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Theorem List for Intuitionistic Logic Explorer - 12301-12400   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Syntaxcnt 12301 Extend class notation with interior of a subset of a topology base set.
 class  int
Syntaxccl 12302 Extend class notation with closure of a subset of a topology base set.
 class  cls
Definitiondf-cld 12303* Define a function on topologies whose value is the set of closed sets of the topology. (Contributed by NM, 2-Oct-2006.)
 Clsd  =  ( j  e.  Top  |->  { x  e.  ~P U. j  |  ( U. j  \  x )  e.  j } )
Definitiondf-ntr 12304* Define a function on topologies whose value is the interior function on the subsets of the base set. See ntrval 12318. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2006.)
 int  =  ( j  e.  Top  |->  ( x  e. 
 ~P U. j  |->  U. (
 j  i^i  ~P x ) ) )
Definitiondf-cls 12305* Define a function on topologies whose value is the closure function on the subsets of the base set. See clsval 12319. (Contributed by NM, 3-Oct-2006.)
 cls  =  ( j  e.  Top  |->  ( x  e. 
 ~P U. j  |->  |^| { y  e.  ( Clsd `  j )  |  x  C_  y }
 ) )
Theoremfncld 12306 The closed-set generator is a well-behaved function. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 1-Feb-2015.)
 Clsd  Fn  Top
Theoremcldval 12307* The set of closed sets of a topology. (Note that the set of open sets is just the topology itself, so we don't have a separate definition.) (Contributed by NM, 2-Oct-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( Clsd `  J )  =  { x  e.  ~P X  |  ( X  \  x )  e.  J } )
Theoremntrfval 12308* The interior function on the subsets of a topology's base set. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( int `  J )  =  ( x  e.  ~P X  |->  U. ( J  i^i  ~P x ) ) )
Theoremclsfval 12309* The closure function on the subsets of a topology's base set. (Contributed by NM, 3-Oct-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( cls `  J )  =  ( x  e.  ~P X  |->  |^| { y  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  |  x  C_  y }
 ) )
Theoremcldrcl 12310 Reverse closure of the closed set operation. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 22-Feb-2015.)
 |-  ( C  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  ->  J  e.  Top )
Theoremiscld 12311 The predicate "the class  S is a closed set". (Contributed by NM, 2-Oct-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( S  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  <->  ( S  C_  X  /\  ( X  \  S )  e.  J ) ) )
Theoremiscld2 12312 A subset of the underlying set of a topology is closed iff its complement is open. (Contributed by NM, 4-Oct-2006.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( S  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  <->  ( X  \  S )  e.  J ) )
Theoremcldss 12313 A closed set is a subset of the underlying set of a topology. (Contributed by NM, 5-Oct-2006.) (Revised by Stefan O'Rear, 22-Feb-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( S  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  ->  S  C_  X )
Theoremcldss2 12314 The set of closed sets is contained in the powerset of the base. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2014.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( Clsd `  J )  C_  ~P X
Theoremcldopn 12315 The complement of a closed set is open. (Contributed by NM, 5-Oct-2006.) (Revised by Stefan O'Rear, 22-Feb-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( S  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  ->  ( X  \  S )  e.  J )
Theoremdifopn 12316 The difference of a closed set with an open set is open. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-Jan-2014.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( A  e.  J  /\  B  e.  ( Clsd `  J ) )  ->  ( A  \  B )  e.  J )
Theoremtopcld 12317 The underlying set of a topology is closed. Part of Theorem 6.1(1) of [Munkres] p. 93. (Contributed by NM, 3-Oct-2006.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  X  e.  ( Clsd `  J )
Theoremntrval 12318 The interior of a subset of a topology's base set is the union of all the open sets it includes. Definition of interior of [Munkres] p. 94. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  = 
 U. ( J  i^i  ~P S ) )
Theoremclsval 12319* The closure of a subset of a topology's base set is the intersection of all the closed sets that include it. Definition of closure of [Munkres] p. 94. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S )  = 
 |^| { x  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  |  S  C_  x }
Theorem0cld 12320 The empty set is closed. Part of Theorem 6.1(1) of [Munkres] p. 93. (Contributed by NM, 4-Oct-2006.)
 |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  (/) 
 e.  ( Clsd `  J ) )
Theoremuncld 12321 The union of two closed sets is closed. Equivalent to Theorem 6.1(3) of [Munkres] p. 93. (Contributed by NM, 5-Oct-2006.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  /\  B  e.  ( Clsd `  J ) )  ->  ( A  u.  B )  e.  ( Clsd `  J ) )
Theoremcldcls 12322 A closed subset equals its own closure. (Contributed by NM, 15-Mar-2007.)
 |-  ( S  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  ->  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S )  =  S )
Theoremiuncld 12323* A finite indexed union of closed sets is closed. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Sep-2015.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 10-Mar-2023.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  e.  Fin  /\  A. x  e.  A  B  e.  ( Clsd `  J )
 )  ->  U_ x  e.  A  B  e.  ( Clsd `  J ) )
Theoremunicld 12324 A finite union of closed sets is closed. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Sep-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  e.  Fin  /\  A  C_  ( Clsd `  J ) )  ->  U. A  e.  ( Clsd `  J )
Theoremntropn 12325 The interior of a subset of a topology's underlying set is open. (Contributed by NM, 11-Sep-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  e.  J )
Theoremclsss 12326 Subset relationship for closure. (Contributed by NM, 10-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X  /\  T  C_  S )  ->  ( ( cls `  J ) `  T )  C_  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremntrss 12327 Subset relationship for interior. (Contributed by NM, 3-Oct-2007.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 11-Mar-2023.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X  /\  T  C_  S )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  T )  C_  ( ( int `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremsscls 12328 A subset of a topology's underlying set is included in its closure. (Contributed by NM, 22-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  S  C_  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremntrss2 12329 A subset includes its interior. (Contributed by NM, 3-Oct-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  C_  S )
Theoremssntr 12330 An open subset of a set is a subset of the set's interior. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 31-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  /\  ( O  e.  J  /\  O  C_  S )
 )  ->  O  C_  (
 ( int `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremntrss3 12331 The interior of a subset of a topological space is included in the space. (Contributed by NM, 1-Oct-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  C_  X )
Theoremntrin 12332 A pairwise intersection of interiors is the interior of the intersection. This does not always hold for arbitrary intersections. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 31-Aug-2009.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  C_  X  /\  B  C_  X )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  ( A  i^i  B ) )  =  ( ( ( int `  J ) `  A )  i^i  ( ( int `  J ) `  B ) ) )
Theoremisopn3 12333 A subset is open iff it equals its own interior. (Contributed by NM, 9-Oct-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( S  e.  J  <->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  =  S ) )
Theoremntridm 12334 The interior operation is idempotent. (Contributed by NM, 2-Oct-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  ( ( int `  J ) `  S ) )  =  (
 ( int `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremclstop 12335 The closure of a topology's underlying set is the entire set. (Contributed by NM, 5-Oct-2007.) (Proof shortened by Jim Kingdon, 11-Mar-2023.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  (
 ( cls `  J ) `  X )  =  X )
Theoremntrtop 12336 The interior of a topology's underlying set is the entire set. (Contributed by NM, 12-Sep-2006.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  (
 ( int `  J ) `  X )  =  X )
Theoremclsss2 12337 If a subset is included in a closed set, so is the subset's closure. (Contributed by NM, 22-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( C  e.  ( Clsd `  J )  /\  S  C_  C )  ->  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S )  C_  C )
Theoremclsss3 12338 The closure of a subset of a topological space is included in the space. (Contributed by NM, 26-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S )  C_  X )
Theoremntrcls0 12339 A subset whose closure has an empty interior also has an empty interior. (Contributed by NM, 4-Oct-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X  /\  ( ( int `  J ) `  ( ( cls `  J ) `  S ) )  =  (/) )  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  =  (/) )
Theoremntreq0 12340* Two ways to say that a subset has an empty interior. (Contributed by NM, 3-Oct-2007.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 11-Mar-2023.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  =  (/)  <->  A. x  e.  J  ( x  C_  S  ->  x  =  (/) ) ) )
Theoremcls0 12341 The closure of the empty set. (Contributed by NM, 2-Oct-2007.) (Proof shortened by Jim Kingdon, 12-Mar-2023.)
 |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( ( cls `  J ) `  (/) )  =  (/) )
Theoremntr0 12342 The interior of the empty set. (Contributed by NM, 2-Oct-2007.)
 |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  (/) )  =  (/) )
Theoremisopn3i 12343 An open subset equals its own interior. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 30-Dec-2016.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  e.  J ) 
 ->  ( ( int `  J ) `  S )  =  S )
Theoremdiscld 12344 The open sets of a discrete topology are closed and its closed sets are open. (Contributed by FL, 7-Jun-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 7-Apr-2015.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( Clsd `  ~P A )  =  ~P A )
Theoremsn0cld 12345 The closed sets of the topology 
{ (/) }. (Contributed by FL, 5-Jan-2009.)
 |-  ( Clsd `  { (/) } )  =  { (/) }
7.1.5  Neighborhoods
Syntaxcnei 12346 Extend class notation with neighborhood relation for topologies.
 class  nei
Definitiondf-nei 12347* Define a function on topologies whose value is a map from a subset to its neighborhoods. (Contributed by NM, 11-Feb-2007.)
 nei  =  ( j  e.  Top  |->  ( x  e. 
 ~P U. j  |->  { y  e.  ~P U. j  | 
 E. g  e.  j  ( x  C_  g  /\  g  C_  y ) }
 ) )
Theoremneifval 12348* Value of the neighborhood function on the subsets of the base set of a topology. (Contributed by NM, 11-Feb-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( nei `  J )  =  ( x  e.  ~P X  |->  { v  e.  ~P X  |  E. g  e.  J  ( x  C_  g  /\  g  C_  v
 ) } ) )
Theoremneif 12349 The neighborhood function is a function from the set of the subsets of the base set of a topology. (Contributed by NM, 12-Feb-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( nei `  J )  Fn 
 ~P X )
Theoremneiss2 12350 A set with a neighborhood is a subset of the base set of a topology. (This theorem depends on a function's value being empty outside of its domain, but it will make later theorems simpler to state.) (Contributed by NM, 12-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )  ->  S  C_  X )
Theoremneival 12351* Value of the set of neighborhoods of a subset of the base set of a topology. (Contributed by NM, 11-Feb-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S )  =  { v  e.  ~P X  |  E. g  e.  J  ( S  C_  g  /\  g  C_  v
 ) } )
Theoremisnei 12352* The predicate "the class  N is a neighborhood of  S". (Contributed by FL, 25-Sep-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( N  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S )  <->  ( N  C_  X  /\  E. g  e.  J  ( S  C_  g  /\  g  C_  N ) ) ) )
Theoremneiint 12353 An intuitive definition of a neighborhood in terms of interior. (Contributed by Szymon Jaroszewicz, 18-Dec-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 11-Nov-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X  /\  N  C_  X )  ->  ( N  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S )  <->  S  C_  ( ( int `  J ) `  N ) ) )
Theoremisneip 12354* The predicate "the class  N is a neighborhood of point  P". (Contributed by NM, 26-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  P  e.  X ) 
 ->  ( N  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  { P } )  <->  ( N  C_  X  /\  E. g  e.  J  ( P  e.  g  /\  g  C_  N ) ) ) )
Theoremneii1 12355 A neighborhood is included in the topology's base set. (Contributed by NM, 12-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )  ->  N  C_  X )
Theoremneisspw 12356 The neighborhoods of any set are subsets of the base set. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 6-Aug-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S )  C_  ~P X )
Theoremneii2 12357* Property of a neighborhood. (Contributed by NM, 12-Feb-2007.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )  ->  E. g  e.  J  ( S  C_  g  /\  g  C_  N ) )
Theoremneiss 12358 Any neighborhood of a set  S is also a neighborhood of any subset  R  C_  S. Similar to Proposition 1 of [BourbakiTop1] p. I.2. (Contributed by FL, 25-Sep-2006.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S )  /\  R  C_  S )  ->  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  R ) )
Theoremssnei 12359 A set is included in any of its neighborhoods. Generalization to subsets of elnei 12360. (Contributed by FL, 16-Nov-2006.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )  ->  S  C_  N )
Theoremelnei 12360 A point belongs to any of its neighborhoods. Property Viii of [BourbakiTop1] p. I.3. (Contributed by FL, 28-Sep-2006.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  P  e.  A  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  { P } ) ) 
 ->  P  e.  N )
Theorem0nnei 12361 The empty set is not a neighborhood of a nonempty set. (Contributed by FL, 18-Sep-2007.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  =/=  (/) )  ->  -.  (/)  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremneipsm 12362* A neighborhood of a set is a neighborhood of every point in the set. Proposition 1 of [BourbakiTop1] p. I.2. (Contributed by FL, 16-Nov-2006.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 22-Mar-2023.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X  /\  E. x  x  e.  S )  ->  ( N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S )  <->  A. p  e.  S  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  { p } ) ) )
Theoremopnneissb 12363 An open set is a neighborhood of any of its subsets. (Contributed by FL, 2-Oct-2006.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  J  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  ( S  C_  N  <->  N  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S ) ) )
Theoremopnssneib 12364 Any superset of an open set is a neighborhood of it. (Contributed by NM, 14-Feb-2007.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  e.  J  /\  N  C_  X )  ->  ( S  C_  N  <->  N  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S ) ) )
Theoremssnei2 12365 Any subset  M of  X containing a neighborhood  N of a set  S is a neighborhood of this set. Generalization to subsets of Property Vi of [BourbakiTop1] p. I.3. (Contributed by FL, 2-Oct-2006.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )  /\  ( N  C_  M  /\  M  C_  X ) ) 
 ->  M  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremopnneiss 12366 An open set is a neighborhood of any of its subsets. (Contributed by NM, 13-Feb-2007.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  J  /\  S  C_  N )  ->  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremopnneip 12367 An open set is a neighborhood of any of its members. (Contributed by NM, 8-Mar-2007.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  J  /\  P  e.  N )  ->  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  { P } )
Theoremtpnei 12368 The underlying set of a topology is a neighborhood of any of its subsets. Special case of opnneiss 12366. (Contributed by FL, 2-Oct-2006.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( S  C_  X  <->  X  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S ) ) )
Theoremneiuni 12369 The union of the neighborhoods of a set equals the topology's underlying set. (Contributed by FL, 18-Sep-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 9-Apr-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  S  C_  X )  ->  X  =  U. (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremtopssnei 12370 A finer topology has more neighborhoods. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 9-Apr-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   &    |-  Y  =  U. K   =>    |-  ( ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  K  e.  Top  /\  X  =  Y ) 
 /\  J  C_  K )  ->  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S )  C_  ( ( nei `  K ) `  S ) )
Theoreminnei 12371 The intersection of two neighborhoods of a set is also a neighborhood of the set. Generalization to subsets of Property Vii of [BourbakiTop1] p. I.3 for binary intersections. (Contributed by FL, 28-Sep-2006.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S )  /\  M  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) ) 
 ->  ( N  i^i  M )  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )
Theoremopnneiid 12372 Only an open set is a neighborhood of itself. (Contributed by FL, 2-Oct-2006.)
 |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( N  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  N )  <->  N  e.  J ) )
Theoremneissex 12373* For any neighborhood  N of  S, there is a neighborhood  x of  S such that  N is a neighborhood of all subsets of  x. Generalization to subsets of Property Viv of [BourbakiTop1] p. I.3. (Contributed by FL, 2-Oct-2006.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  S ) )  ->  E. x  e.  (
 ( nei `  J ) `  S ) A. y
 ( y  C_  x  ->  N  e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  y ) ) )
Theorem0nei 12374 The empty set is a neighborhood of itself. (Contributed by FL, 10-Dec-2006.)
 |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  (/) 
 e.  ( ( nei `  J ) `  (/) ) )
7.1.6  Subspace topologies
Theoremrestrcl 12375 Reverse closure for the subspace topology. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Mar-2015.) (Proof shortened by Jim Kingdon, 23-Mar-2023.)
 |-  ( ( Jt  A )  e.  Top  ->  ( J  e.  _V  /\  A  e.  _V ) )
Theoremrestbasg 12376 A subspace topology basis is a basis. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Mar-2015.)
 |-  ( ( B  e.  TopBases  /\  A  e.  V ) 
 ->  ( Bt  A )  e.  TopBases )
Theoremtgrest 12377 A subspace can be generated by restricted sets from a basis for the original topology. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Mar-2015.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 30-Aug-2015.)
 |-  ( ( B  e.  V  /\  A  e.  W )  ->  ( topGen `  ( Bt  A ) )  =  ( ( topGen `  B )t  A ) )
Theoremresttop 12378 A subspace topology is a topology. Definition of subspace topology in [Munkres] p. 89.  A is normally a subset of the base set of  J. (Contributed by FL, 15-Apr-2007.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 1-May-2015.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  e.  V ) 
 ->  ( Jt  A )  e.  Top )
Theoremresttopon 12379 A subspace topology is a topology on the base set. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Aug-2015.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  (TopOn `  X )  /\  A  C_  X )  ->  ( Jt  A )  e.  (TopOn `  A ) )
Theoremrestuni 12380 The underlying set of a subspace topology. (Contributed by FL, 5-Jan-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Aug-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  C_  X )  ->  A  =  U. ( Jt  A ) )
Theoremstoig 12381 The topological space built with a subspace topology. (Contributed by FL, 5-Jan-2009.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 1-May-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  C_  X )  ->  { <. ( Base `  ndx ) ,  A >. , 
 <. (TopSet `  ndx ) ,  ( Jt  A ) >. }  e.  TopSp
Theoremrestco 12382 Composition of subspaces. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 15-Dec-2013.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 1-May-2015.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  V  /\  A  e.  W  /\  B  e.  X ) 
 ->  ( ( Jt  A )t  B )  =  ( Jt  ( A  i^i  B ) ) )
Theoremrestabs 12383 Equivalence of being a subspace of a subspace and being a subspace of the original. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Jul-2009.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 1-May-2015.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  V  /\  S  C_  T  /\  T  e.  W ) 
 ->  ( ( Jt  T )t  S )  =  ( Jt  S ) )
Theoremrestin 12384 When the subspace region is not a subset of the base of the topology, the resulting set is the same as the subspace restricted to the base. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 15-Dec-2013.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  V  /\  A  e.  W ) 
 ->  ( Jt  A )  =  ( Jt  ( A  i^i  X ) ) )
Theoremrestuni2 12385 The underlying set of a subspace topology. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Mar-2015.)
 |-  X  =  U. J   =>    |-  (
 ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  e.  V ) 
 ->  ( A  i^i  X )  =  U. ( Jt  A ) )
Theoremresttopon2 12386 The underlying set of a subspace topology. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Aug-2015.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  (TopOn `  X )  /\  A  e.  V )  ->  ( Jt  A )  e.  (TopOn `  ( A  i^i  X ) ) )
Theoremrest0 12387 The subspace topology induced by the topology  J on the empty set. (Contributed by FL, 22-Dec-2008.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 1-May-2015.)
 |-  ( J  e.  Top  ->  ( Jt  (/) )  =  { (/)
 } )
Theoremrestsn 12388 The only subspace topology induced by the topology  { (/)
}. (Contributed by FL, 5-Jan-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 15-Dec-2013.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( { (/) }t  A )  =  { (/) } )
Theoremrestopnb 12389 If  B is an open subset of the subspace base set  A, then any subset of  B is open iff it is open in  A. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 2-Mar-2015.)
 |-  ( ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  e.  V )  /\  ( B  e.  J  /\  B  C_  A  /\  C  C_  B ) )  ->  ( C  e.  J  <->  C  e.  ( Jt  A ) ) )
Theoremssrest 12390 If  K is a finer topology than  J, then the subspace topologies induced by  A maintain this relationship. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Mar-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 1-May-2015.)
 |-  ( ( K  e.  V  /\  J  C_  K )  ->  ( Jt  A ) 
 C_  ( Kt  A ) )
Theoremrestopn2 12391 If  A is open, then  B is open in  A iff it is an open subset of  A. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 2-Mar-2015.)
 |-  ( ( J  e.  Top  /\  A  e.  J ) 
 ->  ( B  e.  ( Jt  A )  <->  ( B  e.  J  /\  B  C_  A ) ) )
Theoremrestdis 12392 A subspace of a discrete topology is discrete. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Mar-2015.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  B  C_  A )  ->  ( ~P At  B )  =  ~P B )
7.1.7  Limits and continuity in topological spaces
Syntaxccn 12393 Extend class notation with the class of continuous functions between topologies.
 class  Cn
Syntaxccnp 12394 Extend class notation with the class of functions between topologies continuous at a given point.
 class  CnP
Syntaxclm 12395 Extend class notation with a function on topological spaces whose value is the convergence relation for limit sequences in the space.
 class  ~~> t
Definitiondf-cn 12396* Define a function on two topologies whose value is the set of continuous mappings from the first topology to the second. Based on definition of continuous function in [Munkres] p. 102. See iscn 12405 for the predicate form. (Contributed by NM, 17-Oct-2006.)
 Cn  =  ( j  e.  Top ,  k  e.  Top  |->  { f  e.  ( U. k  ^m  U. j
 )  |  A. y  e.  k  ( `' f " y )  e.  j } )
Definitiondf-cnp 12397* Define a function on two topologies whose value is the set of continuous mappings at a specified point in the first topology. Based on Theorem 7.2(g) of [Munkres] p. 107. (Contributed by NM, 17-Oct-2006.)
 CnP  =  ( j  e.  Top ,  k  e. 
 Top  |->  ( x  e. 
 U. j  |->  { f  e.  ( U. k  ^m  U. j )  |  A. y  e.  k  (
 ( f `  x )  e.  y  ->  E. g  e.  j  ( x  e.  g  /\  ( f " g
 )  C_  y )
 ) } ) )
Definitiondf-lm 12398* Define a function on topologies whose value is the convergence relation for sequences into the given topological space. Although  f is typically a sequence (a function from an upperset of integers) with values in the topological space, it need not be. Note, however, that the limit property concerns only values at integers, so that the real-valued function  ( x  e.  RR  |->  ( sin `  ( pi  x.  x ) ) ) converges to zero (in the standard topology on the reals) with this definition. (Contributed by NM, 7-Sep-2006.)
 |-  ~~> t  =  ( j  e.  Top  |->  { <. f ,  x >.  |  ( f  e.  ( U. j  ^pm  CC )  /\  x  e. 
 U. j  /\  A. u  e.  j  ( x  e.  u  ->  E. y  e.  ran  ZZ>= ( f  |`  y ) : y --> u ) ) }
Theoremlmrcl 12399 Reverse closure for the convergence relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 7-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( F ( ~~> t `  J ) P  ->  J  e.  Top )
Theoremlmfval 12400* The relation "sequence  f converges to point  y " in a metric space. (Contributed by NM, 7-Sep-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 21-Aug-2015.)
 |-  ( J  e.  (TopOn `  X )  ->  ( ~~> t `  J )  =  { <. f ,  x >.  |  ( f  e.  ( X  ^pm  CC )  /\  x  e.  X  /\  A. u  e.  J  ( x  e.  u  ->  E. y  e.  ran  ZZ>= ( f  |`  y ) : y --> u ) ) } )
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