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Theorem List for Metamath Proof Explorer - 44901-45000   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theorem257prm 44901 257 is a prime number (the fourth Fermat prime). (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2021.)
257 ∈ ℙ
Theoremfmtno3prm 44902 The 3 rd Fermat number is a prime (fourth Fermat prime). (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2021.)
(FermatNo‘3) ∈ ℙ
Theoremodz2prm2pw 44903 Any power of two is coprime to any prime not being two. (Contributed by AV, 25-Jul-2021.)
(((𝑁 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑃 ∈ (ℙ ∖ {2})) ∧ (((2↑(2↑𝑁)) mod 𝑃) ≠ 1 ∧ ((2↑(2↑(𝑁 + 1))) mod 𝑃) = 1)) → ((od𝑃)‘2) = (2↑(𝑁 + 1)))
Theoremfmtnoprmfac1lem 44904 Lemma for fmtnoprmfac1 44905: The order of 2 modulo a prime that divides the n-th Fermat number is 2^(n+1). (Contributed by AV, 25-Jul-2021.) (Proof shortened by AV, 18-Mar-2022.)
((𝑁 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑃 ∈ (ℙ ∖ {2}) ∧ 𝑃 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ((od𝑃)‘2) = (2↑(𝑁 + 1)))
Theoremfmtnoprmfac1 44905* Divisor of Fermat number (special form of Euler's result, see fmtnofac1 44910): Let Fn be a Fermat number. Let p be a prime divisor of Fn. Then p is in the form: k*2^(n+1)+1 where k is a positive integer. (Contributed by AV, 25-Jul-2021.)
((𝑁 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝑃 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ 𝑃 = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 1))) + 1))
Theoremfmtnoprmfac2lem1 44906 Lemma for fmtnoprmfac2 44907. (Contributed by AV, 26-Jul-2021.)
((𝑁 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑃 ∈ (ℙ ∖ {2}) ∧ 𝑃 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ((2↑((𝑃 − 1) / 2)) mod 𝑃) = 1)
Theoremfmtnoprmfac2 44907* Divisor of Fermat number (special form of Lucas' result, see fmtnofac2 44909): Let Fn be a Fermat number. Let p be a prime divisor of Fn. Then p is in the form: k*2^(n+2)+1 where k is a positive integer. (Contributed by AV, 26-Jul-2021.)
((𝑁 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝑃 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ 𝑃 = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 2))) + 1))
Theoremfmtnofac2lem 44908* Lemma for fmtnofac2 44909 (Induction step). (Contributed by AV, 30-Jul-2021.)
((𝑦 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑧 ∈ (ℤ‘2)) → ((((𝑁 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑦 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ0 𝑦 = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 2))) + 1)) ∧ ((𝑁 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑧 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ0 𝑧 = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 2))) + 1))) → ((𝑁 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ (𝑦 · 𝑧) ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ0 (𝑦 · 𝑧) = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 2))) + 1))))
Theoremfmtnofac2 44909* Divisor of Fermat number (Euler's Result refined by François Édouard Anatole Lucas), see fmtnofac1 44910: Let Fn be a Fermat number. Let m be divisor of Fn. Then m is in the form: k*2^(n+2)+1 where k is a nonnegative integer. (Contributed by AV, 30-Jul-2021.)
((𝑁 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑀 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ0 𝑀 = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 2))) + 1))
Theoremfmtnofac1 44910* Divisor of Fermat number (Euler's Result), see ProofWiki "Divisor of Fermat Number/Euler's Result", 24-Jul-2021, https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Divisor_of_Fermat_Number/Euler's_Result): "Let Fn be a Fermat number. Let m be divisor of Fn. Then m is in the form: k*2^(n+1)+1 where k is a positive integer." Here, however, k must be a nonnegative integer, because k must be 0 to represent 1 (which is a divisor of Fn ).

Historical Note: In 1747, Leonhard Paul Euler proved that a divisor of a Fermat number Fn is always in the form kx2^(n+1)+1. This was later refined to k*2^(n+2)+1 by François Édouard Anatole Lucas, see fmtnofac2 44909. (Contributed by AV, 30-Jul-2021.)

((𝑁 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑀 ∥ (FermatNo‘𝑁)) → ∃𝑘 ∈ ℕ0 𝑀 = ((𝑘 · (2↑(𝑁 + 1))) + 1))
Theoremfmtno4sqrt 44911 The floor of the square root of the fourth Fermat number is 256. (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
(⌊‘(√‘(FermatNo‘4))) = 256
Theoremfmtno4prmfac 44912 If P was a (prime) factor of the fourth Fermat number less than the square root of the fourth Fermat number, it would be either 65 or 129 or 193. (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
((𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝑃 ∥ (FermatNo‘4) ∧ 𝑃 ≤ (⌊‘(√‘(FermatNo‘4)))) → (𝑃 = 65 ∨ 𝑃 = 129 ∨ 𝑃 = 193))
Theoremfmtno4prmfac193 44913 If P was a (prime) factor of the fourth Fermat number, it would be 193. (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
((𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝑃 ∥ (FermatNo‘4) ∧ 𝑃 ≤ (⌊‘(√‘(FermatNo‘4)))) → 𝑃 = 193)
Theoremfmtno4nprmfac193 44914 193 is not a (prime) factor of the fourth Fermat number. (Contributed by AV, 24-Jul-2021.)
¬ 193 ∥ (FermatNo‘4)
Theoremfmtno4prm 44915 The 4-th Fermat number (65537) is a prime (the fifth Fermat prime). (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
(FermatNo‘4) ∈ ℙ
Theorem65537prm 44916 65537 is a prime number (the fifth Fermat prime). (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
65537 ∈ ℙ
Theoremfmtnofz04prm 44917 The first five Fermat numbers are prime, see remark in [ApostolNT] p. 7. (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
(𝑁 ∈ (0...4) → (FermatNo‘𝑁) ∈ ℙ)
Theoremfmtnole4prm 44918 The first five Fermat numbers are prime. (Contributed by AV, 28-Jul-2021.)
((𝑁 ∈ ℕ0𝑁 ≤ 4) → (FermatNo‘𝑁) ∈ ℙ)
Theoremfmtno5faclem1 44919 Lemma 1 for fmtno5fac 44922. (Contributed by AV, 22-Jul-2021.)
(6700417 · 4) = 26801668
Theoremfmtno5faclem2 44920 Lemma 2 for fmtno5fac 44922. (Contributed by AV, 22-Jul-2021.)
(6700417 · 6) = 40202502
Theoremfmtno5faclem3 44921 Lemma 3 for fmtno5fac 44922. (Contributed by AV, 22-Jul-2021.)
(402025020 + 26801668) = 428826688
Theoremfmtno5fac 44922 The factorisation of the 5 th Fermat number, see remark in [ApostolNT] p. 7. (Contributed by AV, 22-Jul-2021.)
(FermatNo‘5) = (6700417 · 641)
Theoremfmtno5nprm 44923 The 5 th Fermat number is a not a prime. (Contributed by AV, 22-Jul-2021.)
(FermatNo‘5) ∉ ℙ
Theoremprmdvdsfmtnof1lem1 44924* Lemma 1 for prmdvdsfmtnof1 44927. (Contributed by AV, 3-Aug-2021.)
𝐼 = inf({𝑝 ∈ ℙ ∣ 𝑝𝐹}, ℝ, < )    &   𝐽 = inf({𝑝 ∈ ℙ ∣ 𝑝𝐺}, ℝ, < )       ((𝐹 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝐺 ∈ (ℤ‘2)) → (𝐼 = 𝐽 → (𝐼 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝐼𝐹𝐼𝐺)))
Theoremprmdvdsfmtnof1lem2 44925 Lemma 2 for prmdvdsfmtnof1 44927. (Contributed by AV, 3-Aug-2021.)
((𝐹 ∈ ran FermatNo ∧ 𝐺 ∈ ran FermatNo) → ((𝐼 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝐼𝐹𝐼𝐺) → 𝐹 = 𝐺))
Theoremprmdvdsfmtnof 44926* The mapping of a Fermat number to its smallest prime factor is a function. (Contributed by AV, 4-Aug-2021.) (Proof shortened by II, 16-Feb-2023.)
𝐹 = (𝑓 ∈ ran FermatNo ↦ inf({𝑝 ∈ ℙ ∣ 𝑝𝑓}, ℝ, < ))       𝐹:ran FermatNo⟶ℙ
Theoremprmdvdsfmtnof1 44927* The mapping of a Fermat number to its smallest prime factor is a one-to-one function. (Contributed by AV, 4-Aug-2021.)
𝐹 = (𝑓 ∈ ran FermatNo ↦ inf({𝑝 ∈ ℙ ∣ 𝑝𝑓}, ℝ, < ))       𝐹:ran FermatNo–1-1→ℙ
Theoremprminf2 44928 The set of prime numbers is infinite. The proof of this variant of prminf 16544 is based on Goldbach's theorem goldbachth 44887 (via prmdvdsfmtnof1 44927 and prmdvdsfmtnof1lem2 44925), see Wikipedia "Fermat number", 4-Aug-2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat_number#Basic_properties 44925. (Contributed by AV, 4-Aug-2021.)
ℙ ∉ Fin
Theorem2pwp1prm 44929* For ((2↑𝑘) + 1) to be prime, 𝑘 must be a power of 2, see Wikipedia "Fermat number", section "Other theorms about Fermat numbers", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat_number, 5-Aug-2021. (Contributed by AV, 7-Aug-2021.)
((𝐾 ∈ ℕ ∧ ((2↑𝐾) + 1) ∈ ℙ) → ∃𝑛 ∈ ℕ0 𝐾 = (2↑𝑛))
Theorem2pwp1prmfmtno 44930* Every prime number of the form ((2↑𝑘) + 1) must be a Fermat number. (Contributed by AV, 7-Aug-2021.)
((𝐾 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑃 = ((2↑𝐾) + 1) ∧ 𝑃 ∈ ℙ) → ∃𝑛 ∈ ℕ0 𝑃 = (FermatNo‘𝑛))  Mersenne primes

"In mathematics, a Mersenne prime is a prime number that is one less than a power of two. That is, it is a prime number of the form Mn = 2^n-1 for some integer n. They are named after Marin Mersenne ... If n is a composite number then so is 2^n-1. Therefore, an equivalent definition of the Mersenne primes is that they are the prime numbers of the form Mp = 2^p-1 for some prime p.", see Wikipedia "Mersenne prime", 16-Aug-2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime. See also definition in [ApostolNT] p. 4.

This means that if Mn = 2^n-1 is prime, than n must be prime, too, see mersenne 26280. The reverse direction is not generally valid: If p is prime, then Mp = 2^p-1 needs not be prime, e.g. M11 = 2047 = 23 x 89, see m11nprm 44941. This is an example of sgprmdvdsmersenne 44944, stating that if p with p = 3 modulo 4 (here 11) and q=2p+1 (here 23) are prime, then q divides Mp.

"In number theory, a prime number p is a Sophie Germain prime if 2p+1 is also prime. The number 2p+1 associated with a Sophie Germain prime is called a safe prime.", see Wikipedia "Safe and Sophie Germain primes", 21-Aug-2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_and_Sophie_Germain_primes 44944. Hence, 11 is a Sophie Germain prime and 2x11+1=23 is its associated safe prime. By sfprmdvdsmersenne 44943, it is shown that if a safe prime q is congruent to 7 modulo 8, then it is a divisor of the Mersenne number with its matching Sophie Germain prime as exponent.

The main result of this section, however, is the formal proof of a theorem of S. Ligh and L. Neal in "A note on Mersenne numbers", see lighneal 44951.

Theoremm2prm 44931 The second Mersenne number M2 = 3 is a prime number. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.)
((2↑2) − 1) ∈ ℙ
Theoremm3prm 44932 The third Mersenne number M3 = 7 is a prime number. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.)
((2↑3) − 1) ∈ ℙ
Theoremflsqrt 44933 A condition equivalent to the floor of a square root. (Contributed by AV, 17-Aug-2021.)
(((𝐴 ∈ ℝ ∧ 0 ≤ 𝐴) ∧ 𝐵 ∈ ℕ0) → ((⌊‘(√‘𝐴)) = 𝐵 ↔ ((𝐵↑2) ≤ 𝐴𝐴 < ((𝐵 + 1)↑2))))
Theoremflsqrt5 44934 The floor of the square root of a nonnegative number is 5 iff the number is between 25 and 35. (Contributed by AV, 17-Aug-2021.)
((𝑋 ∈ ℝ ∧ 0 ≤ 𝑋) → ((25 ≤ 𝑋𝑋 < 36) ↔ (⌊‘(√‘𝑋)) = 5))
Theorem3ndvds4 44935 3 does not divide 4. (Contributed by AV, 18-Aug-2021.)
¬ 3 ∥ 4
Theorem139prmALT 44936 139 is a prime number. In contrast to 139prm 16753, the proof of this theorem uses 3dvds2dec 15970 for checking the divisibility by 3. Although the proof using 3dvds2dec 15970 is longer (regarding size: 1849 characters compared with 1809 for 139prm 16753), the number of essential steps is smaller (301 compared with 327 for 139prm 16753). (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 19-Feb-2014.) (Revised by AV, 18-Aug-2021.) (New usage is discouraged.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
139 ∈ ℙ
Theorem31prm 44937 31 is a prime number. In contrast to 37prm 16750, the proof of this theorem is not based on the "blanket" prmlem2 16749, but on isprm7 16341. Although the checks for non-divisibility by the primes 7 to 23 are not needed, the proof is much longer (regarding size) than the proof of 37prm 16750 (1810 characters compared with 1213 for 37prm 16750). The number of essential steps, however, is much smaller (138 compared with 213 for 37prm 16750). (Contributed by AV, 17-Aug-2021.) (Proof modification is discouraged.)
31 ∈ ℙ
Theoremm5prm 44938 The fifth Mersenne number M5 = 31 is a prime number. (Contributed by AV, 17-Aug-2021.)
((2↑5) − 1) ∈ ℙ
Theorem127prm 44939 127 is a prime number. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.) (Proof shortened by AV, 16-Sep-2021.)
127 ∈ ℙ
Theoremm7prm 44940 The seventh Mersenne number M7 = 127 is a prime number. (Contributed by AV, 18-Aug-2021.)
((2↑7) − 1) ∈ ℙ
Theoremm11nprm 44941 The eleventh Mersenne number M11 = 2047 is not a prime number. (Contributed by AV, 18-Aug-2021.)
((2↑11) − 1) = (89 · 23)
Theoremmod42tp1mod8 44942 If a number is 3 modulo 4, twice the number plus 1 is 7 modulo 8. (Contributed by AV, 19-Aug-2021.)
((𝑁 ∈ ℤ ∧ (𝑁 mod 4) = 3) → (((2 · 𝑁) + 1) mod 8) = 7)
Theoremsfprmdvdsmersenne 44943 If 𝑄 is a safe prime (i.e. 𝑄 = ((2 · 𝑃) + 1) for a prime 𝑃) with 𝑄≡7 (mod 8), then 𝑄 divides the 𝑃-th Mersenne number MP. (Contributed by AV, 20-Aug-2021.)
((𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ (𝑄 ∈ ℙ ∧ (𝑄 mod 8) = 7 ∧ 𝑄 = ((2 · 𝑃) + 1))) → 𝑄 ∥ ((2↑𝑃) − 1))
Theoremsgprmdvdsmersenne 44944 If 𝑃 is a Sophie Germain prime (i.e. 𝑄 = ((2 · 𝑃) + 1) is also prime) with 𝑃≡3 (mod 4), then 𝑄 divides the 𝑃-th Mersenne number MP. (Contributed by AV, 20-Aug-2021.)
(((𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ (𝑃 mod 4) = 3) ∧ (𝑄 = ((2 · 𝑃) + 1) ∧ 𝑄 ∈ ℙ)) → 𝑄 ∥ ((2↑𝑃) − 1))
Theoremlighneallem1 44945 Lemma 1 for lighneal 44951. (Contributed by AV, 11-Aug-2021.)
((𝑃 = 2 ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℕ) → ((2↑𝑁) − 1) ≠ (𝑃𝑀))
Theoremlighneallem2 44946 Lemma 2 for lighneal 44951. (Contributed by AV, 13-Aug-2021.)
(((𝑃 ∈ (ℙ ∖ {2}) ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℕ) ∧ 2 ∥ 𝑁 ∧ ((2↑𝑁) − 1) = (𝑃𝑀)) → 𝑀 = 1)
Theoremlighneallem3 44947 Lemma 3 for lighneal 44951. (Contributed by AV, 11-Aug-2021.)
(((𝑃 ∈ (ℙ ∖ {2}) ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℕ) ∧ (¬ 2 ∥ 𝑁 ∧ 2 ∥ 𝑀) ∧ ((2↑𝑁) − 1) = (𝑃𝑀)) → 𝑀 = 1)
Theoremlighneallem4a 44948 Lemma 1 for lighneallem4 44950. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.)
((𝐴 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑀 ∈ (ℤ‘3) ∧ 𝑆 = (((𝐴𝑀) + 1) / (𝐴 + 1))) → 2 ≤ 𝑆)
Theoremlighneallem4b 44949* Lemma 2 for lighneallem4 44950. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.)
((𝐴 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ 𝑀 ∈ (ℤ‘2) ∧ ¬ 2 ∥ 𝑀) → Σ𝑘 ∈ (0...(𝑀 − 1))((-1↑𝑘) · (𝐴𝑘)) ∈ (ℤ‘2))
Theoremlighneallem4 44950 Lemma 3 for lighneal 44951. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.)
(((𝑃 ∈ (ℙ ∖ {2}) ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℕ) ∧ (¬ 2 ∥ 𝑁 ∧ ¬ 2 ∥ 𝑀) ∧ ((2↑𝑁) − 1) = (𝑃𝑀)) → 𝑀 = 1)
Theoremlighneal 44951 If a power of a prime 𝑃 (i.e. 𝑃𝑀) is of the form 2↑𝑁 − 1, then 𝑁 must be prime and 𝑀 must be 1. Generalization of mersenne 26280 (where 𝑀 = 1 is a prerequisite). Theorem of S. Ligh and L. Neal (1974) "A note on Mersenne mumbers", Mathematics Magazine, 47:4, 231-233. (Contributed by AV, 16-Aug-2021.)
(((𝑃 ∈ ℙ ∧ 𝑀 ∈ ℕ ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℕ) ∧ ((2↑𝑁) − 1) = (𝑃𝑀)) → (𝑀 = 1 ∧ 𝑁 ∈ ℙ))  Proth's theorem
Theoremmodexp2m1d 44952 The square of an integer which is -1 modulo a number greater than 1 is 1 modulo the same modulus. (Contributed by AV, 5-Jul-2020.)
(𝜑𝐴 ∈ ℤ)    &   (𝜑𝐸 ∈ ℝ+)    &   (𝜑 → 1 < 𝐸)    &   (𝜑 → (𝐴 mod 𝐸) = (-1 mod 𝐸))       (𝜑 → ((𝐴↑2) mod 𝐸) = 1)
Theoremproththdlem 44953 Lemma for proththd 44954. (Contributed by AV, 4-Jul-2020.)
(𝜑𝑁 ∈ ℕ)    &   (𝜑𝐾 ∈ ℕ)    &   (𝜑𝑃 = ((𝐾 · (2↑𝑁)) + 1))       (𝜑 → (𝑃 ∈ ℕ ∧ 1 < 𝑃 ∧ ((𝑃 − 1) / 2) ∈ ℕ))
Theoremproththd 44954* Proth's theorem (1878). If P is a Proth number, i.e. a number of the form k2^n+1 with k less than 2^n, and if there exists an integer x for which x^((P-1)/2) is -1 modulo P, then P is prime. Such a prime is called a Proth prime. Like Pocklington's theorem (see pockthg 16535), Proth's theorem allows for a convenient method for verifying large primes. (Contributed by AV, 5-Jul-2020.)
(𝜑𝑁 ∈ ℕ)    &   (𝜑𝐾 ∈ ℕ)    &   (𝜑𝑃 = ((𝐾 · (2↑𝑁)) + 1))    &   (𝜑𝐾 < (2↑𝑁))    &   (𝜑 → ∃𝑥 ∈ ℤ ((𝑥↑((𝑃 − 1) / 2)) mod 𝑃) = (-1 mod 𝑃))       (𝜑𝑃 ∈ ℙ)
Theorem5tcu2e40 44955 5 times the cube of 2 is 40. (Contributed by AV, 4-Jul-2020.)
(5 · (2↑3)) = 40
Theorem3exp4mod41 44956 3 to the fourth power is -1 modulo 41. (Contributed by AV, 5-Jul-2020.)
((3↑4) mod 41) = (-1 mod 41)
Theorem41prothprmlem1 44957 Lemma 1 for 41prothprm 44959. (Contributed by AV, 4-Jul-2020.)
𝑃 = 41       ((𝑃 − 1) / 2) = 20
Theorem41prothprmlem2 44958 Lemma 2 for 41prothprm 44959. (Contributed by AV, 5-Jul-2020.)
𝑃 = 41       ((3↑((𝑃 − 1) / 2)) mod 𝑃) = (-1 mod 𝑃)
Theorem41prothprm 44959 41 is a Proth prime. (Contributed by AV, 5-Jul-2020.)
𝑃 = 41       (𝑃 = ((5 · (2↑3)) + 1) ∧ 𝑃 ∈ ℙ)  Solutions of quadratic equations
Theoremquad1 44960* A condition for a quadratic equation with complex coefficients to have (exactly) one complex solution. (Contributed by AV, 23-Jan-2023.)
(𝜑𝐴 ∈ ℂ)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ 0)    &   (𝜑𝐵 ∈ ℂ)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ∈ ℂ)    &   (𝜑𝐷 = ((𝐵↑2) − (4 · (𝐴 · 𝐶))))       (𝜑 → (∃!𝑥 ∈ ℂ ((𝐴 · (𝑥↑2)) + ((𝐵 · 𝑥) + 𝐶)) = 0 ↔ 𝐷 = 0))
Theoremrequad01 44961* A condition for a quadratic equation with real coefficients to have (at least) one real solution. (Contributed by AV, 23-Jan-2023.)
(𝜑𝐴 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ 0)    &   (𝜑𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐷 = ((𝐵↑2) − (4 · (𝐴 · 𝐶))))       (𝜑 → (∃𝑥 ∈ ℝ ((𝐴 · (𝑥↑2)) + ((𝐵 · 𝑥) + 𝐶)) = 0 ↔ 0 ≤ 𝐷))
Theoremrequad1 44962* A condition for a quadratic equation with real coefficients to have (exactly) one real solution. (Contributed by AV, 26-Jan-2023.)
(𝜑𝐴 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ 0)    &   (𝜑𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐷 = ((𝐵↑2) − (4 · (𝐴 · 𝐶))))       (𝜑 → (∃!𝑥 ∈ ℝ ((𝐴 · (𝑥↑2)) + ((𝐵 · 𝑥) + 𝐶)) = 0 ↔ 𝐷 = 0))
Theoremrequad2 44963* A condition for a quadratic equation with real coefficients to have (exactly) two different real solutions. (Contributed by AV, 28-Jan-2023.)
(𝜑𝐴 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐴 ≠ 0)    &   (𝜑𝐵 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐶 ∈ ℝ)    &   (𝜑𝐷 = ((𝐵↑2) − (4 · (𝐴 · 𝐶))))       (𝜑 → (∃!𝑝 ∈ 𝒫 ℝ((♯‘𝑝) = 2 ∧ ∀𝑥𝑝 ((𝐴 · (𝑥↑2)) + ((𝐵 · 𝑥) + 𝐶)) = 0) ↔ 0 < 𝐷))
20.41.13  Even and odd numbers

Even and odd numbers can be characterized in many different ways. In the following, the definition of even and odd numbers is based on the fact that dividing an even number (resp. an odd number increased by 1) by 2 is an integer, see df-even 44966 and df-odd 44967. Alternate definitions resp. characterizations are provided in dfeven2 44989, dfeven3 44998, dfeven4 44978 and in dfodd2 44976, dfodd3 44990, dfodd4 44999, dfodd5 45000, dfodd6 44977. Each characterization can be useful (and used) in an appropriate context, e.g. dfodd6 44977 in opoeALTV 45023 and dfodd3 44990 in oddprmALTV 45027. Having a fixed definition for even and odd numbers, and alternate characterizations as theorems, advanced theorems about even and/or odd numbers can be expressed more explicitly, and the appropriate characterization can be chosen for their proof, which may become clearer and sometimes also shorter (see, for example, divgcdoddALTV 45022 and divgcdodd 16343).  Definitions and basic properties
Syntaxceven 44964 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of even numbers.
class Even
Syntaxcodd 44965 Extend the definition of a class to include the set of odd numbers.
class Odd
Definitiondf-even 44966 Define the set of even numbers. (Contributed by AV, 14-Jun-2020.)
Even = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ (𝑧 / 2) ∈ ℤ}
Definitiondf-odd 44967 Define the set of odd numbers. (Contributed by AV, 14-Jun-2020.)
Odd = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ ((𝑧 + 1) / 2) ∈ ℤ}
Theoremiseven 44968 The predicate "is an even number". An even number is an integer which is divisible by 2, i.e. the result of dividing the even integer by 2 is still an integer. (Contributed by AV, 14-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even ↔ (𝑍 ∈ ℤ ∧ (𝑍 / 2) ∈ ℤ))
Theoremisodd 44969 The predicate "is an odd number". An odd number is an integer which is not divisible by 2, i.e. the result of dividing the odd integer increased by 1 and then divided by 2 is still an integer. (Contributed by AV, 14-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd ↔ (𝑍 ∈ ℤ ∧ ((𝑍 + 1) / 2) ∈ ℤ))
Theoremevenz 44970 An even number is an integer. (Contributed by AV, 14-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even → 𝑍 ∈ ℤ)
Theoremoddz 44971 An odd number is an integer. (Contributed by AV, 14-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → 𝑍 ∈ ℤ)
Theoremevendiv2z 44972 The result of dividing an even number by 2 is an integer. (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even → (𝑍 / 2) ∈ ℤ)
Theoremoddp1div2z 44973 The result of dividing an odd number increased by 1 and then divided by 2 is an integer. (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → ((𝑍 + 1) / 2) ∈ ℤ)
Theoremoddm1div2z 44974 The result of dividing an odd number decreased by 1 and then divided by 2 is an integer. (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → ((𝑍 − 1) / 2) ∈ ℤ)
Theoremisodd2 44975 The predicate "is an odd number". An odd number is an integer which is not divisible by 2, i.e. the result of dividing the odd number decreased by 1 and then divided by 2 is still an integer. (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd ↔ (𝑍 ∈ ℤ ∧ ((𝑍 − 1) / 2) ∈ ℤ))
Theoremdfodd2 44976 Alternate definition for odd numbers. (Contributed by AV, 15-Jun-2020.)
Odd = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ ((𝑧 − 1) / 2) ∈ ℤ}
Theoremdfodd6 44977* Alternate definition for odd numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Odd = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ ∃𝑖 ∈ ℤ 𝑧 = ((2 · 𝑖) + 1)}
Theoremdfeven4 44978* Alternate definition for even numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Even = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ ∃𝑖 ∈ ℤ 𝑧 = (2 · 𝑖)}
Theoremevenm1odd 44979 The predecessor of an even number is odd. (Contributed by AV, 16-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even → (𝑍 − 1) ∈ Odd )
Theoremevenp1odd 44980 The successor of an even number is odd. (Contributed by AV, 16-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even → (𝑍 + 1) ∈ Odd )
Theoremoddp1eveni 44981 The successor of an odd number is even. (Contributed by AV, 16-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → (𝑍 + 1) ∈ Even )
Theoremoddm1eveni 44982 The predecessor of an odd number is even. (Contributed by AV, 6-Jul-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → (𝑍 − 1) ∈ Even )
Theoremevennodd 44983 An even number is not an odd number. (Contributed by AV, 16-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even → ¬ 𝑍 ∈ Odd )
Theoremoddneven 44984 An odd number is not an even number. (Contributed by AV, 16-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → ¬ 𝑍 ∈ Even )
Theoremenege 44985 The negative of an even number is even. (Contributed by AV, 20-Jun-2020.)
(𝐴 ∈ Even → -𝐴 ∈ Even )
Theoremonego 44986 The negative of an odd number is odd. (Contributed by AV, 20-Jun-2020.)
(𝐴 ∈ Odd → -𝐴 ∈ Odd )
Theoremm1expevenALTV 44987 Exponentiation of -1 by an even power. (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 29-Jun-2017.) (Revised by AV, 6-Jul-2020.)
(𝑁 ∈ Even → (-1↑𝑁) = 1)
Theoremm1expoddALTV 44988 Exponentiation of -1 by an odd power. (Contributed by AV, 6-Jul-2020.)
(𝑁 ∈ Odd → (-1↑𝑁) = -1)  Alternate definitions using the "divides" relation
Theoremdfeven2 44989 Alternate definition for even numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Even = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ 2 ∥ 𝑧}
Theoremdfodd3 44990 Alternate definition for odd numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Odd = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ ¬ 2 ∥ 𝑧}
Theoremiseven2 44991 The predicate "is an even number". An even number is an integer which is divisible by 2. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even ↔ (𝑍 ∈ ℤ ∧ 2 ∥ 𝑍))
Theoremisodd3 44992 The predicate "is an odd number". An odd number is an integer which is not divisible by 2. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd ↔ (𝑍 ∈ ℤ ∧ ¬ 2 ∥ 𝑍))
Theorem2dvdseven 44993 2 divides an even number. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Even → 2 ∥ 𝑍)
Theoremm2even 44994 A multiple of 2 is an even number. (Contributed by AV, 5-Jun-2023.)
(𝑍 ∈ ℤ → (2 · 𝑍) ∈ Even )
Theorem2ndvdsodd 44995 2 does not divide an odd number. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → ¬ 2 ∥ 𝑍)
Theorem2dvdsoddp1 44996 2 divides an odd number increased by 1. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → 2 ∥ (𝑍 + 1))
Theorem2dvdsoddm1 44997 2 divides an odd number decreased by 1. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
(𝑍 ∈ Odd → 2 ∥ (𝑍 − 1))  Alternate definitions using the "modulo" operation
Theoremdfeven3 44998 Alternate definition for even numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Even = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ (𝑧 mod 2) = 0}
Theoremdfodd4 44999 Alternate definition for odd numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Odd = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ (𝑧 mod 2) = 1}
Theoremdfodd5 45000 Alternate definition for odd numbers. (Contributed by AV, 18-Jun-2020.)
Odd = {𝑧 ∈ ℤ ∣ (𝑧 mod 2) ≠ 0}
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