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Type | Label | Description |
Statement | ||
Theorem | qusadd 19001 | Value of the group operation in a quotient group. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 /s (𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) & ⊢ 𝑉 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ ✚ = (+g‘𝐻) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ 𝑉 ∧ 𝑌 ∈ 𝑉) → ([𝑋](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆) ✚ [𝑌](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) = [(𝑋 + 𝑌)](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | qus0 19002 | Value of the group identity operation in a quotient group. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 /s (𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) & ⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (𝑆 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝐺) → [ 0 ](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆) = (0g‘𝐻)) | ||
Theorem | qusinv 19003 | Value of the group inverse operation in a quotient group. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 /s (𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) & ⊢ 𝑉 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐼 = (invg‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝑁 = (invg‘𝐻) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ 𝑉) → (𝑁‘[𝑋](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) = [(𝐼‘𝑋)](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | qussub 19004 | Value of the group subtraction operation in a quotient group. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 /s (𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) & ⊢ 𝑉 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝑁 = (-g‘𝐻) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ 𝑉 ∧ 𝑌 ∈ 𝑉) → ([𝑋](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)𝑁[𝑌](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) = [(𝑋 − 𝑌)](𝐺 ~QG 𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | lagsubg2 19005 | Lagrange's theorem for finite groups. Call the "order" of a group the cardinal number of the basic set of the group, and "index of a subgroup" the cardinal number of the set of left (or right, this is the same) cosets of this subgroup. Then the order of the group is the (cardinal) product of the order of any of its subgroups by the index of this subgroup. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Jul-2014.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 12-Aug-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ ∼ = (𝐺 ~QG 𝑌) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑌 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑋 ∈ Fin) ⇒ ⊢ (𝜑 → (♯‘𝑋) = ((♯‘(𝑋 / ∼ )) · (♯‘𝑌))) | ||
Theorem | lagsubg 19006 | Lagrange's theorem for Groups: the order of any subgroup of a finite group is a divisor of the order of the group. This is Metamath 100 proof #71. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 11-Jul-2014.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 12-Aug-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑌 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ Fin) → (♯‘𝑌) ∥ (♯‘𝑋)) | ||
This section contains some preliminary results about cyclic monoids and groups before the class CycGrp of cyclic groups (see df-cyg 19669) is defined in the context of Abelian groups. | ||
Theorem | cycsubmel 19007* | Characterization of an element of the set of nonnegative integer powers of an element 𝐴. Although this theorem holds for any class 𝐺, the definition of 𝐹 is only meaningful if 𝐺 is a monoid or at least a unital magma. (Contributed by AV, 28-Dec-2023.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℕ0 ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝐶 = ran 𝐹 ⇒ ⊢ (𝑋 ∈ 𝐶 ↔ ∃𝑖 ∈ ℕ0 𝑋 = (𝑖 · 𝐴)) | ||
Theorem | cycsubmcl 19008* | The set of nonnegative integer powers of an element 𝐴 contains 𝐴. Although this theorem holds for any class 𝐺, the definition of 𝐹 is only meaningful if 𝐺 is a monoid or at least a unital magma. (Contributed by AV, 28-Dec-2023.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℕ0 ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝐶 = ran 𝐹 ⇒ ⊢ (𝐴 ∈ 𝐵 → 𝐴 ∈ 𝐶) | ||
Theorem | cycsubm 19009* | The set of nonnegative integer powers of an element 𝐴 of a monoid forms a submonoid containing 𝐴 (see cycsubmcl 19008), called the cyclic monoid generated by the element 𝐴. This corresponds to the statement in [Lang] p. 6. (Contributed by AV, 28-Dec-2023.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℕ0 ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝐶 = ran 𝐹 ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Mnd ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝐵) → 𝐶 ∈ (SubMnd‘𝐺)) | ||
Theorem | cyccom 19010* | Condition for an operation to be commutative. Lemma for cycsubmcom 19011 and cygabl 19682. Formerly part of proof for cygabl 19682. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Apr-2016.) (Revised by AV, 20-Jan-2024.) |
⊢ (𝜑 → ∀𝑐 ∈ 𝐶 ∃𝑥 ∈ 𝑍 𝑐 = (𝑥 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → ∀𝑚 ∈ 𝑍 ∀𝑛 ∈ 𝑍 ((𝑚 + 𝑛) · 𝐴) = ((𝑚 · 𝐴) + (𝑛 · 𝐴))) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑋 ∈ 𝐶) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑌 ∈ 𝐶) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑍 ⊆ ℂ) ⇒ ⊢ (𝜑 → (𝑋 + 𝑌) = (𝑌 + 𝑋)) | ||
Theorem | cycsubmcom 19011* | The operation of a monoid is commutative over the set of nonnegative integer powers of an element 𝐴 of the monoid. (Contributed by AV, 20-Jan-2024.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℕ0 ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝐶 = ran 𝐹 & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (((𝐺 ∈ Mnd ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝐵) ∧ (𝑋 ∈ 𝐶 ∧ 𝑌 ∈ 𝐶)) → (𝑋 + 𝑌) = (𝑌 + 𝑋)) | ||
Theorem | cycsubggend 19012* | The cyclic subgroup generated by 𝐴 includes its generator. Although this theorem holds for any class 𝐺, the definition of 𝐹 is only meaningful if 𝐺 is a group. (Contributed by Rohan Ridenour, 3-Aug-2023.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑛 ∈ ℤ ↦ (𝑛 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐴 ∈ 𝐵) ⇒ ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐴 ∈ ran 𝐹) | ||
Theorem | cycsubgcl 19013* | The set of integer powers of an element 𝐴 of a group forms a subgroup containing 𝐴, called the cyclic group generated by the element 𝐴. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℤ ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → (ran 𝐹 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ ran 𝐹)) | ||
Theorem | cycsubgss 19014* | The cyclic subgroup generated by an element 𝐴 is a subset of any subgroup containing 𝐴. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℤ ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑆) → ran 𝐹 ⊆ 𝑆) | ||
Theorem | cycsubg 19015* | The cyclic group generated by 𝐴 is the smallest subgroup containing 𝐴. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℤ ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → ran 𝐹 = ∩ {𝑠 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∣ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑠}) | ||
Theorem | cycsubgcld 19016* | The cyclic subgroup generated by 𝐴 is a subgroup. Deduction related to cycsubgcl 19013. (Contributed by Rohan Ridenour, 3-Aug-2023.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑛 ∈ ℤ ↦ (𝑛 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐺 ∈ Grp) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐴 ∈ 𝐵) ⇒ ⊢ (𝜑 → ran 𝐹 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺)) | ||
Theorem | cycsubg2 19017* | The subgroup generated by an element is exhausted by its multiples. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 6-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ ℤ ↦ (𝑥 · 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝐾 = (mrCls‘(SubGrp‘𝐺)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → (𝐾‘{𝐴}) = ran 𝐹) | ||
Theorem | cycsubg2cl 19018 | Any multiple of an element is contained in the generated cyclic subgroup. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 12-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐾 = (mrCls‘(SubGrp‘𝐺)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℤ) → (𝑁 · 𝐴) ∈ (𝐾‘{𝐴})) | ||
Syntax | cghm 19019 | Extend class notation with the generator of group hom-sets. |
class GrpHom | ||
Definition | df-ghm 19020* | A homomorphism of groups is a map between two structures which preserves the group operation. Requiring both sides to be groups simplifies most theorems at the cost of complicating the theorem which pushes forward a group structure. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ GrpHom = (𝑠 ∈ Grp, 𝑡 ∈ Grp ↦ {𝑔 ∣ [(Base‘𝑠) / 𝑤](𝑔:𝑤⟶(Base‘𝑡) ∧ ∀𝑥 ∈ 𝑤 ∀𝑦 ∈ 𝑤 (𝑔‘(𝑥(+g‘𝑠)𝑦)) = ((𝑔‘𝑥)(+g‘𝑡)(𝑔‘𝑦)))}) | ||
Theorem | reldmghm 19021 | Lemma for group homomorphisms. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ Rel dom GrpHom | ||
Theorem | isghm 19022* | Property of being a homomorphism of groups. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝑆) & ⊢ ⨣ = (+g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ↔ ((𝑆 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝑇 ∈ Grp) ∧ (𝐹:𝑋⟶𝑌 ∧ ∀𝑢 ∈ 𝑋 ∀𝑣 ∈ 𝑋 (𝐹‘(𝑢 + 𝑣)) = ((𝐹‘𝑢) ⨣ (𝐹‘𝑣))))) | ||
Theorem | isghm3 19023* | Property of a group homomorphism, similar to ismhm 18617. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 7-Mar-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝑆) & ⊢ ⨣ = (+g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝑇 ∈ Grp) → (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ↔ (𝐹:𝑋⟶𝑌 ∧ ∀𝑢 ∈ 𝑋 ∀𝑣 ∈ 𝑋 (𝐹‘(𝑢 + 𝑣)) = ((𝐹‘𝑢) ⨣ (𝐹‘𝑣))))) | ||
Theorem | ghmgrp1 19024 | A group homomorphism is only defined when the domain is a group. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → 𝑆 ∈ Grp) | ||
Theorem | ghmgrp2 19025 | A group homomorphism is only defined when the codomain is a group. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → 𝑇 ∈ Grp) | ||
Theorem | ghmf 19026 | A group homomorphism is a function. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → 𝐹:𝑋⟶𝑌) | ||
Theorem | ghmlin 19027 | A homomorphism of groups is linear. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝑆) & ⊢ ⨣ = (+g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑈 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝑉 ∈ 𝑋) → (𝐹‘(𝑈 + 𝑉)) = ((𝐹‘𝑈) ⨣ (𝐹‘𝑉))) | ||
Theorem | ghmid 19028 | A homomorphism of groups preserves the identity. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝑌 = (0g‘𝑆) & ⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → (𝐹‘𝑌) = 0 ) | ||
Theorem | ghminv 19029 | A homomorphism of groups preserves inverses. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑀 = (invg‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑁 = (invg‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ 𝐵) → (𝐹‘(𝑀‘𝑋)) = (𝑁‘(𝐹‘𝑋))) | ||
Theorem | ghmsub 19030 | Linearity of subtraction through a group homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑁 = (-g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑈 ∈ 𝐵 ∧ 𝑉 ∈ 𝐵) → (𝐹‘(𝑈 − 𝑉)) = ((𝐹‘𝑈)𝑁(𝐹‘𝑉))) | ||
Theorem | isghmd 19031* | Deduction for a group homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 4-Feb-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝑆) & ⊢ ⨣ = (+g‘𝑇) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑆 ∈ Grp) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝑇 ∈ Grp) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐹:𝑋⟶𝑌) & ⊢ ((𝜑 ∧ (𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋)) → (𝐹‘(𝑥 + 𝑦)) = ((𝐹‘𝑥) ⨣ (𝐹‘𝑦))) ⇒ ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | ghmmhm 19032 | A group homomorphism is a monoid homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 7-Mar-2015.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 MndHom 𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | ghmmhmb 19033 | Group homomorphisms and monoid homomorphisms coincide. (Thus, GrpHom is somewhat redundant, although its stronger reverse closure properties are sometimes useful.) (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 7-Mar-2015.) |
⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝑇 ∈ Grp) → (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) = (𝑆 MndHom 𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | ghmmulg 19034 | A homomorphism of monoids preserves group multiples. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 14-Jun-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ · = (.g‘𝐺) & ⊢ × = (.g‘𝐻) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝐺 GrpHom 𝐻) ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℤ ∧ 𝑋 ∈ 𝐵) → (𝐹‘(𝑁 · 𝑋)) = (𝑁 × (𝐹‘𝑋))) | ||
Theorem | ghmrn 19035 | The range of a homomorphism is a subgroup. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → ran 𝐹 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | 0ghm 19036 | The constant zero linear function between two groups. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 5-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝑁) & ⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑀) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑀 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝑁 ∈ Grp) → (𝐵 × { 0 }) ∈ (𝑀 GrpHom 𝑁)) | ||
Theorem | idghm 19037 | The identity homomorphism on a group. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐺 ∈ Grp → ( I ↾ 𝐵) ∈ (𝐺 GrpHom 𝐺)) | ||
Theorem | resghm 19038 | Restriction of a homomorphism to a subgroup. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝑈 = (𝑆 ↾s 𝑋) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑆)) → (𝐹 ↾ 𝑋) ∈ (𝑈 GrpHom 𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | resghm2 19039 | One direction of resghm2b 19040. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 18-Jun-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑈 = (𝑇 ↾s 𝑋) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑈) ∧ 𝑋 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑇)) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | resghm2b 19040 | Restriction of the codomain of a homomorphism. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 18-Jun-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑈 = (𝑇 ↾s 𝑋) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑋 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑇) ∧ ran 𝐹 ⊆ 𝑋) → (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ↔ 𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑈))) | ||
Theorem | ghmghmrn 19041 | A group homomorphism from 𝐺 to 𝐻 is also a group homomorphism from 𝐺 to its image in 𝐻. (Contributed by Paul Chapman, 3-Mar-2008.) (Revised by AV, 26-Aug-2021.) |
⊢ 𝑈 = (𝑇 ↾s ran 𝐹) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑈)) | ||
Theorem | ghmco 19042 | The composition of group homomorphisms is a homomorphism. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 12-Jun-2015.) |
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑇 GrpHom 𝑈) ∧ 𝐺 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇)) → (𝐹 ∘ 𝐺) ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑈)) | ||
Theorem | ghmima 19043 | The image of a subgroup under a homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑈 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑆)) → (𝐹 “ 𝑈) ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | ghmpreima 19044 | The inverse image of a subgroup under a homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑉 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑇)) → (◡𝐹 “ 𝑉) ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | ghmeql 19045 | The equalizer of two group homomorphisms is a subgroup. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 7-Mar-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 6-May-2015.) |
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝐺 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇)) → dom (𝐹 ∩ 𝐺) ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | ghmnsgima 19046 | The image of a normal subgroup under a surjective homomorphism is normal. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Feb-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑈 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝑆) ∧ ran 𝐹 = 𝑌) → (𝐹 “ 𝑈) ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝑇)) | ||
Theorem | ghmnsgpreima 19047 | The inverse image of a normal subgroup under a homomorphism is normal. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Feb-2015.) |
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑉 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝑇)) → (◡𝐹 “ 𝑉) ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | ghmker 19048 | The kernel of a homomorphism is a normal subgroup. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 4-Feb-2015.) |
⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → (◡𝐹 “ { 0 }) ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | ghmeqker 19049 | Two source points map to the same destination point under a group homomorphism iff their difference belongs to the kernel. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Dec-2014.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝑇) & ⊢ 𝐾 = (◡𝐹 “ { 0 }) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝑆) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) ∧ 𝑈 ∈ 𝐵 ∧ 𝑉 ∈ 𝐵) → ((𝐹‘𝑈) = (𝐹‘𝑉) ↔ (𝑈 − 𝑉) ∈ 𝐾)) | ||
Theorem | pwsdiagghm 19050* | Diagonal homomorphism into a structure power. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 24-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑌 = (𝑅 ↑s 𝐼) & ⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑅) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝐵 ↦ (𝐼 × {𝑥})) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑅 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝐼 ∈ 𝑊) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpHom 𝑌)) | ||
Theorem | ghmf1 19051* | Two ways of saying a group homomorphism is 1-1 into its codomain. (Contributed by Paul Chapman, 3-Mar-2008.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) & ⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑈 = (0g‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → (𝐹:𝑋–1-1→𝑌 ↔ ∀𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 ((𝐹‘𝑥) = 𝑈 → 𝑥 = 0 ))) | ||
Theorem | ghmf1o 19052 | A bijective group homomorphism is an isomorphism. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝑆) & ⊢ 𝑌 = (Base‘𝑇) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑇) → (𝐹:𝑋–1-1-onto→𝑌 ↔ ◡𝐹 ∈ (𝑇 GrpHom 𝑆))) | ||
Theorem | conjghm 19053* | Conjugation is an automorphism of the group. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 ↦ ((𝐴 + 𝑥) − 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → (𝐹 ∈ (𝐺 GrpHom 𝐺) ∧ 𝐹:𝑋–1-1-onto→𝑋)) | ||
Theorem | conjsubg 19054* | A conjugated subgroup is also a subgroup. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 ↦ ((𝐴 + 𝑥) − 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → ran 𝐹 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺)) | ||
Theorem | conjsubgen 19055* | A conjugated subgroup is equinumerous to the original subgroup. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 ↦ ((𝐴 + 𝑥) − 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → 𝑆 ≈ ran 𝐹) | ||
Theorem | conjnmz 19056* | A subgroup is unchanged under conjugation by an element of its normalizer. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 ↦ ((𝐴 + 𝑥) − 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝑁 = {𝑦 ∈ 𝑋 ∣ ∀𝑧 ∈ 𝑋 ((𝑦 + 𝑧) ∈ 𝑆 ↔ (𝑧 + 𝑦) ∈ 𝑆)} ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑁) → 𝑆 = ran 𝐹) | ||
Theorem | conjnmzb 19057* | Alternative condition for elementhood in the normalizer. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 ↦ ((𝐴 + 𝑥) − 𝐴)) & ⊢ 𝑁 = {𝑦 ∈ 𝑋 ∣ ∀𝑧 ∈ 𝑋 ((𝑦 + 𝑧) ∈ 𝑆 ↔ (𝑧 + 𝑦) ∈ 𝑆)} ⇒ ⊢ (𝑆 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) → (𝐴 ∈ 𝑁 ↔ (𝐴 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝑆 = ran 𝐹))) | ||
Theorem | conjnsg 19058* | A normal subgroup is unchanged under conjugation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 18-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ − = (-g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 ↦ ((𝐴 + 𝑥) − 𝐴)) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝑆 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝐺) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → 𝑆 = ran 𝐹) | ||
Theorem | qusghm 19059* | If 𝑌 is a normal subgroup of 𝐺, then the "natural map" from elements to their cosets is a group homomorphism from 𝐺 to 𝐺 / 𝑌. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 14-Jun-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 18-Sep-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 /s (𝐺 ~QG 𝑌)) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 ↦ [𝑥](𝐺 ~QG 𝑌)) ⇒ ⊢ (𝑌 ∈ (NrmSGrp‘𝐺) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝐺 GrpHom 𝐻)) | ||
Theorem | ghmpropd 19060* | Group homomorphism depends only on the group attributes of structures. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 12-Jun-2015.) |
⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐽)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐶 = (Base‘𝐾)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐵 = (Base‘𝐿)) & ⊢ (𝜑 → 𝐶 = (Base‘𝑀)) & ⊢ ((𝜑 ∧ (𝑥 ∈ 𝐵 ∧ 𝑦 ∈ 𝐵)) → (𝑥(+g‘𝐽)𝑦) = (𝑥(+g‘𝐿)𝑦)) & ⊢ ((𝜑 ∧ (𝑥 ∈ 𝐶 ∧ 𝑦 ∈ 𝐶)) → (𝑥(+g‘𝐾)𝑦) = (𝑥(+g‘𝑀)𝑦)) ⇒ ⊢ (𝜑 → (𝐽 GrpHom 𝐾) = (𝐿 GrpHom 𝑀)) | ||
Syntax | cgim 19061 | The class of group isomorphism sets. |
class GrpIso | ||
Syntax | cgic 19062 | The class of the group isomorphism relation. |
class ≃𝑔 | ||
Definition | df-gim 19063* | An isomorphism of groups is a homomorphism which is also a bijection, i.e. it preserves equality as well as the group operation. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 21-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ GrpIso = (𝑠 ∈ Grp, 𝑡 ∈ Grp ↦ {𝑔 ∈ (𝑠 GrpHom 𝑡) ∣ 𝑔:(Base‘𝑠)–1-1-onto→(Base‘𝑡)}) | ||
Definition | df-gic 19064 | Two groups are said to be isomorphic iff they are connected by at least one isomorphism. Isomorphic groups share all global group properties, but to relate local properties requires knowledge of a specific isomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ ≃𝑔 = (◡ GrpIso “ (V ∖ 1o)) | ||
Theorem | gimfn 19065 | The group isomorphism function is a well-defined function. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 23-Aug-2015.) |
⊢ GrpIso Fn (Grp × Grp) | ||
Theorem | isgim 19066 | An isomorphism of groups is a bijective homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 21-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑅) & ⊢ 𝐶 = (Base‘𝑆) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) ↔ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpHom 𝑆) ∧ 𝐹:𝐵–1-1-onto→𝐶)) | ||
Theorem | gimf1o 19067 | An isomorphism of groups is a bijection. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 21-Jan-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 6-May-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑅) & ⊢ 𝐶 = (Base‘𝑆) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) → 𝐹:𝐵–1-1-onto→𝐶) | ||
Theorem | gimghm 19068 | An isomorphism of groups is a homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 21-Jan-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 6-May-2015.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpHom 𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | isgim2 19069 | A group isomorphism is a homomorphism whose converse is also a homomorphism. Characterization of isomorphisms similar to ishmeo 23147. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-May-2015.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) ↔ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpHom 𝑆) ∧ ◡𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpHom 𝑅))) | ||
Theorem | subggim 19070 | Behavior of subgroups under isomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 21-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑅) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) ∧ 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵) → (𝐴 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑅) ↔ (𝐹 “ 𝐴) ∈ (SubGrp‘𝑆))) | ||
Theorem | gimcnv 19071 | The converse of a bijective group homomorphism is a bijective group homomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 6-May-2015.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑆 GrpIso 𝑇) → ◡𝐹 ∈ (𝑇 GrpIso 𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | gimco 19072 | The composition of group isomorphisms is a group isomorphism. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Apr-2016.) |
⊢ ((𝐹 ∈ (𝑇 GrpIso 𝑈) ∧ 𝐺 ∈ (𝑆 GrpIso 𝑇)) → (𝐹 ∘ 𝐺) ∈ (𝑆 GrpIso 𝑈)) | ||
Theorem | brgic 19073 | The relation "is isomorphic to" for groups. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ (𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 ↔ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) ≠ ∅) | ||
Theorem | brgici 19074 | Prove isomorphic by an explicit isomorphism. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ (𝐹 ∈ (𝑅 GrpIso 𝑆) → 𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆) | ||
Theorem | gicref 19075 | Isomorphism is reflexive. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Apr-2016.) |
⊢ (𝑅 ∈ Grp → 𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑅) | ||
Theorem | giclcl 19076 | Isomorphism implies the left side is a group. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ (𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 → 𝑅 ∈ Grp) | ||
Theorem | gicrcl 19077 | Isomorphism implies the right side is a group. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 6-May-2015.) |
⊢ (𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 → 𝑆 ∈ Grp) | ||
Theorem | gicsym 19078 | Isomorphism is symmetric. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Apr-2016.) |
⊢ (𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 → 𝑆 ≃𝑔 𝑅) | ||
Theorem | gictr 19079 | Isomorphism is transitive. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Apr-2016.) |
⊢ ((𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 ∧ 𝑆 ≃𝑔 𝑇) → 𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑇) | ||
Theorem | gicer 19080 | Isomorphism is an equivalence relation on groups. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 21-Apr-2016.) (Proof shortened by AV, 1-May-2021.) |
⊢ ≃𝑔 Er Grp | ||
Theorem | gicen 19081 | Isomorphic groups have equinumerous base sets. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐵 = (Base‘𝑅) & ⊢ 𝐶 = (Base‘𝑆) ⇒ ⊢ (𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 → 𝐵 ≈ 𝐶) | ||
Theorem | gicsubgen 19082 | A less trivial example of a group invariant: cardinality of the subgroup lattice. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 25-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ (𝑅 ≃𝑔 𝑆 → (SubGrp‘𝑅) ≈ (SubGrp‘𝑆)) | ||
Syntax | cga 19083 | Extend class definition to include the class of group actions. |
class GrpAct | ||
Definition | df-ga 19084* | Define the class of all group actions. A group 𝐺 acts on a set 𝑆 if a permutation on 𝑆 is associated with every element of 𝐺 in such a way that the identity permutation on 𝑆 is associated with the neutral element of 𝐺, and the composition of the permutations associated with two elements of 𝐺 is identical with the permutation associated with the composition of these two elements (in the same order) in the group 𝐺. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 10-Aug-2009.) |
⊢ GrpAct = (𝑔 ∈ Grp, 𝑠 ∈ V ↦ ⦋(Base‘𝑔) / 𝑏⦌{𝑚 ∈ (𝑠 ↑m (𝑏 × 𝑠)) ∣ ∀𝑥 ∈ 𝑠 (((0g‘𝑔)𝑚𝑥) = 𝑥 ∧ ∀𝑦 ∈ 𝑏 ∀𝑧 ∈ 𝑏 ((𝑦(+g‘𝑔)𝑧)𝑚𝑥) = (𝑦𝑚(𝑧𝑚𝑥)))}) | ||
Theorem | isga 19085* | The predicate "is a (left) group action". The group 𝐺 is said to act on the base set 𝑌 of the action, which is not assumed to have any special properties. There is a related notion of right group action, but as the Wikipedia article explains, it is not mathematically interesting. The way actions are usually thought of is that each element 𝑔 of 𝐺 is a permutation of the elements of 𝑌 (see gapm 19100). Since group theory was classically about symmetry groups, it is therefore likely that the notion of group action was useful even in early group theory. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 10-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ ( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ↔ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝑌 ∈ V) ∧ ( ⊕ :(𝑋 × 𝑌)⟶𝑌 ∧ ∀𝑥 ∈ 𝑌 (( 0 ⊕ 𝑥) = 𝑥 ∧ ∀𝑦 ∈ 𝑋 ∀𝑧 ∈ 𝑋 ((𝑦 + 𝑧) ⊕ 𝑥) = (𝑦 ⊕ (𝑧 ⊕ 𝑥)))))) | ||
Theorem | gagrp 19086 | The left argument of a group action is a group. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 30-Apr-2015.) |
⊢ ( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) → 𝐺 ∈ Grp) | ||
Theorem | gaset 19087 | The right argument of a group action is a set. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 30-Apr-2015.) |
⊢ ( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) → 𝑌 ∈ V) | ||
Theorem | gagrpid 19088 | The identity of the group does not alter the base set. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 0 = (0g‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑌) → ( 0 ⊕ 𝐴) = 𝐴) | ||
Theorem | gaf 19089 | The mapping of the group action operation. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ ( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) → ⊕ :(𝑋 × 𝑌)⟶𝑌) | ||
Theorem | gafo 19090 | A group action is onto its base set. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 10-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ ( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) → ⊕ :(𝑋 × 𝑌)–onto→𝑌) | ||
Theorem | gaass 19091 | An "associative" property for group actions. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ (𝐴 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝐵 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝐶 ∈ 𝑌)) → ((𝐴 + 𝐵) ⊕ 𝐶) = (𝐴 ⊕ (𝐵 ⊕ 𝐶))) | ||
Theorem | ga0 19092 | The action of a group on the empty set. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ (𝐺 ∈ Grp → ∅ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct ∅)) | ||
Theorem | gaid 19093 | The trivial action of a group on any set. Each group element corresponds to the identity permutation. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ ((𝐺 ∈ Grp ∧ 𝑆 ∈ 𝑉) → (2nd ↾ (𝑋 × 𝑆)) ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑆)) | ||
Theorem | subgga 19094* | A subgroup acts on its parent group. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 13-Aug-2009.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 ↾s 𝑌) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑌, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋 ↦ (𝑥 + 𝑦)) ⇒ ⊢ (𝑌 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺) → 𝐹 ∈ (𝐻 GrpAct 𝑋)) | ||
Theorem | gass 19095* | A subset of a group action is a group action iff it is closed under the group action operation. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 17-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ 𝑍 ⊆ 𝑌) → (( ⊕ ↾ (𝑋 × 𝑍)) ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑍) ↔ ∀𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 ∀𝑦 ∈ 𝑍 (𝑥 ⊕ 𝑦) ∈ 𝑍)) | ||
Theorem | gasubg 19096 | The restriction of a group action to a subgroup is a group action. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 17-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝐻 = (𝐺 ↾s 𝑆) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ 𝑆 ∈ (SubGrp‘𝐺)) → ( ⊕ ↾ (𝑆 × 𝑌)) ∈ (𝐻 GrpAct 𝑌)) | ||
Theorem | gaid2 19097* | A group operation is a left group action of the group on itself. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ + = (+g‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑋, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋 ↦ (𝑥 + 𝑦)) ⇒ ⊢ (𝐺 ∈ Grp → 𝐹 ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑋)) | ||
Theorem | galcan 19098 | The action of a particular group element is left-cancelable. (Contributed by FL, 17-May-2010.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ (𝐴 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝐵 ∈ 𝑌 ∧ 𝐶 ∈ 𝑌)) → ((𝐴 ⊕ 𝐵) = (𝐴 ⊕ 𝐶) ↔ 𝐵 = 𝐶)) | ||
Theorem | gacan 19099 | Group inverses cancel in a group action. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Revised by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝑁 = (invg‘𝐺) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ (𝐴 ∈ 𝑋 ∧ 𝐵 ∈ 𝑌 ∧ 𝐶 ∈ 𝑌)) → ((𝐴 ⊕ 𝐵) = 𝐶 ↔ ((𝑁‘𝐴) ⊕ 𝐶) = 𝐵)) | ||
Theorem | gapm 19100* | The action of a particular group element is a permutation of the base set. (Contributed by Jeff Hankins, 11-Aug-2009.) (Proof shortened by Mario Carneiro, 13-Jan-2015.) |
⊢ 𝑋 = (Base‘𝐺) & ⊢ 𝐹 = (𝑥 ∈ 𝑌 ↦ (𝐴 ⊕ 𝑥)) ⇒ ⊢ (( ⊕ ∈ (𝐺 GrpAct 𝑌) ∧ 𝐴 ∈ 𝑋) → 𝐹:𝑌–1-1-onto→𝑌) |
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