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Theorem List for Intuitionistic Logic Explorer - 2201-2300   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theorem3eqtr4rd 2201 A deduction from three chained equalities. (Contributed by NM, 21-Sep-1995.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  A )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  D  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  D  =  C )
Theoremsyl5eq 2202 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremsyl5req 2203 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 29-Mar-1998.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  A )
Theoremsyl5eqr 2204 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  B  =  A   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremsyl5reqr 2205 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 29-Mar-1998.)
 |-  B  =  A   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  A )
Theoremeqtrdi 2206 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  B  =  C   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremeqtr2di 2207 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 29-Mar-1998.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  B  =  C   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  A )
Theoremeqtr4di 2208 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  C  =  B   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremeqtr4id 2209 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 29-Mar-1998.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremsylan9eq 2210 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 8-May-1994.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 25-May-2011.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ps  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ( ph  /\ 
 ps )  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremsylan9req 2211 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 23-Jun-2007.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  A )   &    |-  ( ps  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ( ph  /\ 
 ps )  ->  A  =  C )
Theoremsylan9eqr 2212 An equality transitivity deduction. (Contributed by NM, 8-May-1994.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ps  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ( ps 
 /\  ph )  ->  A  =  C )
Theorem3eqtr3g 2213 A chained equality inference, useful for converting from definitions. (Contributed by NM, 15-Nov-1994.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  A  =  C   &    |-  B  =  D   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  D )
Theorem3eqtr3a 2214 A chained equality inference, useful for converting from definitions. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Nov-2015.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  D )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  D )
Theorem3eqtr4g 2215 A chained equality inference, useful for converting to definitions. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  C  =  A   &    |-  D  =  B   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  D )
Theorem3eqtr4a 2216 A chained equality inference, useful for converting to definitions. (Contributed by NM, 2-Feb-2007.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 25-May-2011.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  A )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  D  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  D )
Theoremeq2tri 2217 A compound transitive inference for class equality. (Contributed by NM, 22-Jan-2004.)
 |-  ( A  =  C  ->  D  =  F )   &    |-  ( B  =  D  ->  C  =  G )   =>    |-  ( ( A  =  C  /\  B  =  F ) 
 <->  ( B  =  D  /\  A  =  G ) )
Theoremeleq1w 2218 Weaker version of eleq1 2220 (but more general than elequ1 2132) not depending on ax-ext 2139 nor df-cleq 2150. (Contributed by BJ, 24-Jun-2019.)
 |-  ( x  =  y 
 ->  ( x  e.  A  <->  y  e.  A ) )
Theoremeleq2w 2219 Weaker version of eleq2 2221 (but more general than elequ2 2133) not depending on ax-ext 2139 nor df-cleq 2150. (Contributed by BJ, 29-Sep-2019.)
 |-  ( x  =  y 
 ->  ( A  e.  x  <->  A  e.  y ) )
Theoremeleq1 2220 Equality implies equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( A  =  B  ->  ( A  e.  C  <->  B  e.  C ) )
Theoremeleq2 2221 Equality implies equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( A  =  B  ->  ( C  e.  A  <->  C  e.  B ) )
Theoremeleq12 2222 Equality implies equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 31-May-1999.)
 |-  ( ( A  =  B  /\  C  =  D )  ->  ( A  e.  C 
 <->  B  e.  D ) )
Theoremeleq1i 2223 Inference from equality to equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  =  B   =>    |-  ( A  e.  C 
 <->  B  e.  C )
Theoremeleq2i 2224 Inference from equality to equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  =  B   =>    |-  ( C  e.  A 
 <->  C  e.  B )
Theoremeleq12i 2225 Inference from equality to equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 31-May-1994.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  C  =  D   =>    |-  ( A  e.  C  <->  B  e.  D )
Theoremeleq1d 2226 Deduction from equality to equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A  e.  C  <->  B  e.  C ) )
Theoremeleq2d 2227 Deduction from equality to equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 27-Dec-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( C  e.  A  <->  C  e.  B ) )
Theoremeleq12d 2228 Deduction from equality to equivalence of membership. (Contributed by NM, 31-May-1994.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  D )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( A  e.  C  <->  B  e.  D ) )
Theoremeleq1a 2229 A transitive-type law relating membership and equality. (Contributed by NM, 9-Apr-1994.)
 |-  ( A  e.  B  ->  ( C  =  A  ->  C  e.  B ) )
Theoremeqeltri 2230 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  B  e.  C   =>    |-  A  e.  C
Theoremeqeltrri 2231 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  A  e.  C   =>    |-  B  e.  C
Theoremeleqtri 2232 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  e.  B   &    |-  B  =  C   =>    |-  A  e.  C
Theoremeleqtrri 2233 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  A  e.  B   &    |-  C  =  B   =>    |-  A  e.  C
Theoremeqeltrd 2234 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation, deduction form. (Contributed by Raph Levien, 10-Dec-2002.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeqeltrrd 2235 Deduction that substitutes equal classes into membership. (Contributed by NM, 14-Dec-2004.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  C )
Theoremeleqtrd 2236 Deduction that substitutes equal classes into membership. (Contributed by NM, 14-Dec-2004.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeleqtrrd 2237 Deduction that substitutes equal classes into membership. (Contributed by NM, 14-Dec-2004.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theorem3eltr3i 2238 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2017.)
 |-  A  e.  B   &    |-  A  =  C   &    |-  B  =  D   =>    |-  C  e.  D
Theorem3eltr4i 2239 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2017.)
 |-  A  e.  B   &    |-  C  =  A   &    |-  D  =  B   =>    |-  C  e.  D
Theorem3eltr3d 2240 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  C )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  D )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  D )
Theorem3eltr4d 2241 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  A )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  D  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  D )
Theorem3eltr3g 2242 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  A  =  C   &    |-  B  =  D   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  D )
Theorem3eltr4g 2243 Substitution of equal classes into membership relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  C  =  A   &    |-  D  =  B   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  C  e.  D )
Theoremeqeltrid 2244 B membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeqeltrrid 2245 B membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  B  =  A   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  e.  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeleqtrid 2246 B membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  A  e.  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeleqtrrid 2247 B membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  A  e.  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  C  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeqeltrdi 2248 A membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  B  e.  C   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeqeltrrdi 2249 A membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  B  =  A )   &    |-  B  e.  C   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeleqtrdi 2250 A membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 4-Jan-2006.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  B  =  C   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeleqtrrdi 2251 A membership and equality inference. (Contributed by NM, 24-Apr-2005.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  B )   &    |-  C  =  B   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  e.  C )
Theoremeleq2s 2252 Substitution of equal classes into a membership antecedent. (Contributed by Jonathan Ben-Naim, 3-Jun-2011.)
 |-  ( A  e.  B  -> 
 ph )   &    |-  C  =  B   =>    |-  ( A  e.  C  ->  ph )
Theoremeqneltrd 2253 If a class is not an element of another class, an equal class is also not an element. Deduction form. (Contributed by David Moews, 1-May-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  B  e.  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  A  e.  C )
Theoremeqneltrrd 2254 If a class is not an element of another class, an equal class is also not an element. Deduction form. (Contributed by David Moews, 1-May-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  A  e.  C )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  B  e.  C )
Theoremneleqtrd 2255 If a class is not an element of another class, it is also not an element of an equal class. Deduction form. (Contributed by David Moews, 1-May-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  -.  C  e.  A )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  C  e.  B )
Theoremneleqtrrd 2256 If a class is not an element of another class, it is also not an element of an equal class. Deduction form. (Contributed by David Moews, 1-May-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  -.  C  e.  B )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  -.  C  e.  A )
Theoremcleqh 2257* Establish equality between classes, using bound-variable hypotheses instead of distinct variable conditions. See also cleqf 2324. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( y  e.  A  ->  A. x  y  e.  A )   &    |-  ( y  e.  B  ->  A. x  y  e.  B )   =>    |-  ( A  =  B 
 A. x ( x  e.  A  <->  x  e.  B ) )
Theoremnelneq 2258 A way of showing two classes are not equal. (Contributed by NM, 1-Apr-1997.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  C  /\  -.  B  e.  C )  ->  -.  A  =  B )
Theoremnelneq2 2259 A way of showing two classes are not equal. (Contributed by NM, 12-Jan-2002.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  B  /\  -.  A  e.  C )  ->  -.  B  =  C )
Theoremeqsb3lem 2260* Lemma for eqsb3 2261. (Contributed by Rodolfo Medina, 28-Apr-2010.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 14-Jun-2011.)
 |-  ( [ y  /  x ] x  =  A  <->  y  =  A )
Theoremeqsb3 2261* Substitution applied to an atomic wff (class version of equsb3 1931). (Contributed by Rodolfo Medina, 28-Apr-2010.)
 |-  ( [ y  /  x ] x  =  A  <->  y  =  A )
Theoremclelsb3 2262* Substitution applied to an atomic wff (class version of elsb3 2135). (Contributed by Rodolfo Medina, 28-Apr-2010.) (Proof shortened by Andrew Salmon, 14-Jun-2011.)
 |-  ( [ y  /  x ] x  e.  A  <->  y  e.  A )
Theoremclelsb4 2263* Substitution applied to an atomic wff (class version of elsb4 2136). (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 22-Nov-2018.)
 |-  ( [ y  /  x ] A  e.  x  <->  A  e.  y )
Theoremhbxfreq 2264 A utility lemma to transfer a bound-variable hypothesis builder into a definition. See hbxfrbi 1452 for equivalence version. (Contributed by NM, 21-Aug-2007.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  (
 y  e.  B  ->  A. x  y  e.  B )   =>    |-  ( y  e.  A  ->  A. x  y  e.  A )
Theoremhblem 2265* Change the free variable of a hypothesis builder. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.) (Revised by Andrew Salmon, 11-Jul-2011.)
 |-  ( y  e.  A  ->  A. x  y  e.  A )   =>    |-  ( z  e.  A  ->  A. x  z  e.  A )
Theoremabeq2 2266* Equality of a class variable and a class abstraction (also called a class builder). Theorem 5.1 of [Quine] p. 34. This theorem shows the relationship between expressions with class abstractions and expressions with class variables. Note that abbi 2271 and its relatives are among those useful for converting theorems with class variables to equivalent theorems with wff variables, by first substituting a class abstraction for each class variable.

Class variables can always be eliminated from a theorem to result in an equivalent theorem with wff variables, and vice-versa. The idea is roughly as follows. To convert a theorem with a wff variable  ph (that has a free variable  x) to a theorem with a class variable  A, we substitute  x  e.  A for  ph throughout and simplify, where  A is a new class variable not already in the wff. Conversely, to convert a theorem with a class variable  A to one with  ph, we substitute  { x  |  ph } for  A throughout and simplify, where  x and  ph are new set and wff variables not already in the wff. For more information on class variables, see Quine pp. 15-21 and/or Takeuti and Zaring pp. 10-13. (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)

 |-  ( A  =  { x  |  ph }  <->  A. x ( x  e.  A  <->  ph ) )
Theoremabeq1 2267* Equality of a class variable and a class abstraction. (Contributed by NM, 20-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( { x  |  ph
 }  =  A  <->  A. x ( ph  <->  x  e.  A ) )
Theoremabeq2i 2268 Equality of a class variable and a class abstraction (inference form). (Contributed by NM, 3-Apr-1996.)
 |-  A  =  { x  |  ph }   =>    |-  ( x  e.  A  <->  ph )
Theoremabeq1i 2269 Equality of a class variable and a class abstraction (inference form). (Contributed by NM, 31-Jul-1994.)
 { x  |  ph }  =  A   =>    |-  ( ph  <->  x  e.  A )
Theoremabeq2d 2270 Equality of a class variable and a class abstraction (deduction). (Contributed by NM, 16-Nov-1995.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  { x  |  ps } )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( x  e.  A  <->  ps ) )
Theoremabbi 2271 Equivalent wff's correspond to equal class abstractions. (Contributed by NM, 25-Nov-2013.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  ( A. x (
 <->  ps )  <->  { x  |  ph }  =  { x  |  ps } )
Theoremabbi2i 2272* Equality of a class variable and a class abstraction (inference form). (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( x  e.  A  <->  ph )   =>    |-  A  =  { x  |  ph }
Theoremabbii 2273 Equivalent wff's yield equal class abstractions (inference form). (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  <->  ps )   =>    |- 
 { x  |  ph }  =  { x  |  ps }
Theoremabbid 2274 Equivalent wff's yield equal class abstractions (deduction form). (Contributed by NM, 5-Aug-1993.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 7-Oct-2016.)
 F/ x ph   &    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ps  <->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  { x  |  ps }  =  { x  |  ch } )
Theoremabbidv 2275* Equivalent wff's yield equal class abstractions (deduction form). (Contributed by NM, 10-Aug-1993.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  ( ps 
 <->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  { x  |  ps }  =  { x  |  ch } )
Theoremabbi2dv 2276* Deduction from a wff to a class abstraction. (Contributed by NM, 9-Jul-1994.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  ( x  e.  A  <->  ps ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  { x  |  ps } )
Theoremabbi1dv 2277* Deduction from a wff to a class abstraction. (Contributed by NM, 9-Jul-1994.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  ( ps 
 <->  x  e.  A ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  { x  |  ps }  =  A )
Theoremabid2 2278* A simplification of class abstraction. Theorem 5.2 of [Quine] p. 35. (Contributed by NM, 26-Dec-1993.)
 { x  |  x  e.  A }  =  A
Theoremsb8ab 2279 Substitution of variable in class abstraction. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 27-Sep-2018.)
 F/ y ph   =>    |- 
 { x  |  ph }  =  { y  |  [ y  /  x ] ph }
Theoremcbvabw 2280* Version of cbvab 2281 with a disjoint variable condition. (Contributed by Gino Giotto, 10-Jan-2024.) Reduce axiom usage. (Revised by Gino Giotto, 25-Aug-2024.)
 F/ y ph   &    |-  F/ x ps   &    |-  ( x  =  y  ->  (
 <->  ps ) )   =>    |-  { x  |  ph
 }  =  { y  |  ps }
Theoremcbvab 2281 Rule used to change bound variables, using implicit substitution. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 11-Jul-2011.)
 F/ y ph   &    |-  F/ x ps   &    |-  ( x  =  y  ->  (
 <->  ps ) )   =>    |-  { x  |  ph
 }  =  { y  |  ps }
Theoremcbvabv 2282* Rule used to change bound variables, using implicit substitution. (Contributed by NM, 26-May-1999.)
 |-  ( x  =  y 
 ->  ( ph  <->  ps ) )   =>    |-  { x  |  ph
 }  =  { y  |  ps }
Theoremclelab 2283* Membership of a class variable in a class abstraction. (Contributed by NM, 23-Dec-1993.)
 |-  ( A  e.  { x  |  ph }  <->  E. x ( x  =  A  /\  ph )
Theoremclabel 2284* Membership of a class abstraction in another class. (Contributed by NM, 17-Jan-2006.)
 |-  ( { x  |  ph
 }  e.  A  <->  E. y ( y  e.  A  /\  A. x ( x  e.  y  <->  ph ) ) )
Theoremsbab 2285* The right-hand side of the second equality is a way of representing proper substitution of  y for  x into a class variable. (Contributed by NM, 14-Sep-2003.)
 |-  ( x  =  y 
 ->  A  =  { z  |  [ y  /  x ] z  e.  A } )
2.1.3  Class form not-free predicate
Syntaxwnfc 2286 Extend wff definition to include the not-free predicate for classes.
 wff  F/_ x A
Theoremnfcjust 2287* Justification theorem for df-nfc 2288. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Oct-2016.)
 |-  ( A. y F/ x  y  e.  A  <->  A. z F/ x  z  e.  A )
Definitiondf-nfc 2288* Define the not-free predicate for classes. This is read " x is not free in  A". Not-free means that the value of  x cannot affect the value of  A, e.g., any occurrence of  x in  A is effectively bound by a quantifier or something that expands to one (such as "there exists at most one"). It is defined in terms of the not-free predicate df-nf 1441 for wffs; see that definition for more information. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  ( F/_ x A  <->  A. y F/ x  y  e.  A )
Theoremnfci 2289* Deduce that a class  A does not have  x free in it. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 F/ x  y  e.  A   =>    |-  F/_ x A
Theoremnfcii 2290* Deduce that a class  A does not have  x free in it. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  ( y  e.  A  ->  A. x  y  e.  A )   =>    |-  F/_ x A
Theoremnfcr 2291* Consequence of the not-free predicate. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  ( F/_ x A  ->  F/ x  y  e.  A )
Theoremnfcrii 2292* Consequence of the not-free predicate. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  F/_ x A   =>    |-  ( y  e.  A  ->  A. x  y  e.  A )
Theoremnfcri 2293* Consequence of the not-free predicate. (Note that unlike nfcr 2291, this does not require  y and  A to be disjoint.) (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  F/_ x A   =>    |- 
 F/ x  y  e.  A
Theoremnfcd 2294* Deduce that a class  A does not have  x free in it. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 F/ y ph   &    |-  ( ph  ->  F/ x  y  e.  A )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  F/_ x A )
Theoremnfceqi 2295 Equality theorem for class not-free. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  A  =  B   =>    |-  ( F/_ x A 
 F/_ x B )
Theoremnfcxfr 2296 A utility lemma to transfer a bound-variable hypothesis builder into a definition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  F/_ x B   =>    |-  F/_ x A
Theoremnfcxfrd 2297 A utility lemma to transfer a bound-variable hypothesis builder into a definition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  A  =  B   &    |-  ( ph  ->  F/_ x B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  F/_ x A )
Theoremnfceqdf 2298 An equality theorem for effectively not free. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 14-Oct-2016.)
 F/ x ph   &    |-  ( ph  ->  A  =  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 F/_ x A  <->  F/_ x B ) )
Theoremnfcv 2299* If  x is disjoint from  A, then  x is not free in  A. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Aug-2016.)
 |-  F/_ x A
Theoremnfcvd 2300* If  x is disjoint from  A, then  x is not free in  A. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 7-Oct-2016.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F/_ x A )
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