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Theorem List for Metamath Proof Explorer - 41801-41900   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremrnmptpr 41801* Range of a function defined on an unordered pair. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ {𝐴, 𝐵} ↦ 𝐶)    &   (𝑥 = 𝐴𝐶 = 𝐷)    &   (𝑥 = 𝐵𝐶 = 𝐸)       (𝜑 → ran 𝐹 = {𝐷, 𝐸})
Theoremresmpti 41802* Restriction of the mapping operation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝐵𝐴       ((𝑥𝐴𝐶) ↾ 𝐵) = (𝑥𝐵𝐶)
Theoremfouniiun 41803* Union expressed as an indexed union, when a map onto is given. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝐹:𝐴onto𝐵 𝐵 = 𝑥𝐴 (𝐹𝑥))
Theoremrnresun 41804 Distribution law for range of a restriction over a union. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
ran (𝐹 ↾ (𝐴𝐵)) = (ran (𝐹𝐴) ∪ ran (𝐹𝐵))
Theoremf1oeq1d 41805 Equality deduction for one-to-one onto functions. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝜑𝐹 = 𝐺)       (𝜑 → (𝐹:𝐴1-1-onto𝐵𝐺:𝐴1-1-onto𝐵))
Theoremdffo3f 41806* An onto mapping expressed in terms of function values. As dffo3 6845 but with less disjoint vars constraints. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝑥𝐹       (𝐹:𝐴onto𝐵 ↔ (𝐹:𝐴𝐵 ∧ ∀𝑦𝐵𝑥𝐴 𝑦 = (𝐹𝑥)))
Theoremelrnmptf 41807 The range of a function in maps-to notation. Same as elrnmpt 5792, but using bound-variable hypotheses instead of distinct variable conditions. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝑥𝐶    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)       (𝐶𝑉 → (𝐶 ∈ ran 𝐹 ↔ ∃𝑥𝐴 𝐶 = 𝐵))
Theoremrnmptssrn 41808* Inclusion relation for two ranges expressed in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → ∃𝑦𝐶 𝐵 = 𝐷)       (𝜑 → ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵) ⊆ ran (𝑦𝐶𝐷))
Theoremdisjf1 41809* A 1 to 1 mapping built from disjoint, nonempty sets. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ≠ ∅)    &   (𝜑Disj 𝑥𝐴 𝐵)       (𝜑𝐹:𝐴1-1𝑉)
Theoremrnsnf 41810 The range of a function whose domain is a singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐹:{𝐴}⟶𝐵)       (𝜑 → ran 𝐹 = {(𝐹𝐴)})
Theoremwessf1ornlem 41811* Given a function 𝐹 on a well-ordered domain 𝐴 there exists a subset of 𝐴 such that 𝐹 restricted to such subset is injective and onto the range of 𝐹 (without using the axiom of choice). (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝜑𝐹 Fn 𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝑅 We 𝐴)    &   𝐺 = (𝑦 ∈ ran 𝐹 ↦ (𝑥 ∈ (𝐹 “ {𝑦})∀𝑧 ∈ (𝐹 “ {𝑦}) ¬ 𝑧𝑅𝑥))       (𝜑 → ∃𝑥 ∈ 𝒫 𝐴(𝐹𝑥):𝑥1-1-onto→ran 𝐹)
Theoremwessf1orn 41812* Given a function 𝐹 on a well-ordered domain 𝐴 there exists a subset of 𝐴 such that 𝐹 restricted to such subset is injective and onto the range of 𝐹 (without using the axiom of choice). (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝜑𝐹 Fn 𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝑅 We 𝐴)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑥 ∈ 𝒫 𝐴(𝐹𝑥):𝑥1-1-onto→ran 𝐹)
Theoremfoelrnf 41813* Property of a surjective function. As foelrn 6849 but with less disjoint vars constraints. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝑥𝐹       ((𝐹:𝐴onto𝐵𝐶𝐵) → ∃𝑥𝐴 𝐶 = (𝐹𝑥))
Theoremnelrnres 41814 If 𝐴 is not in the range, it is not in the range of any restriction. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝐴 ∈ ran 𝐵 → ¬ 𝐴 ∈ ran (𝐵𝐶))
Theoremdisjrnmpt2 41815* Disjointness of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)       (Disj 𝑥𝐴 𝐵Disj 𝑦 ∈ ran 𝐹 𝑦)
Theoremelrnmpt1sf 41816* Elementhood in an image set. Same as elrnmpt1s 5793, but using bound-variable hypotheses instead of distinct variable conditions. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝑥𝐶    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   (𝑥 = 𝐷𝐵 = 𝐶)       ((𝐷𝐴𝐶𝑉) → 𝐶 ∈ ran 𝐹)
Theoremfouniiun0 41817* Union expressed as an indexed union, when a map onto is given. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
(𝐹:𝐴onto→(𝐵 ∪ {∅}) → 𝐵 = 𝑥𝐴 (𝐹𝑥))
Theoremdisjf1o 41818* A bijection built from disjoint sets. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   (𝜑Disj 𝑥𝐴 𝐵)    &   𝐶 = {𝑥𝐴𝐵 ≠ ∅}    &   𝐷 = (ran 𝐹 ∖ {∅})       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐶):𝐶1-1-onto𝐷)
Theoremfompt 41819* Express being onto for a mapping operation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐶)       (𝐹:𝐴onto𝐵 ↔ (∀𝑥𝐴 𝐶𝐵 ∧ ∀𝑦𝐵𝑥𝐴 𝑦 = 𝐶))
Theoremdisjinfi 41820* Only a finite number of disjoint sets can have a nonempty intersection with a finite set 𝐶. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020.)
((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   (𝜑Disj 𝑥𝐴 𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ∈ Fin)       (𝜑 → {𝑥𝐴 ∣ (𝐵𝐶) ≠ ∅} ∈ Fin)
Theoremfvovco 41821 Value of the composition of an operator, with a given function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
(𝜑𝐹:𝑋⟶(𝑉 × 𝑊))    &   (𝜑𝑌𝑋)       (𝜑 → ((𝑂𝐹)‘𝑌) = ((1st ‘(𝐹𝑌))𝑂(2nd ‘(𝐹𝑌))))
Theoremssnnf1octb 41822* There exists a bijection between a subset of and a given nonempty countable set. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
((𝐴 ≼ ω ∧ 𝐴 ≠ ∅) → ∃𝑓(dom 𝑓 ⊆ ℕ ∧ 𝑓:dom 𝑓1-1-onto𝐴))
Theoremnnf1oxpnn 41823 There is a bijection between the set of positive integers and the Cartesian product of the set of positive integers with itself. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
𝑓 𝑓:ℕ–1-1-onto→(ℕ × ℕ)
Theoremrnmptssd 41824* The range of an operation given by the maps-to notation as a subset. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝐶)       (𝜑 → ran 𝐹𝐶)
Theoremprojf1o 41825* A biijection from a set to a projection in a two dimensional space. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 11-Oct-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐵 ↦ ⟨𝐴, 𝑥⟩)       (𝜑𝐹:𝐵1-1-onto→({𝐴} × 𝐵))
Theoremfvmap 41826 Function value for a member of a set exponentiation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 21-Nov-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐹 ∈ (𝐴m 𝐵))    &   (𝜑𝐶𝐵)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐶) ∈ 𝐴)
Theoremfvixp2 41827* Projection of a factor of an indexed Cartesian product. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 24-Dec-2020.)
((𝐹X𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑥𝐴) → (𝐹𝑥) ∈ 𝐵)
Theoremfidmfisupp 41828 A function with a finite domain is finitely supported. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 24-Dec-2020.)
(𝜑𝐹:𝐷𝑅)    &   (𝜑𝐷 ∈ Fin)    &   (𝜑𝑍𝑉)       (𝜑𝐹 finSupp 𝑍)
Theoremchoicefi 41829* For a finite set, a choice function exists, without using the axiom of choice. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 24-Dec-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴 ∈ Fin)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑊)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑓(𝑓 Fn 𝐴 ∧ ∀𝑥𝐴 (𝑓𝑥) ∈ 𝐵))
Theoremmpct 41830 The exponentiation of a countable set to a finite set is countable. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 24-Dec-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴 ≼ ω)    &   (𝜑𝐵 ∈ Fin)       (𝜑 → (𝐴m 𝐵) ≼ ω)
Theoremcnmetcoval 41831 Value of the distance function of the metric space of complex numbers, composed with a function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
𝐷 = (abs ∘ − )    &   (𝜑𝐹:𝐴⟶(ℂ × ℂ))    &   (𝜑𝐵𝐴)       (𝜑 → ((𝐷𝐹)‘𝐵) = (abs‘((1st ‘(𝐹𝐵)) − (2nd ‘(𝐹𝐵)))))
Theoremfcomptss 41832* Express composition of two functions as a maps-to applying both in sequence. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐹:𝐴𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝐶)    &   (𝜑𝐺:𝐶𝐷)       (𝜑 → (𝐺𝐹) = (𝑥𝐴 ↦ (𝐺‘(𝐹𝑥))))
Theoremelmapsnd 41833 Membership in a set exponentiated to a singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐹 Fn {𝐴})    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑉)    &   (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐴) ∈ 𝐵)       (𝜑𝐹 ∈ (𝐵m {𝐴}))
Theoremmapss2 41834 Subset inheritance for set exponentiation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝑍)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → (𝐴𝐵 ↔ (𝐴m 𝐶) ⊆ (𝐵m 𝐶)))
Theoremfsneq 41835 Equality condition for two functions defined on a singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   𝐵 = {𝐴}    &   (𝜑𝐹 Fn 𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐺 Fn 𝐵)       (𝜑 → (𝐹 = 𝐺 ↔ (𝐹𝐴) = (𝐺𝐴)))
Theoremdifmap 41836 Difference of two sets exponentiations. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝑍)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → ((𝐴𝐵) ↑m 𝐶) ⊆ ((𝐴m 𝐶) ∖ (𝐵m 𝐶)))
Theoremunirnmap 41837 Given a subset of a set exponentiation, the base set can be restricted. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝑋 ⊆ (𝐵m 𝐴))       (𝜑𝑋 ⊆ (ran 𝑋m 𝐴))
Theoreminmap 41838 Intersection of two sets exponentiations. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝑍)       (𝜑 → ((𝐴m 𝐶) ∩ (𝐵m 𝐶)) = ((𝐴𝐵) ↑m 𝐶))
Theoremfcoss 41839 Composition of two mappings. Similar to fco 6505, but with a weaker condition on the domain of 𝐹. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐹:𝐴𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐺:𝐷𝐶)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐺):𝐷𝐵)
Theoremfsneqrn 41840 Equality condition for two functions defined on a singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   𝐵 = {𝐴}    &   (𝜑𝐹 Fn 𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐺 Fn 𝐵)       (𝜑 → (𝐹 = 𝐺 ↔ (𝐹𝐴) ∈ ran 𝐺))
Theoremdifmapsn 41841 Difference of two sets exponentiatiated to a singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝑍)       (𝜑 → ((𝐴m {𝐶}) ∖ (𝐵m {𝐶})) = ((𝐴𝐵) ↑m {𝐶}))
Theoremmapssbi 41842 Subset inheritance for set exponentiation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝑍)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → (𝐴𝐵 ↔ (𝐴m 𝐶) ⊆ (𝐵m 𝐶)))
Theoremunirnmapsn 41843 Equality theorem for a subset of a set exponentiation, where the exponent is a singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑊)    &   𝐶 = {𝐴}    &   (𝜑𝑋 ⊆ (𝐵m 𝐶))       (𝜑𝑋 = (ran 𝑋m 𝐶))
Theoremiunmapss 41844* The indexed union of set exponentiations is a subset of the set exponentiation of the indexed union. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑊)       (𝜑 𝑥𝐴 (𝐵m 𝐶) ⊆ ( 𝑥𝐴 𝐵m 𝐶))
Theoremssmapsn 41845* A subset 𝐶 of a set exponentiation to a singleton, is its projection 𝐷 exponentiated to the singleton. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
𝑓𝐷    &   (𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ⊆ (𝐵m {𝐴}))    &   𝐷 = 𝑓𝐶 ran 𝑓       (𝜑𝐶 = (𝐷m {𝐴}))
Theoremiunmapsn 41846* The indexed union of set exponentiations to a singleton is equal to the set exponentiation of the indexed union. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴𝑉)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑊)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝑍)       (𝜑 𝑥𝐴 (𝐵m {𝐶}) = ( 𝑥𝐴 𝐵m {𝐶}))
Theoremabsfico 41847 Mapping domain and codomain of the absolute value function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
Theoremicof 41848 The set of left-closed right-open intervals of extended reals maps to subsets of extended reals. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 3-Mar-2021.)
[,):(ℝ* × ℝ*)⟶𝒫 ℝ*
Theoremrnmpt0 41849* The range of a function in maps-to notation is empty if and only if its domain is empty. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 8-Apr-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)       (𝜑 → (ran 𝐹 = ∅ ↔ 𝐴 = ∅))
Theoremrnmptn0 41850* The range of a function in maps-to notation is nonempty if the domain is nonempty. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 8-Apr-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → ran 𝐹 ≠ ∅)
Theoremelpmrn 41851 The range of a partial function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝐹 ∈ (𝐴pm 𝐵) → ran 𝐹𝐴)
Theoremimaexi 41852 The image of a set is a set. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
𝐴𝑉       (𝐴𝐵) ∈ V
Theoremaxccdom 41853* Relax the constraint on ax-cc to dominance instead of equinumerosity. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝜑𝑋 ≼ ω)    &   ((𝜑𝑧𝑋) → 𝑧 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑓(𝑓 Fn 𝑋 ∧ ∀𝑧𝑋 (𝑓𝑧) ∈ 𝑧))
Theoremdmmptdf 41854* The domain of the mapping operation, deduction form. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝐴 = (𝑥𝐵𝐶)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐵) → 𝐶𝑉)       (𝜑 → dom 𝐴 = 𝐵)
Theoremelpmi2 41855 The domain of a partial function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝐹 ∈ (𝐴pm 𝐵) → dom 𝐹𝐵)
Theoremdmrelrnrel 41856* A relation preserving function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝑦𝜑    &   (𝜑 → ∀𝑥𝐴𝑦𝐴 (𝑥𝑅𝑦 → (𝐹𝑥)𝑆(𝐹𝑦)))    &   (𝜑𝐵𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑅𝐶)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐵)𝑆(𝐹𝐶))
Theoremfco3 41857 Functionality of a composition. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝜑 → Fun 𝐹)    &   (𝜑 → Fun 𝐺)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐺):(𝐺 “ dom 𝐹)⟶ran 𝐹)
Theoremfvcod 41858 Value of a function composition. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝜑 → Fun 𝐺)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ∈ dom 𝐺)    &   𝐻 = (𝐹𝐺)       (𝜑 → (𝐻𝐴) = (𝐹‘(𝐺𝐴)))
Theoremfreld 41859 A mapping is a relation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝜑𝐹:𝐴𝐵)       (𝜑 → Rel 𝐹)
Theoremelrnmpoid 41860* Membership in the range of an operation class abstraction. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴, 𝑦𝐵𝐶)       ((𝑥𝐴𝑦𝐵 ∧ ∀𝑥𝐴𝑦𝐵 𝐶𝑉) → (𝑥𝐹𝑦) ∈ ran 𝐹)
Theoremaxccd 41861* An alternative version of the axiom of countable choice. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴 ≈ ω)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝑥 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑓𝑥𝐴 (𝑓𝑥) ∈ 𝑥)
Theoremaxccd2 41862* An alternative version of the axiom of countable choice. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 26-Jun-2021.)
(𝜑𝐴 ≼ ω)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝑥 ≠ ∅)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑓𝑥𝐴 (𝑓𝑥) ∈ 𝑥)
Theoremfunimassd 41863* Sufficient condition for the image of a function being a subclass. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑 → Fun 𝐹)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → (𝐹𝑥) ∈ 𝐵)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐴) ⊆ 𝐵)
Theoremfimassd 41864 The image of a class is a subset of its codomain. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
(𝜑𝐹:𝐴𝐵)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝑋) ⊆ 𝐵)
Theoremfeqresmptf 41865* Express a restricted function as a mapping. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝐹    &   (𝜑𝐹:𝐴𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝐴)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐶) = (𝑥𝐶 ↦ (𝐹𝑥)))
Theoremelrnmpt1d 41866 Elementhood in an image set. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   (𝜑𝑥𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑𝐵 ∈ ran 𝐹)
Theoremdmresss 41867 The domain of a restriction is a subset of the original domain. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
dom (𝐴𝐵) ⊆ dom 𝐴
Theoremdmmptssf 41868 The domain of a mapping is a subset of its base class. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝐴    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)       dom 𝐹𝐴
Theoremdmmptdf2 41869 The domain of the mapping operation, deduction form. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝑥𝐵    &   𝐴 = (𝑥𝐵𝐶)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐵) → 𝐶𝑉)       (𝜑 → dom 𝐴 = 𝐵)
Theoremdmuz 41870 Domain of the upper integers function. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
dom ℤ = ℤ
Theoremfmptd2f 41871* Domain and codomain of the mapping operation; deduction form. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝐶)       (𝜑 → (𝑥𝐴𝐵):𝐴𝐶)
Theoremmpteq1df 41872 An equality theorem for the maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴 = 𝐵)       (𝜑 → (𝑥𝐴𝐶) = (𝑥𝐵𝐶))
Theoremmptexf 41873 If the domain of a function given by maps-to notation is a set, the function is a set. Inference version of mptexg 6961. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝐴    &   𝐴 ∈ V       (𝑥𝐴𝐵) ∈ V
Theoremfvmpt4 41874* Value of a function given by the maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
((𝑥𝐴𝐵𝐶) → ((𝑥𝐴𝐵)‘𝑥) = 𝐵)
Theoremfmptf 41875* Functionality of the mapping operation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝐵    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐶)       (∀𝑥𝐴 𝐶𝐵𝐹:𝐴𝐵)
Theoremresimass 41876 The image of a restriction is a subset of the original image. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
((𝐴𝐵) “ 𝐶) ⊆ (𝐴𝐶)
Theoremmptssid 41877 The mapping operation expressed with its actual domain. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝐴    &   𝐶 = {𝑥𝐴𝐵 ∈ V}       (𝑥𝐴𝐵) = (𝑥𝐶𝐵)
Theoremmptfnd 41878 The maps-to notation defines a function with domain. (Contributed by NM, 9-Apr-2013.) (Revised by Thierry Arnoux, 10-May-2017.)
𝑥𝐴    &   𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑 → (𝑥𝐴𝐵) Fn 𝐴)
Theoremmpteq12da 41879 An equality inference for the maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴 = 𝐶)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 = 𝐷)       (𝜑 → (𝑥𝐴𝐵) = (𝑥𝐶𝐷))
Theoremrnmptlb 41880* Boundness below of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
(𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝑦𝐵)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑦𝑧)
Theoremrnmptbddlem 41881* Boundness of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑧𝑦)
Theoremrnmptbdd 41882* Boundness of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦)       (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑧𝑦)
Theoremmptima2 41883* Image of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
(𝜑𝐶𝐴)       (𝜑 → ((𝑥𝐴𝐵) “ 𝐶) = ran (𝑥𝐶𝐵))
Theoremfunimaeq 41884* Membership relation for the values of a function whose image is a subclass. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑 → Fun 𝐹)    &   (𝜑 → Fun 𝐺)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ⊆ dom 𝐹)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ⊆ dom 𝐺)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → (𝐹𝑥) = (𝐺𝑥))       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐴) = (𝐺𝐴))
Theoremrnmptssf 41885* The range of an operation given by the maps-to notation as a subset. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝐶    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)       (∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝐶 → ran 𝐹𝐶)
Theoremrnmptbd2lem 41886* Boundness below of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑 → (∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝑦𝐵 ↔ ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑦𝑧))
Theoremrnmptbd2 41887* Boundness below of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑 → (∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝑦𝐵 ↔ ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑦𝑧))
Theoreminfnsuprnmpt 41888* The indexed infimum of real numbers is the negative of the indexed supremum of the negative values. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ ∅)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝑦𝐵)       (𝜑 → inf(ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵), ℝ, < ) = -sup(ran (𝑥𝐴 ↦ -𝐵), ℝ, < ))
Theoremsuprclrnmpt 41889* Closure of the indexed supremum of a nonempty bounded set of reals. Range of a function in maps-to notation can be used, to express an indexed supremum. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ ∅)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦)       (𝜑 → sup(ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵), ℝ, < ) ∈ ℝ)
Theoremsuprubrnmpt2 41890* A member of a nonempty indexed set of reals is less than or equal to the set's upper bound. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦)    &   (𝜑𝐶𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐷 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝑥 = 𝐶𝐵 = 𝐷)       (𝜑𝐷 ≤ sup(ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵), ℝ, < ))
Theoremsuprubrnmpt 41891* A member of a nonempty indexed set of reals is less than or equal to the set's upper bound. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦)       ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵 ≤ sup(ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵), ℝ, < ))
Theoremrnmptssdf 41892* The range of an operation given by the maps-to notation as a subset. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝑥𝐶    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝐶)       (𝜑 → ran 𝐹𝐶)
Theoremrnmptbdlem 41893* Boundness above of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝑦𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑 → (∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦 ↔ ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑧𝑦))
Theoremrnmptbd 41894* Boundness above of the range of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑 → (∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝑦 ↔ ∃𝑦 ∈ ℝ ∀𝑧 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝑧𝑦))
Theoremrnmptss2 41895* The range of an operation given by the maps-to notation as a subset. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 23-Oct-2021.)
𝑥𝜑    &   (𝜑𝐴𝐵)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐶𝑉)       (𝜑 → ran (𝑥𝐴𝐶) ⊆ ran (𝑥𝐵𝐶))
Theoremelmptima 41896* The image of a function in maps-to notation. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 2-Jan-2022.)
(𝐶𝑉 → (𝐶 ∈ ((𝑥𝐴𝐵) “ 𝐷) ↔ ∃𝑥 ∈ (𝐴𝐷)𝐶 = 𝐵))
Theoremralrnmpt3 41897* A restricted quantifier over an image set. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 2-Jan-2022.)
𝑥𝜑    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)    &   (𝑦 = 𝐵 → (𝜓𝜒))       (𝜑 → (∀𝑦 ∈ ran (𝑥𝐴𝐵)𝜓 ↔ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝜒))
Theoremfvelima2 41898* Function value in an image. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 2-Jan-2022.)
((𝐹 Fn 𝐴𝐵 ∈ (𝐹𝐶)) → ∃𝑥 ∈ (𝐴𝐶)(𝐹𝑥) = 𝐵)
Theoremrnmptssbi 41899* The range of an operation given by the maps-to notation as a subset. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 2-Jan-2022.)
𝑥𝜑    &   𝐹 = (𝑥𝐴𝐵)    &   ((𝜑𝑥𝐴) → 𝐵𝑉)       (𝜑 → (ran 𝐹𝐶 ↔ ∀𝑥𝐴 𝐵𝐶))
Theoremfnfvelrnd 41900 A function's value belongs to its range. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 2-Jan-2022.)
(𝜑𝐹 Fn 𝐴)    &   (𝜑𝐵𝐴)       (𝜑 → (𝐹𝐵) ∈ ran 𝐹)
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