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Theorem List for Intuitionistic Logic Explorer - 6101-6200   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremelopabi 6101* A consequence of membership in an ordered-pair class abstraction, using ordered pair extractors. (Contributed by NM, 29-Aug-2006.)
 |-  ( x  =  ( 1st `  A )  ->  ( ph  <->  ps ) )   &    |-  (
 y  =  ( 2nd `  A )  ->  ( ps 
 <->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  {
 <. x ,  y >.  | 
 ph }  ->  ch )
Theoremeloprabi 6102* A consequence of membership in an operation class abstraction, using ordered pair extractors. (Contributed by NM, 6-Nov-2006.) (Revised by David Abernethy, 19-Jun-2012.)
 |-  ( x  =  ( 1st `  ( 1st `  A ) )  ->  ( ph  <->  ps ) )   &    |-  (
 y  =  ( 2nd `  ( 1st `  A ) )  ->  ( ps  <->  ch ) )   &    |-  ( z  =  ( 2nd `  A )  ->  ( ch  <->  th ) )   =>    |-  ( A  e.  {
 <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  ph } 
 ->  th )
Theoremmpomptsx 6103* Express a two-argument function as a one-argument function, or vice-versa. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 24-Dec-2016.)
 |-  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )  =  (
 z  e.  U_ x  e.  A  ( { x }  X.  B )  |->  [_ ( 1st `  z )  /  x ]_ [_ ( 2nd `  z )  /  y ]_ C )
Theoremmpompts 6104* Express a two-argument function as a one-argument function, or vice-versa. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 24-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )  =  (
 z  e.  ( A  X.  B )  |->  [_ ( 1st `  z )  /  x ]_ [_ ( 2nd `  z )  /  y ]_ C )
Theoremdmmpossx 6105* The domain of a mapping is a subset of its base class. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 9-Feb-2015.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  dom  F  C_  U_ x  e.  A  ( { x }  X.  B )
Theoremfmpox 6106* Functionality, domain and codomain of a class given by the maps-to notation, where  B ( x ) is not constant but depends on  x. (Contributed by NM, 29-Dec-2014.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  C  e.  D  <->  F : U_ x  e.  A  ( { x }  X.  B ) --> D )
Theoremfmpo 6107* Functionality, domain and range of a class given by the maps-to notation. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  C  e.  D  <->  F : ( A  X.  B ) --> D )
Theoremfnmpo 6108* Functionality and domain of a class given by the maps-to notation. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  C  e.  V  ->  F  Fn  ( A  X.  B ) )
Theoremmpofvex 6109* Sufficient condition for an operation maps-to notation to be set-like. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 3-Jul-2019.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( ( A. x A. y  C  e.  V  /\  R  e.  W  /\  S  e.  X ) 
 ->  ( R F S )  e.  _V )
Theoremfnmpoi 6110* Functionality and domain of a class given by the maps-to notation. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   &    |-  C  e.  _V   =>    |-  F  Fn  ( A  X.  B )
Theoremdmmpo 6111* Domain of a class given by the maps-to notation. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   &    |-  C  e.  _V   =>    |- 
 dom  F  =  ( A  X.  B )
Theoremmpofvexi 6112* Sufficient condition for an operation maps-to notation to be set-like. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 3-Jul-2019.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   &    |-  C  e.  _V   &    |-  R  e.  _V   &    |-  S  e.  _V   =>    |-  ( R F S )  e.  _V
Theoremovmpoelrn 6113* An operation's value belongs to its range. (Contributed by AV, 27-Jan-2020.)
 |-  O  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( ( A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  C  e.  M  /\  X  e.  A  /\  Y  e.  B )  ->  ( X O Y )  e.  M )
Theoremdmmpoga 6114* Domain of an operation given by the maps-to notation, closed form of dmmpo 6111. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 10-Feb-2019.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  B  C  e.  V  ->  dom  F  =  ( A  X.  B ) )
Theoremdmmpog 6115* Domain of an operation given by the maps-to notation, closed form of dmmpo 6111. Caution: This theorem is only valid in the very special case where the value of the mapping is a constant! (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 1-Jun-2017.) (Proof shortened by AV, 10-Feb-2019.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( C  e.  V  ->  dom  F  =  ( A  X.  B ) )
Theoremmpoexxg 6116* Existence of an operation class abstraction (version for dependent domains). (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 30-Dec-2016.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( ( A  e.  R  /\  A. x  e.  A  B  e.  S )  ->  F  e.  _V )
Theoremmpoexg 6117* Existence of an operation class abstraction (special case). (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 1-Sep-2015.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( ( A  e.  R  /\  B  e.  S )  ->  F  e.  _V )
Theoremmpoexga 6118* If the domain of an operation given by maps-to notation is a set, the operation is a set. (Contributed by NM, 12-Sep-2011.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  B  e.  W )  ->  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )  e. 
 _V )
Theoremmpoex 6119* If the domain of an operation given by maps-to notation is a set, the operation is a set. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 20-Dec-2013.)
 |-  A  e.  _V   &    |-  B  e.  _V   =>    |-  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )  e.  _V
Theoremfnmpoovd 6120* A function with a Cartesian product as domain is a mapping with two arguments defined by its operation values. (Contributed by AV, 20-Feb-2019.) (Revised by AV, 3-Jul-2022.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  M  Fn  ( A  X.  B ) )   &    |-  ( ( i  =  a  /\  j  =  b )  ->  D  =  C )   &    |-  ( ( ph  /\  i  e.  A  /\  j  e.  B )  ->  D  e.  U )   &    |-  ( ( ph  /\  a  e.  A  /\  b  e.  B )  ->  C  e.  V )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( M  =  ( a  e.  A ,  b  e.  B  |->  C )  <->  A. i  e.  A  A. j  e.  B  ( i M j )  =  D ) )
Theoremfmpoco 6121* Composition of two functions. Variation of fmptco 5594 when the second function has two arguments. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 8-Feb-2015.)
 |-  ( ( ph  /\  ( x  e.  A  /\  y  e.  B )
 )  ->  R  e.  C )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  R ) )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  G  =  ( z  e.  C  |->  S ) )   &    |-  (
 z  =  R  ->  S  =  T )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( G  o.  F )  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  T ) )
Theoremoprabco 6122* Composition of a function with an operator abstraction. (Contributed by Jeff Madsen, 2-Sep-2009.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 26-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( ( x  e.  A  /\  y  e.  B )  ->  C  e.  D )   &    |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   &    |-  G  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  ( H `  C ) )   =>    |-  ( H  Fn  D  ->  G  =  ( H  o.  F ) )
Theoremoprab2co 6123* Composition of operator abstractions. (Contributed by Jeff Madsen, 2-Sep-2009.) (Revised by David Abernethy, 23-Apr-2013.)
 |-  ( ( x  e.  A  /\  y  e.  B )  ->  C  e.  R )   &    |-  ( ( x  e.  A  /\  y  e.  B )  ->  D  e.  S )   &    |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  <. C ,  D >. )   &    |-  G  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  ( C M D ) )   =>    |-  ( M  Fn  ( R  X.  S )  ->  G  =  ( M  o.  F ) )
Theoremdf1st2 6124* An alternate possible definition of the  1st function. (Contributed by NM, 14-Oct-2004.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 31-Aug-2015.)
 { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  z  =  x }  =  ( 1st  |`  ( _V  X.  _V ) )
Theoremdf2nd2 6125* An alternate possible definition of the  2nd function. (Contributed by NM, 10-Aug-2006.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 31-Aug-2015.)
 { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  z  =  y }  =  ( 2nd  |`  ( _V  X.  _V ) )
Theorem1stconst 6126 The mapping of a restriction of the  1st function to a constant function. (Contributed by NM, 14-Dec-2008.)
 |-  ( B  e.  V  ->  ( 1st  |`  ( A  X.  { B }
 ) ) : ( A  X.  { B } ) -1-1-onto-> A )
Theorem2ndconst 6127 The mapping of a restriction of the  2nd function to a converse constant function. (Contributed by NM, 27-Mar-2008.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( 2nd  |`  ( { A }  X.  B ) ) : ( { A }  X.  B ) -1-1-onto-> B )
Theoremdfmpo 6128* Alternate definition for the maps-to notation df-mpo 5787 (although it requires that  C be a set). (Contributed by NM, 19-Dec-2008.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 31-Aug-2015.)
 |-  C  e.  _V   =>    |-  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )  = 
 U_ x  e.  A  U_ y  e.  B  { <.
 <. x ,  y >. ,  C >. }
Theoremcnvf1olem 6129 Lemma for cnvf1o 6130. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 27-Apr-2014.)
 |-  ( ( Rel  A  /\  ( B  e.  A  /\  C  =  U. `' { B } ) ) 
 ->  ( C  e.  `' A  /\  B  =  U. `' { C } )
Theoremcnvf1o 6130* Describe a function that maps the elements of a set to its converse bijectively. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 27-Apr-2014.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( x  e.  A  |->  U. `' { x } ) : A -1-1-onto-> `' A )
Theoremf2ndf 6131 The  2nd (second component of an ordered pair) function restricted to a function  F is a function from  F into the codomain of  F. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 4-Feb-2018.)
 |-  ( F : A --> B  ->  ( 2nd  |`  F ) : F --> B )
Theoremfo2ndf 6132 The  2nd (second component of an ordered pair) function restricted to a function  F is a function from  F onto the range of  F. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 4-Feb-2018.)
 |-  ( F : A --> B  ->  ( 2nd  |`  F ) : F -onto-> ran  F )
Theoremf1o2ndf1 6133 The  2nd (second component of an ordered pair) function restricted to a one-to-one function  F is a one-to-one function from  F onto the range of  F. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 4-Feb-2018.)
 |-  ( F : A -1-1-> B 
 ->  ( 2nd  |`  F ) : F -1-1-onto-> ran  F )
Theoremalgrflem 6134 Lemma for algrf and related theorems. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 28-May-2014.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 30-Apr-2015.)
 |-  B  e.  _V   &    |-  C  e.  _V   =>    |-  ( B ( F  o.  1st ) C )  =  ( F `
  B )
Theoremalgrflemg 6135 Lemma for algrf 11762 and related theorems. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 28-May-2014.) (Revised by Jim Kingdon, 22-Jul-2021.)
 |-  ( ( B  e.  V  /\  C  e.  W )  ->  ( B ( F  o.  1st ) C )  =  ( F `  B ) )
Theoremxporderlem 6136* Lemma for lexicographical ordering theorems. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 16-Mar-2011.)
 |-  T  =  { <. x ,  y >.  |  ( ( x  e.  ( A  X.  B )  /\  y  e.  ( A  X.  B ) )  /\  ( ( 1st `  x ) R ( 1st `  y
 )  \/  ( ( 1st `  x )  =  ( 1st `  y
 )  /\  ( 2nd `  x ) S ( 2nd `  y )
 ) ) ) }   =>    |-  ( <. a ,  b >. T
 <. c ,  d >.  <->  (
 ( ( a  e.  A  /\  c  e.  A )  /\  (
 b  e.  B  /\  d  e.  B )
 )  /\  ( a R c  \/  (
 a  =  c  /\  b S d ) ) ) )
Theorempoxp 6137* A lexicographical ordering of two posets. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 16-Mar-2011.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 7-Mar-2013.)
 |-  T  =  { <. x ,  y >.  |  ( ( x  e.  ( A  X.  B )  /\  y  e.  ( A  X.  B ) )  /\  ( ( 1st `  x ) R ( 1st `  y
 )  \/  ( ( 1st `  x )  =  ( 1st `  y
 )  /\  ( 2nd `  x ) S ( 2nd `  y )
 ) ) ) }   =>    |-  (
 ( R  Po  A  /\  S  Po  B ) 
 ->  T  Po  ( A  X.  B ) )
Theoremspc2ed 6138* Existential specialization with 2 quantifiers, using implicit substitution. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 23-Aug-2017.)
 F/ x ch   &    |-  F/ y ch   &    |-  ( ( ph  /\  ( x  =  A  /\  y  =  B ) )  ->  ( ps  <->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ( ph  /\  ( A  e.  V  /\  B  e.  W )
 )  ->  ( ch  ->  E. x E. y ps ) )
Theoremcnvoprab 6139* The converse of a class abstraction of nested ordered pairs. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 17-Aug-2017.)
 F/ x ps   &    |-  F/ y ps   &    |-  ( a  = 
 <. x ,  y >.  ->  ( ps  <->  ph ) )   &    |-  ( ps  ->  a  e.  ( _V  X.  _V ) )   =>    |-  `' { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  ph }  =  { <. z ,  a >.  |  ps }
Theoremf1od2 6140* Describe an implicit one-to-one onto function of two variables. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 17-Aug-2017.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  ( x  e.  A  /\  y  e.  B ) )  ->  C  e.  W )   &    |-  (
 ( ph  /\  z  e.  D )  ->  ( I  e.  X  /\  J  e.  Y )
 )   &    |-  ( ph  ->  (
 ( ( x  e.  A  /\  y  e.  B )  /\  z  =  C )  <->  ( z  e.  D  /\  ( x  =  I  /\  y  =  J ) ) ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  F : ( A  X.  B ) -1-1-onto-> D )
Theoremdisjxp1 6141* The sets of a cartesian product are disjoint if the sets in the first argument are disjoint. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
 |-  ( ph  -> Disj  x  e.  A  B )   =>    |-  ( ph  -> Disj  x  e.  A  ( B  X.  C ) )
Theoremdisjsnxp 6142* The sets in the cartesian product of singletons with other sets, are disjoint. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
 |- Disj  j  e.  A  ( {
 j }  X.  B )
2.6.15  Special maps-to operations

The following theorems are about maps-to operations (see df-mpo 5787) where the domain of the second argument depends on the domain of the first argument, especially when the first argument is a pair and the base set of the second argument is the first component of the first argument, in short "x-maps-to operations". For labels, the abbreviations "mpox" are used (since "x" usually denotes the first argument). This is in line with the currently used conventions for such cases (see cbvmpox 5857, ovmpox 5907 and fmpox 6106). If the first argument is an ordered pair, as in the following, the abbreviation is extended to "mpoxop", and the maps-to operations are called "x-op maps-to operations" for short.

Theoremopeliunxp2f 6143* Membership in a union of Cartesian products, using bound-variable hypothesis for  E instead of distinct variable conditions as in opeliunxp2 4687. (Contributed by AV, 25-Oct-2020.)
 |-  F/_ x E   &    |-  ( x  =  C  ->  B  =  E )   =>    |-  ( <. C ,  D >.  e.  U_ x  e.  A  ( { x }  X.  B )  <->  ( C  e.  A  /\  D  e.  E ) )
Theoremmpoxopn0yelv 6144* If there is an element of the value of an operation given by a maps-to rule, where the first argument is a pair and the base set of the second argument is the first component of the first argument, then the second argument is an element of the first component of the first argument. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 10-Oct-2017.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  _V ,  y  e.  ( 1st `  x )  |->  C )   =>    |-  ( ( V  e.  X  /\  W  e.  Y )  ->  ( N  e.  ( <. V ,  W >. F K )  ->  K  e.  V ) )
Theoremmpoxopoveq 6145* Value of an operation given by a maps-to rule, where the first argument is a pair and the base set of the second argument is the first component of the first argument. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 11-Oct-2017.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  _V ,  y  e.  ( 1st `  x )  |->  { n  e.  ( 1st `  x )  | 
 ph } )   =>    |-  ( ( ( V  e.  X  /\  W  e.  Y )  /\  K  e.  V ) 
 ->  ( <. V ,  W >. F K )  =  { n  e.  V  |  [. <. V ,  W >.  /  x ]. [. K  /  y ]. ph } )
Theoremmpoxopovel 6146* Element of the value of an operation given by a maps-to rule, where the first argument is a pair and the base set of the second argument is the first component of the first argument. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens and Mario Carneiro, 10-Oct-2017.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  _V ,  y  e.  ( 1st `  x )  |->  { n  e.  ( 1st `  x )  | 
 ph } )   =>    |-  ( ( V  e.  X  /\  W  e.  Y )  ->  ( N  e.  ( <. V ,  W >. F K ) 
 <->  ( K  e.  V  /\  N  e.  V  /\  [.
 <. V ,  W >.  /  x ]. [. K  /  y ]. [. N  /  n ]. ph )
 ) )
Theoremrbropapd 6147* Properties of a pair in an extended binary relation. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 30-Oct-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  M  =  { <. f ,  p >.  |  ( f W p  /\  ps ) } )   &    |-  ( ( f  =  F  /\  p  =  P )  ->  ( ps 
 <->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ph  ->  ( ( F  e.  X  /\  P  e.  Y ) 
 ->  ( F M P  <->  ( F W P  /\  ch ) ) ) )
Theoremrbropap 6148* Properties of a pair in a restricted binary relation  M expressed as an ordered-pair class abstraction:  M is the binary relation  W restricted by the condition 
ps. (Contributed by AV, 31-Jan-2021.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  M  =  { <. f ,  p >.  |  ( f W p  /\  ps ) } )   &    |-  ( ( f  =  F  /\  p  =  P )  ->  ( ps 
 <->  ch ) )   =>    |-  ( ( ph  /\  F  e.  X  /\  P  e.  Y )  ->  ( F M P  <->  ( F W P  /\  ch ) ) )
2.6.16  Function transposition
Syntaxctpos 6149 The transposition of a function.
 class tpos  F
Definitiondf-tpos 6150* Define the transposition of a function, which is a function  G  = tpos  F satisfying  G ( x ,  y )  =  F ( y ,  x ). (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |- tpos  F  =  ( F  o.  ( x  e.  ( `' dom  F  u.  { (/)
 } )  |->  U. `' { x } ) )
Theoremtposss 6151 Subset theorem for transposition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( F  C_  G  -> tpos 
 F  C_ tpos  G )
Theoremtposeq 6152 Equality theorem for transposition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( F  =  G  -> tpos 
 F  = tpos  G )
Theoremtposeqd 6153 Equality theorem for transposition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 7-Jan-2017.)
 |-  ( ph  ->  F  =  G )   =>    |-  ( ph  -> tpos  F  = tpos  G )
Theoremtposssxp 6154 The transposition is a subset of a cross product. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 12-Jan-2017.)
 |- tpos  F  C_  ( ( `'
 dom  F  u.  { (/) } )  X.  ran  F )
Theoremreltpos 6155 The transposition is a relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 Rel tpos  F
Theorembrtpos2 6156 Value of the transposition at a pair  <. A ,  B >.. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( B  e.  V  ->  ( Atpos  F B  <->  ( A  e.  ( `'
 dom  F  u.  { (/) } )  /\  U. `' { A } F B ) ) )
Theorembrtpos0 6157 The behavior of tpos when the left argument is the empty set (which is not an ordered pair but is the "default" value of an ordered pair when the arguments are proper classes). (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  ( (/)tpos  F A  <->  (/) F A ) )
Theoremreldmtpos 6158 Necessary and sufficient condition for  dom tpos  F to be a relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  dom tpos  F  <->  -.  (/)  e.  dom  F )
Theorembrtposg 6159 The transposition swaps arguments of a three-parameter relation. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 31-Jan-2019.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  B  e.  W  /\  C  e.  X ) 
 ->  ( <. A ,  B >.tpos  F C  <->  <. B ,  A >. F C ) )
Theoremottposg 6160 The transposition swaps the first two elements in a collection of ordered triples. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 1-Dec-2014.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  B  e.  W  /\  C  e.  X ) 
 ->  ( <. A ,  B ,  C >.  e. tpos  F  <->  <. B ,  A ,  C >.  e.  F ) )
Theoremdmtpos 6161 The domain of tpos  F when  dom  F is a relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  dom  F  ->  dom tpos  F  =  `' dom  F )
Theoremrntpos 6162 The range of tpos  F when  dom  F is a relation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  dom  F  ->  ran tpos  F  =  ran  F )
Theoremtposexg 6163 The transposition of a set is a set. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( F  e.  V  -> tpos 
 F  e.  _V )
Theoremovtposg 6164 The transposition swaps the arguments in a two-argument function. When  F is a matrix, which is to say a function from ( 1 ... m )  X. ( 1 ... n ) to the reals or some ring, tpos  F is the transposition of  F, which is where the name comes from. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  B  e.  W )  ->  ( Atpos  F B )  =  ( B F A ) )
Theoremtposfun 6165 The transposition of a function is a function. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Fun  F  ->  Fun tpos  F )
Theoremdftpos2 6166* Alternate definition of tpos when 
F has relational domain. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  dom  F  -> tpos 
 F  =  ( F  o.  ( x  e.  `' dom  F  |->  U. `' { x } ) ) )
Theoremdftpos3 6167* Alternate definition of tpos when 
F has relational domain. Compare df-cnv 4555. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  dom  F  -> tpos 
 F  =  { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  <. y ,  x >. F z }
Theoremdftpos4 6168* Alternate definition of tpos. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Oct-2015.)
 |- tpos  F  =  ( F  o.  ( x  e.  (
 ( _V  X.  _V )  u.  { (/) } )  |-> 
 U. `' { x } ) )
Theoremtpostpos 6169 Value of the double transposition for a general class  F. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 16-Sep-2015.)
 |- tpos tpos  F  =  ( F  i^i  ( ( ( _V 
 X.  _V )  u.  { (/)
 } )  X.  _V ) )
Theoremtpostpos2 6170 Value of the double transposition for a relation on triples. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 16-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( ( Rel  F  /\  Rel  dom  F )  -> tpos tpos  F  =  F )
Theoremtposfn2 6171 The domain of a transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( F  Fn  A  -> tpos  F  Fn  `' A ) )
Theoremtposfo2 6172 Condition for a surjective transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( F : A -onto-> B  -> tpos 
 F : `' A -onto-> B ) )
Theoremtposf2 6173 The domain and range of a transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( F : A --> B  -> tpos  F : `' A --> B ) )
Theoremtposf12 6174 Condition for an injective transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( F : A -1-1-> B  -> tpos 
 F : `' A -1-1-> B ) )
Theoremtposf1o2 6175 Condition of a bijective transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( Rel  A  ->  ( F : A -1-1-onto-> B  -> tpos  F : `' A
 -1-1-onto-> B ) )
Theoremtposfo 6176 The domain and range of a transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( F : ( A  X.  B )
 -onto-> C  -> tpos  F : ( B  X.  A )
 -onto-> C )
Theoremtposf 6177 The domain and range of a transposition. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  ( F : ( A  X.  B ) --> C  -> tpos  F : ( B  X.  A ) --> C )
Theoremtposfn 6178 Functionality of a transposition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Oct-2015.)
 |-  ( F  Fn  ( A  X.  B )  -> tpos  F  Fn  ( B  X.  A ) )
Theoremtpos0 6179 Transposition of the empty set. (Contributed by NM, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |- tpos  (/) 
 =  (/)
Theoremtposco 6180 Transposition of a composition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Oct-2015.)
 |- tpos 
 ( F  o.  G )  =  ( F  o. tpos  G )
Theoremtpossym 6181* Two ways to say a function is symmetric. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Oct-2015.)
 |-  ( F  Fn  ( A  X.  A )  ->  (tpos  F  =  F  <->  A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  A  ( x F y )  =  ( y F x ) ) )
Theoremtposeqi 6182 Equality theorem for transposition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  F  =  G   =>    |- tpos  F  = tpos  G
Theoremtposex 6183 A transposition is a set. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  F  e.  _V   =>    |- tpos  F  e.  _V
Theoremnftpos 6184 Hypothesis builder for transposition. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  F/_ x F   =>    |-  F/_ xtpos  F
Theoremtposoprab 6185* Transposition of a class of ordered triples. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  F  =  { <. <. x ,  y >. ,  z >.  |  ph }   =>    |- tpos  F  =  { <.
 <. y ,  x >. ,  z >.  |  ph }
Theoremtposmpo 6186* Transposition of a two-argument mapping. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 10-Sep-2015.)
 |-  F  =  ( x  e.  A ,  y  e.  B  |->  C )   =>    |- tpos  F  =  (
 y  e.  B ,  x  e.  A  |->  C )
2.6.17  Undefined values
Theorempwuninel2 6187 The power set of the union of a set does not belong to the set. This theorem provides a way of constructing a new set that doesn't belong to a given set. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 22-Feb-2015.)
 |-  ( U. A  e.  V  ->  -.  ~P U. A  e.  A )
Theorem2pwuninelg 6188 The power set of the power set of the union of a set does not belong to the set. This theorem provides a way of constructing a new set that doesn't belong to a given set. (Contributed by Jim Kingdon, 14-Jan-2020.)
 |-  ( A  e.  V  ->  -.  ~P ~P U. A  e.  A )
2.6.18  Functions on ordinals; strictly monotone ordinal functions
Theoremiunon 6189* The indexed union of a set of ordinal numbers  B ( x ) is an ordinal number. (Contributed by NM, 13-Oct-2003.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 5-Dec-2016.)
 |-  ( ( A  e.  V  /\  A. x  e.  A  B  e.  On )  ->  U_ x  e.  A  B  e.  On )
Syntaxwsmo 6190 Introduce the strictly monotone ordinal function. A strictly monotone function is one that is constantly increasing across the ordinals.
 wff  Smo  A
Definitiondf-smo 6191* Definition of a strictly monotone ordinal function. Definition 7.46 in [TakeutiZaring] p. 50. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 15-Nov-2011.)
 |-  ( Smo  A  <->  ( A : dom  A --> On  /\  Ord  dom  A 
 /\  A. x  e.  dom  A
 A. y  e.  dom  A ( x  e.  y  ->  ( A `  x )  e.  ( A `  y ) ) ) )
Theoremdfsmo2 6192* Alternate definition of a strictly monotone ordinal function. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Mar-2013.)
 |-  ( Smo  F  <->  ( F : dom  F --> On  /\  Ord  dom  F 
 /\  A. x  e.  dom  F
 A. y  e.  x  ( F `  y )  e.  ( F `  x ) ) )
Theoremissmo 6193* Conditions for which  A is a strictly monotone ordinal function. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 15-Nov-2011.)
 |-  A : B --> On   &    |-  Ord  B   &    |-  ( ( x  e.  B  /\  y  e.  B )  ->  ( x  e.  y  ->  ( A `  x )  e.  ( A `  y ) ) )   &    |-  dom 
 A  =  B   =>    |-  Smo  A
Theoremissmo2 6194* Alternate definition of a strictly monotone ordinal function. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 12-Mar-2013.)
 |-  ( F : A --> B  ->  ( ( B 
 C_  On  /\  Ord  A  /\  A. x  e.  A  A. y  e.  x  ( F `  y )  e.  ( F `  x ) )  ->  Smo  F ) )
Theoremsmoeq 6195 Equality theorem for strictly monotone functions. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 16-Nov-2011.)
 |-  ( A  =  B  ->  ( Smo  A  <->  Smo  B ) )
Theoremsmodm 6196 The domain of a strictly monotone function is an ordinal. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 16-Nov-2011.)
 |-  ( Smo  A  ->  Ord 
 dom  A )
Theoremsmores 6197 A strictly monotone function restricted to an ordinal remains strictly monotone. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 16-Nov-2011.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 5-Dec-2016.)
 |-  ( ( Smo  A  /\  B  e.  dom  A )  ->  Smo  ( A  |`  B ) )
Theoremsmores3 6198 A strictly monotone function restricted to an ordinal remains strictly monotone. (Contributed by Andrew Salmon, 19-Nov-2011.)
 |-  ( ( Smo  ( A  |`  B )  /\  C  e.  ( dom  A  i^i  B )  /\  Ord 
 B )  ->  Smo  ( A  |`  C ) )
Theoremsmores2 6199 A strictly monotone ordinal function restricted to an ordinal is still monotone. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 15-Mar-2013.)
 |-  ( ( Smo  F  /\  Ord  A )  ->  Smo  ( F  |`  A ) )
Theoremsmodm2 6200 The domain of a strictly monotone ordinal function is an ordinal. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 12-Mar-2013.)
 |-  ( ( F  Fn  A  /\  Smo  F )  ->  Ord  A )
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