  e.  Q.  A. r  e.  Q.  (
 q  <Q  r  ->  (
 q  e.  l  \/  r  e.  u ) ) ) ) }
Definitiondf-i1p 7299* Define the positive real constant 1. This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 25-Sep-2019.)
 1P  =  <. { l  |  l  <Q  1Q } ,  { u  |  1Q  <Q  u } >.
Definitiondf-iplp 7300* Define addition on positive reals. From Section 11.2.1 of [HoTT], p. (varies). We write this definition to closely resemble the definition in HoTT although some of the conditions are redundant (for example,  r  e.  ( 1st `  x ) implies 
r  e.  Q.) and can be simplified as shown at genpdf 7340.

This is a "temporary" set used in the construction of complex numbers, and is intended to be used only by the construction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 26-Sep-2019.)

 +P.  =  ( x  e.  P. ,  y  e. 
 P.  |->  <. { q  e. 
 Q.  |  E. r  e.  Q.  E. s  e. 
 Q.  ( r  e.  ( 1st `  x )  /\  s  e.  ( 1st `  y )  /\  q  =  ( r  +Q  s ) ) } ,  { q  e.  Q.  |  E. r  e.  Q.  E. s  e.  Q.  (
 r  e.  ( 2nd `  x )  /\  s  e.  ( 2nd `  y
 )  /\  q  =  ( r  +Q  s
 ) ) } >. )
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